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Five Star Final (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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“FIVE STAR FINAL”’ DYNAMITE! IS BOX-OFFICE GIVE IT A CRASHING, SMASHING, EXPLOITATION CAMPAIGN! SPECIAL ACCESSORIES ON “FIVE STAR FINAL” INCLUDE IMITATION TABLOID NEWSPAPER THROWAWAY GORDON-BAKER PRINTING CORPORATION 142 West 24th Street, N. Y. ee Ot) 8 OS Se en $12.50 per M Pe I et ea ee 10.50 per M See tOW oa. ae 9.00 per M Bene 1618 (se Se Pe 8.00 per M kot Kk As I write this ADvertisement a thrill, a quiver races up and down my spine NEWSBOY’S APRONS MORRIS LIBERMAN 690 Eighth Ave., N. Y.. 50¢ each plus imprinting. SPECIAL BANNERS MORRIS LIBERMAN 690 Eighth Ave., N. Y. (See exploitation section for prices.) EFFECT SLIDE NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS 226 W. 56th Street, N. Y. City (See exploitation section for prices.) CATCHLINES “Five Star Final’’—Last Word in Drama * ke ££ * Robinson Star Ascends— New Height at Each Flight— “Tittle Caesar,”’ “Smart Money” And Now “Five Star Final’’ x * se ~fo a Modern Phase wm iVawtsa aunulmanity to Man oe ee Great As a Broadway Play—Twice As Great As a Picture e Ss 8 Carries Truth and Human Interest In Every Foot of Film “Se a Robinson at His Grandest As a Man Torn Between Duty and Compassion So Laughs and Tears for Everybody i ee The Stories Behind the News Stories oe eae oe ‘Five Star Final’—Drama—Comedy—Tragedy— Satire—Hy pocrisy—Love—All of Life —I], seeing at least 6 . pictures each week—50 » a weeks of the year—have % finally seen . . A Picture So Great in Dramatic Magnitude It leaves me limp at the thought of its staggering emotions! That Picture features. . . Edward G. Robinson in Louis Weitzenkorn’s thunderbolt drama A 2 FINAL ees ah First Ik National fy Picture (The last edition of the day’s paper which writes finis to the day and a ruined life!) During its private showing I watched the faces of men who had seen thousands of pictures—men to whom pictures were only merchandise to be sold! § THESE MEN, imagine it,—on the edge of their seats— taut—tense—immersed completely—totally—in the crescendo of the sweeping drama on the screen before them § Then the catipulting climax—so powerful—so realistic—so overwhelming—it seemed to engulf not only these men—but the chairs, the room itself, EVER YTHING! —days later—I thrill .. at the SHEER GREATNESS, in the UNDESCRIBABLE POWER and the DRAMATIC Se ee Our Greatest Star With His Greatest Cast WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT NEWSPAPER LINGO “Five Star Final” the First National production starring Edward G. MODINGON NOWsat tO... ! 0 sass er ae Theatre is a newspaper story and much of the lingo of that profession is heard in the busy scenes in the editorial rooms of the “Gazette.” Below are some of the terms. How many of them do you know, without referring to the second column? i= ACM 3s and PMs oo. oe Morning and afternoon papers. Pane OE ea Shs rect ace he oss ee Continue story on new sheet of paper. Ree IS MINE Te ais Sides he vaca ele Headline across first page of paper. (1) Bj AL SR Sr ar PE ERSTE Preliminary statement about an author or buok. Pee DULL OQ oss woes ko eee An early edition. Re INC aw sats a we ss Writer’s name under heading of story. Ta DUNCAN wie b ace cs cies 5 04 Brief important lead on a story. Ree RUD ea tere. Sloca'y sais sive sa, To make little stories out of big ones. IER ERS area ieee ee ae ee A telegrapher’s key. Mee PRP OGISS < yaie isis ccs ocale orb a 8 When a story is printed OREN LOE nor oo ens aon eee Worn by reporters to gain admission. i MO OUCH ae, 5 so isaac oi To get the story. Rides DCOGUIG =o a sine 0 Sere w 0 Last minute a story can get in. TESST RYAN 5 ecace a Shan eran Printer’s helper. LS = J DOUG) ee ee Short copy to fill space. 16. Galley proof .......... Story set up for proof-reading. 17 = GNO0st WAS. ose we se When the pay comes. 18. Jump storier ......... Stories carried over from page one. LUE Rd UP Se as nt Aar ooaar The first paragraph of a story. IY ee mas wie oa Bow To stop printing of a story. OG MON os a, Cie te bein Runs down the news and phones it in. LORI ELS) KI 4; Santee Rika Ree The managirg editor. eee ALUN ta, ei ees ee The editor’s supreme command on copy. PASSES OY gaa ae ey eee PEE TT Term meaning “let ¢¢ stand.” 25 : 51 siete area nian epperar erm Mixed type. INTENSITY of “FIVE STAR FINAL” WINTER GARDEN | Even nowas I write this advertisement Broadway & 50th Street CONTINUOUS MIDNITE SHOWS POPULAR PRICES 35c to 1 p. m. Mon. to Fri. I neglected to P S mention the ¢\* incomparable cast and director that made this great picture possible—and here they are: Edward G. Robinson, H. B. Warner, Marian Marsh, George Stone, Frances Starr, Anthony Bushell —and Mervyn LeRoy, director, who gave you “Little Caesar’’. eee. Cut No. 100 Cut 60c Mat 15c One of the smashing New York Ads. that had them standing in line hours before the opening! Page Three IQ 2