Flowing Gold (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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40 x 60 ACTION DISPLAY Photo Gelatin—Silk Screen Com bination .. . Rental: 75c each ’ REX SEACH FS SPER ES BRYUBME KWELOUION » Curd COMABSS. nail HSRIRY i ao hag Reed Cazes, E parsenren by WEA IeER BAUS, ss ‘CRANEES Dinsched by Cbpred Cater paesentes sy WEARER EROS, 30x40 SILK SCREEN DISPLAY Rental: 50c each 2 WINDOW CARDS MIDGET CARD Price: 4c each REGULAR CARD l 16°49 0 Fereaeh 30 to 99. ..:........... ~6¢ each 100 and over......5!/2¢ each SLIDE. v.ci54.cn Pricer 1Se Flash your message in your lobby and from your screen with this slide. 4 Rental: 20c each 8 COLORED ll x 14’s Rental: 35c for set GARFIELD, O'BRIEN STAR PORTRAITS AND FAN FOTOS NOT ILLUSTRATED 11” x 14” autographed color glos star portraits of John Garfield and Pat O’Brien: 1 to 9—35c each; 10 to 24—30c each; 25 and over—20c each. Also available in 8” x 10” size at 15c each. 8” x 10” signed fan foto of John Gartield: 1,000 to 2,000 —$4.40 per M. Lower prices on larger quantities. Check with your Vitagraph ad-salesman. ie 5 aaa pts 2 COLORED 22 x 28's ILK SCREEN —WINDOW CARDS — LOBBIES 24 x 60 SILK SCREEN DISPLAY ... Rental: 50c each Available Only at Vitagraph Exchanges ARNER INSERT CARD Rental: 12c each