Flight from Destiny (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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Mit the air waves with these brief flashes ... Early in January, Thomas Mitchell was starred in a half-hour broadcast of ‘‘Flight From Destiny’? over Arch Oboler’s ‘“‘Everyman’s Theatre” (N.B.C., Red Network, 9:30-10:00 p.m.). This was the first time that Oboler used a motion picture script as a basis for one of his dramatizations, and therefore a high compliment to the picture. The film also received special notice on five noon-time coast-to-coast programs sponsored by Proctor and Gamble (WEAF). These network plugs call for unusual radio exploitation follow-up on your part, so punctuate the airways with these brief flashes: In 1903 motion pictures came to life when “The Great Train Robbery” was shown. Now—In 1941 new life comes to pictures with FLIGHT FROM DESTINY . . . a strange, vivid, new film that is really different—starring Geraldine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Jeffrey Lynn, and James Stephenson. See FLIGHT FROM DESTINY at the Strand Theatre on Friday! Everyone’s talking about FLIGHT FROM DESTINY, the new film coming to the Strand Theatre. Someone had a great idea ~ and now it’s a great motion picture! See FLIGHT FROM DESTINY starring Geraldine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Jeffrey Lynn, and James Stephenson at the Strand on Friday! How many different pictures have you seen this year? I mean really different ones? The kind with an idea, a new technique, a different approach? Ill wager that you haven’t seen many... and none as good as FLIGHT FROM DESTINY. Don’t miss the startling new film when it begins its run at the Strand on Friday! Is there a popular professor in toum?... Cueing on Thomas Mitchell’s leading role of a beloved professor, conduct a contest whereby students of the local college vote for their favorite professor. Attendant gives each student a ballot to be dropped into lobby voting box a week prior to playdate. Promote newspaper breaks using Thomas Mitchell lead story on publicity page 15. This one will give dignity to your showing .. . Local groups should be interested to cooperate in dedication of a wall placque or mural carrying the copy illustrated in ad 205. With proper sponsorship, this event can be live local news to break the papers with photos and publicity stories which you use for lobby displays. Leave blank space at base of the display for endorse ments by prominent localites. SMNANANARR AAAS ARANSARSARAAAA AAAS AAAS SRNR RAANR SRR AN ARRAUA SUN UR EN REREN ENUM RSEEUERBEREEE EN EERE S EES ES EEE EEUU EEE EERE EE EEBEMEE BEBE E EEE EERE EUEEEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE EEE EEEEEEEEEY SS fs soe EXPLOITATION CUES...Group 2 For an easy newspaper quis. we suggest... Here’s an easy-to-plant quiz that sells the stars of your show. Use it for classified ad pages, on reverse side of herald, or as program feature. Those sending in first ten correct sets of answers receive guest tickets to show. Correct answers are in italics. 1. Name the film wherein Jeffrey Lynn impersonated Joyce Kilmer, valiant soldier-poet. (“The Fighting 69th’) 2. Who portrayed Gerald O’Hara, father of a vixenish Southern belle in the picturization of a popular novel? (Thomas Mitchell) 3. What new screen star gave a flawless performance as the lawyer in “The Letter’? (James Stephenson) 4. Name the lovely actress who scored her first Hollywood success in “Dark Victory.”? (Geraldine Fitzgerald) 5. Do you know the title of a picture wherein Jeffrey Lynn and _ Geraldine Fitzgerald appear as husband and wife? (“A Child Is Born,” “Flight From Destiny’) 6. Thomas Mitchell won an Academy Award for his brilliant supporting role in what film? (“Stagecoach”) 7. In what film did Jeffrey Lynn appear with Bette Davis, Queen of the Sereen? (“All This, And Heaven Too” ) 8. Geraldine Fitzgerald is a native of what country? (Ireland) 9. Give the title of the picture wherein Jeffrey Lynn appeared as Ann Sheridan’s leading man. (“It All Came True”) 10. What is the name of the daring, powerful picture starring Geraldine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Jeffrey Lynn and James Stephenson, coming tothe Strand on Friday? (“Flight From Destiny”’ ) Of course. you’re doing a direct mail campaign .. . Dear Sir, In far away 1914, a famous motion picture director tried to capture the beauty of his star on the sereen. Closer, closer, closer he moved his camera until her lovliness filled the screen. Thus was the first close-up made . . . to leave its mark on every picture made since then! .« « A year later you cheered “The Birth Of A Nation,’’. the first film with a definite plot and characters. . « Twenty-seven years later, Warner Bros., the company that gave motion pictures its voice, again fills the screen with a new idea . . . this time with something which we believe will be the standard of comparison for all other pictures. The title of the film is FLIGHT FROM DESTINY. This dramatic story is novel, interesting, and unique. I won’t try to describe it, but I urge you to come to the (Theatre Name) on (playdate) and you will leave the theatre praising it to all you meet. FLIGHT FROM DESTINY’s cast includes: Geraldine Fitgerald, discovery of “Dark Victory”; Thomas Mitchell, of “Gone With The Wind”; Jeffrey Lynn, of “Fighting 69th”? and “All This, And Heaven Too”; and James Stephenson, sensation of “The Letter’’. Cordially yours, The Manager Play up James Stephenson. sensation of The Letter” .. . As a result of his brilliant performance as the lawyer in ““The Letter,”” James Stephenson will be a bigger favorite with many. Plant the special Stephenson publicity story (page 15) with your motion picture editor. Feature him in your exploitation, publicity and advertising as “‘the sensation of “The Letter’.” Set the James Stephenson tie-up stills with local stores for window and counter displays—see page 18. KNANANANSSARY, ANANAASSASARARRRARRARRARARRLARLSAARSSARAALSSARARAASARAAANRRASSA SRNR A RARER RRR SURES SUN UE BEES UR EER EEE URES EUS EUS EEE SUE BUR U EEE REEEREUURUUE CEREUS US MESURE EEEEEEERERE EEE EEEEEEEEEEE \\ QNNAANAAAASASANSSASASSASASASAASASASANAAAANASASSNSSAS SAN SNES NEN NURSE SEES ES ESSE EEE EEE BEEBE EERE EEE UE EEUU SUE EUB EN EU ED The Warner Bros. Trailer does a swell selling job