Flowing Gold (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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Spot This Radio Plug Plug your show by spotting this radio announce ment. Start with sound effect of hissing oil gusher, over which announcer picks up — "Oil! But even more thrilling than the cry of ‘Oil!’ are the lives of the men who battle for it! Drifting from boom town to boom town go a strange race of men and women — the ‘oil bums' — who'd rather have danger than dollars, fun than fortune. The story is told daringly, dramatically, in Warner Bros.’ thrilling screen version of Rex Beach's ‘'FLOWING GOLD,’ starring John Garfield, Pat O'Brien and Frances Farmer, which opens at the Strand Theatre next Friday.” STAR QUIZ CARRIES NOVEL TWIST Novel handling is what we think makes this contest. Instead of answers going to newspaper, they are dropped in oil drums which are placed in front of theatre, newspaper office, gasoline stations, public square, and every other spot which will get most attention. Contest idea is simply to state correct answers to questions printed in local daily. Guest tickets or prizes promoted from cooperating dealers go to persons submitting correct sets of answers. 1. Have John Garfield and Pat O’Brien appeared together in pictures prior to “Flowing Gold’? (Yes. “Castle On The Hudson”) 2. What was the title of the film version of a famous Edna Ferber novel wherein Frances Farmer made her first big Hollywood hit? (“Come And Get It’) 3. Did John Garfield ever play the part of a Mexican? If so, name the film. (“Juarez’’) 4. Name a great film wherein Pat O’Brien portrayed a priest. (“Angels With Dirty Faces,” ‘Fighting 69th”) 5. In what recent film did John Garfield appear opposite Anne Shirley? (“Saturday’s Children’’) 6. The film “Flowing Gold” is also a novel of the same title. Who is its author? (Rex Beach) 7. Name the comedy actor known as the voice of Jimminy Cricket in ‘’Pinnocchio,” who is also known as Ukelele Ike. (Cliff Edwards) 8. In what two films did John Garfield appear opposite Priscilla Lane? (‘Four Daughters,” “Daughters Courageous” and “Dust Be My Destiny”) 9. What actor and actress who appeared on the Broadway stage in “Golden Boy” are reunited in “Flowing Gold”? (John Garfield and Frances Farmer) 10. What is the meaning of the expression “Flowing Gold,” which has been used for the title of the new Warner Bros. film, starring John Garfield, Pat O’Brien and Frances Farmer? (Oil) Official Billing WARNER BROS. 40% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% JOHN GARFIELD FRANCES FARMER} {<. PAT O'BRIEN "FLOWING GOLD" 10% By Rex Beach 25% RAYMOND WALBURN—CLIFF EDWARDS : TOM KENNEDY 10% Directed by Alfred Green 25% Screen Play by Kenneth Gamet cya A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5% Action! In Every Foot of WARNERS it TRAILER! It Goes Over Big! Action Herald Radio Plug Stars & Title Exploitips : CRY, F “OIL!"...THE LIVES QF THE MEN WHO BATTLE FOR IT! R ZOU BUC RRG Kets how RAK FRANCES FARMER fae Kaot brash he’e gotten 3 Rod 2 to0gh Reeak Fae: Ruy oR Entire reverse side free for theatre co-op imprint. Buy in large quantities at these low prices. $2 25° per M for $2.50 per M for 5M and over less than 5M FANS IDENTIFY PAST HITS For a fan contest, have readers identify stills from Garfield's and O'Brien's past hits. (They appeared together in “Castle On the Hudson.”) Readers are asked to name the film from which the scene appears, also the leading lady. TITLE CUE FOR JEWELER TIE-UPS The screenplay’s title suggests a good advertising slant for window display tie-ups. Have apparel shops display an all gold window of jewelry and novelties with stills and playdate. Vitaphone Shorts BROADWAY BREVITIES tells the story of "Service with the Colors'' in technicolor, as seen by four typical American youths. 5008—Broadway Brevities—20 minutes. MELODY MASTERS swings with "Ozzie Nelson and Orchestra," in a program of popular melodies. 55097—Melody Masters—I0 minutes. COLOR PARADE stars Asta and all the ‘Famous Movie Dogs" in a beautiful technicolor short — a story of career dogs. 5410—Color Parade—I0 minutes. LOONEY TUNES follows "Patient Porky" to a hospital, where the patient patient loses patience. 5616—Looney Tunes—7 minutes. MERRIE MELODIES' "Ceiling Hero" is a burlesque on test pilots, parachute jumpers and stunt men. 5326 — Merrie Melodies—7 minutes. There Should Be A Patriotic Short on Every Program . . . Book Warners’! Other Accessories on Facing Page and Back Cover =——_«>