Fighter Squadron (Warner Bros.) (1948)

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LATEST LIST OF WARNER BROS. SHORTS “MY OWN UNITED STATES”... A panoramic view of the beauties of the American scene from coast to coast and from border to border is the colorful contents of this two-reeler. 4008 ... Technicolor Special — 19 min. “ROARING WHEELS”. . . Risking and some times losing their lives, daredevils of automobile racing depict the development of the automotive industry from the turn of the century to the present. 5601... Sports News Review — 10 min. “KIT FOR CAT”... A scheming alley cat and meek-appearing kitten vie for the affections of soft-hearted Elmer Fudd in this laugh-roarious cartoon. 4713... Technicolor Cartoon — 7 min. “JUNGLE MAN KILLERS”... A professional hunting party sets out to destroy a Bengal Tiger that has turned man-eater in Hyderabad, India. 5901... Technicolor Sports Parade — 10 min. “SO YOU WANT TO BE ON THE RADIO” ... Joe McDoakes does not win the jackpot question in this satire on radio quiz shows, but he does walk away with all the laughs. 5402... Joe McDoakes Comedy — 10 min. Warner-Pathe News! First with the Best! * % * OFFICIAL BILLING WARNER BROS. Pictures Inc. Presents 5% “FIGHTER SQUADRON?” «=: Color by 15%, TECHNICOLOR 30% Starring EDMOND ROBERT JOHN O’BRIEN STACK ~— RODNEY *” Tom D’Andrea — Henry Hull 10% DIRECTED BY RAOUL WALSH 25% Written by Seton I. Miller 10% Additional Dialogue by Martin Rackin 5% ste a Music by Max Steiner 3% A Warner Bros.5% First National Picture AD ART AVAILABLE Retouched Ad Art Used In This Campaign Available as 8 x 10 Stills. Order From National Screen Service