Fighter Squadron (Warner Bros.) (1948)

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a 4 +2 F — 2z2 4 The Flying wR é Bia The slug below accompanies Mat 207 iit to replace copy “IS HERE’ as needed. had wings | \ if theyd fly fy " in it Tf PE Linon ; = 2 2ZAAZ 2... 27 thd £26 22 Be 2 42 BZe 222227 2622 7 skirts =e” ZR EZ BB? ZezZze ZA ZiZgZeaZZi theyd = = Be = BS 2 22S ie2zewzZe L sh EB-S 222 2 ZeZe75 Ssawerae fight > 2 Ses 2. Ad “+ baa i for iT! STARRING r IN EDMOND UREN fl \ } INE TOM D'ANDREA HENRY HULL vniton vy SETON | MILLER ona stave by Marin Rein Mat 207 — 2 cols. x 6¥2 inches (182 lines ) (En | or Warner Bros’ NEW THRILL IN THE ENTERTAINMENT SKY directed by: ii WALSH Additional Dialogue by Martin Rackin Music by Max Steines win TOM D'ANDREA + HENRY HULL written vy SETON |. MILLER Mat 204 — 2 cols. x 4% inches (114 lines)