Flowing Gold (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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JOHN GARFIELD FRANCES FARMER PAT O'BRIEN They’re bums. .broke, homeless and alone.. but they’re not jealous of the millions in ge daa black gold they find = itil for others! Theirs is thriller 2 . the thrill of finding it! with RAYMOND WALBURN CLIFF EDWARDS TOM KENNEDY Directed by ALFRED GREEN A WARNER BROS... First National Picture Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet Mat 303 —61/, inches x 3 columns (261 lines) — 45c @ Wherever there’s oil CA r=) FI E L D you'll find them...leavigs ing gold and glory for FRANCES others...asking only the FA re Mi fe R thrills for themselves! PAT O’BRIEN with RAYMOND WALBURN CLIFF EDWARDS TOM KENNEDY Directed by ALFRED GREEN A WARNER BROS. First National Picture Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet Raymond WALBURN » Clif EDWARDS «Tom KENNEDY Directed by ALFRED GREEN A WARNER BROS..-First Nat'l Picture SCREEN PLAY BY KENNETH GAMET Filmed from REX BEACH’s greatest novel! Ouwt Mat 204 — 41/ inches x 2 columns (124 lines) — 30c Mat 203 —5 inches x 2 columns (140 lines) — 30c [7]