Flirtation Walk (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Personality Sketches ® Casting Notes e Production Notes As suggested by Film Daily’s poll of Editors \ First Screen’s Military Musical Coming to Strand Bringing with it the enchantment of Hawaiian nights, the spirit of the United States Army, the thrill of West Point and the romance of glorious youth, “Flirtation Walk,” first military musieal-ever screened and First National’s mammoth new spectacle is scheduled to open at the .......... gene eens ee Theatre beginning hat cn eee fOr wa aot Oo, tea run. Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler, the nation’s most popular screen DICK POWELL Mat No. 3 10¢ lovers, and Pat O’Brien head an all star cast, which includes, in addition to a score of Hollywood’s best actors, the entire cadet corps of the United States Military Academy at West Point, a portion of the Pacific fleet, and a detachment of the regular army at Honolulu. “Flirtation Walk” is said to be an entirely new departure in screen musicals. Far from being a hodge podge of jokes and gags around which to hang some songs and introduce dance numbers, the startlingly sensational spectacles which distinguish “Flirtation Walk” are incidental to, and a definite part of the plot itself. The first big specialty is the Hawaiian Love Feast in which sixty beautiful native girls clad in palm leaves, and as many stalwart men, present the folk dances handed down for generations on the enchanted islands.These magic dances are now on the screen for the first time and include their most sacred love dance, the Luau, the Hula-Kui and Pi-ulu. Dick Powell sings his Hawaiian songs written by Sol Hoopii, descendant of Hawaiian royalty, and to the accompaniment of Hoopii’s famous orchestra. For these scenes First National constructed the biggest exterior sets they have ever attempted. Another big specialty is the West Point number, actually photographed at the Academy, in which members of the cast stage the traditional “Hundredth Night Play,” which is made a play within the plot of “Flirtation Walk.” More beautiful girls are seen in this number with Ruby Keeler as the principal and Dick Powell singing three new and catchy airs written by the famous team of songsters, Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon, including “Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name,” the title song, “Flirtation Walk,” and “No Horse, No Wife, No Moustache.” Dick Powell has the role of Page Four ‘Kissing Rock’ At West Point Scene Of Gayest Musical Generations of West Point graduates are likely to get a wave of nostalgia when they see “Flirtation Walk,’ the new First National musical romance which COMOCS:-t0 the = sz. 21. coer Theatre ii » with Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler and Pat O’Brien in the stellar roles. This new picture presents the “Kissing Rock” which is to be found on the bona fide Flirtation Walk, overlooking the Hudson River. The “Kissing Rock,” according to West Point tradition, is the Nemesis of all prim maids, and will fall on and crush any girl who will not allow herself to be kissed by an ardent cadet. As the Rock is still standing, it would seem that it has never had occasion to fall! The Kissing Rock, in the new movie, forms the background for one of the spectacular musical numbers of the film. Led by Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler, scores of handsome cadets and beautiful girls parade down the length of Flirtation Walk where the ¢adets investigate the veracity of the Kissing Rock legend. “Flirtation Walk” is a thrilling romance of glorious youth. The action takes place in Hawaii and West Point. In the all star cast, besides Miss Keeler, Dick Powell and Pat O’Brien are Ross Alexander, Glen Boles, Henry O’Neill, John Arledge and Guinn Williams. Special music and lyrics were written by Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon, with novel dance numbers directed by Bobby Connolly. The picture is a Frank Borzage production, directed from the screen play by Delmer Daves, based on an original story by Daves and Lou Edelman. a private stationed in Hawaii who is assigned as chauffeur to a visiting general’s daughter, a part played by Ruby Keeler. Falling in love with the Islands, the girl leads her handsome chauffeur through a series of adventures which culminate at the Love Festival where the spell of the native dances and songs, and the magic of the scenery and the moonlight draw the young couple instinctively into each other’s arms. They are caught by a young lieutenant, a part played by John Eldredge. The romance fires Dick with the ambition to go to West Point to be on an equal footing with the girl he loves. It is not until about time for his graduation that he again meets her, however, and then he finds that the young lieutenant is a real rival. After a series of stirring adventures in which it appears the girl is going to marry the lieutenant, the story winds up in a smashing climax. Pat O’Brien has the role of Dick’s hard-boiled top sergeant in the army, Ross Alexander is his pal at the Academy, Glen Boles and John Arledge two of his cadet friends and Henry O’Neill has the role of Ruby Keeler’s father. Others in the cast include Guinn Williams, Frederick Burton and John Darrow. The picture is a Frank Borzage production which he directed from the screen play by Delmer Daves, based on an original story by Daves and Lou Edelman. Accuracy of scenes were assured by the technical direction of Col. Timothy J. Lonergan and Lieut. M. P. Echols. Dick Powell-Ruby Keeler Combine Through Accident Teams, as well as individuals, have “it.” Although studios search constantly for romantic combinations of players, hoping always to find another Ruby Keeler-Dick Powell or Janet Gaynor-Charles Farrell duo of favorites, the first association of the players is almost always accidental. Dick Powell and Miss Keeler, who receive more fan mail of a romantic nature than any other players in Hollywood, are now co-starred in the First National production, “Flirtation Walk” which comes to thé .....0.... Theatre ON-s...:...4.... There was nothing deliberate in the pairing of these two in “42nd Street.” They were both available and suited to rather small parts in that production. Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels and George Brent were the stars of that picture! But Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler stole the show. The combination clicked. As a team they had “it,” and were booked together for “Gold Diggers” even before “42nd Street” was released. In “Flirtation Walk” the two are again lovers in a picture that is a@ mammoth musical with a thrilling plot and an enchanting romance of life in the United States army at Hawaii and at West Point. There is an all star cast headed by Powell, Miss Keeler and Pat O’Brien and including such talented players as Ross Alexander, John Eldredge, Glen Boles, Henry O’Neill, John Afledge and Guinn Williams. Special musie and lyries were written by Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon with dance numbers directed by Bobby Connolly. The picture is a Frank Borzage production, directed from the screen play by Delmar Daves. Worried, Ruby ? Well, you shouldn’t be, Ruby Keeler. You and your boy friend, Dick Powell, do such a grand job in Warner Bros.’ mil itary musical, “Flirtation Walk,” that you’re set for life—in OUR hearts anyway. Mat No. 11—10c An Old Hawaiian Custom Dh We mean the ‘luau,’ Hawaiian dance of love, which Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell are seen watching so intently. These beautiful tropical dances serve to introduce Warner Bros.’ great military musical, “Flirtation Walk,” which pictures life at West Point in music, comedy and drama. Pat O’Brien, Ross Alexander and Glen Boles assist in the cast of this Frank Borzage production, which comes to the Pe ee ees Ross Alexander in First Film After Three Contracts Ross Alexander. who appears in “Flirtation Walk,” the First National production which is now playing. at the: <2. 7s... Theatre, is working on his third Hollywood sereen contract, but is working in Hollywood for the first time. Alexander, who was a popular juvenile on the Broadway stage ever since he was sixteen, was taken out to Hollywood by a major company some time ago. They gave him a six month term contract, which he says, he “sat out.” After doing nothing for the length of time, with the exception of drawing his salary regularly, he was signed by another major company to a three month contract. Again he sat that one out, drawing his salary and doing nothing. At the end of his second paid vacation, First National signed him and put him to work immsdiately, sending him to West Point with the “Flirtation Walk” transcontinental location unit. His first work since he went out to California, then, was in New York. After his job was completed at West Point he returned to the California studios of the company and completed his role in “Flirtation Walk” there, his first movie job in California. “Flirtation Walk” is a glowing romance and musical spectacle with Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler and Pat O’Brien heading an all star cast. Special music and lyrics were written for the production by Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon with dance numbers, in which scores of beautiful girls take part, directed by Bobby Connolly. Frank Borzage directed the picture from the screen play by Delmer Daves, based on the original story by Daves and Lou Edelman. Theatre soon. Powell Commands West Point Cadets For Musieal Film To Dick Powell, popular star of “Flirtation Walk,’ the new First National musical romance, which comes:t0 thes anc. Theater ons. sean , fell a distinction that has never before been accorded a civilian resident of the United States. Powell commanded the entire West Point cadet corps during a review. In “Flirtation Walk” he plays the role of an army private who joins West Point in order to become an officer and a gentleman, and who eventually becomes Cadet Regimental Commander, the highest honor accorded any individual in the academy. Since the picture was actually filmed at West Point, many seenes were made, with the full co-operation of the great school, showing Powell commanding the cadets in their intricate maneuvers around the great parade ground. According to an admiring general of the institution, Dick Powell, a Hollywood screen star, learned in four hours what it took regular cadets four years to learn! His commanding of the regiment was perfect in every detail, and Dick himself made a. most admirable West Point cadet. “Flirtation Walk” presents as Powell’s co-stars the bewitching Ruby Keeler, who plays the daughter of a West Point Superintendent, and Pat O’Brien. Others in the cast of the picture, a Frank Borzage production, are John Eldredge, Ross Alexander, Henry O’Neill, Glen Boles, Guinn Williams and John Arledge. Special music was written for the picture by Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon, with mammoth dance ensembles directed by Bobby Connolly. The story is by Delmer Daves and Lou Edelman, and the dramatization by Daves.