From Headquarters (Warner Bros., 1929) (1929)

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4 GLADYS BROCKWELL SUPPORTS BLUE ON VITAPHONE Gladys Brockwell who appears as the outeast in “From Headquarters, Warner Bros.’ Vitaphone productio sturring Monte Blue as a Marine— now playing at the Theatre — was born in Brookvn, New York, und made her stuge bow as an infant in the “rms of her mother, Lillian Brockwell, rT well-known > : stur of the time, j } She pluyed her 3 first speaking G/adys Brockwe// part ut three aod when seven Stock S-217 Wis a member of Cut or Mat Order Separately “uo ostock company, “FROM HEADQUARTERS” ” MADE! n “FROM THE BEST PICTURE — MONTE BLUE — EVER THAT'S THE VERDICT—OF ALL WHO— WITNESSED THE PRE-SHOWING. THE U. S. MARINES — FURNISH THE SPIRIT — AND MOTIVE OF THE PLOT. SOLDIERING IN CENTRAL AMERICA—RESULTS IN FLAMING EXCITEMENT AND SENSATIONAL “PUNCHES.” HEADQUARTERS" DRAMA—WITH THE ACCENT—FIFTY-FIFTY—ON IS — A COMEDY THE “COMEDY” — AND THE “DRAMA” — VITA | PHONING GETTING THE MOST — OUT OF BOTH ELEMENTS—OF ENTERTAINMENT. MONTE BLUE IS IMMENSE—AND SO IS GUINN WILLIAMS. THESE TWO CARRY THE COMEDY— AND SHOULDER THE PLOT — WITH GREAT SUC. THERE IS—A PUNCH—A THRILL —OR A Her first vaudeville tour was with ae Saas Franklin Ardell over the Sullivan CESS. and Considine Cireuit. LAUGH—IN EVERY FRAME. She played her — first motion pieture lead in “The Counterfeiter’s | WARNER BROS. DELIVER—ANOTHER SURE 18 SPECIAL Inter golne to Imerilie. where at: ||| FIRE—BOX-OFFICE SUCCESS. THE appesied with Mesec Hayskawe (fh WARNER WINNERS—RUN TRUE TO TOP FORM. William Hart, Robert Edeson and others. She was later under the supervision of D. W. Griffith in | What beeame the Triangle Company. She also played the feminine lead in “Double Troubles” Fairbanks. Tn ehair” “The Old High at period from cighteen to eighty. With Universal she eo-starred with Milton Sills in “The Honor Svstem,” her charneterizution covered. | _ WHAT “VITAPHONE” REALLY MEANS opposite Douglas | } By GEORGE E. QUIGLEY : ‘he rogress of t: r und she is remembered for many Phe progr rotalking vampire roles under the Fox man-| pictures and of pictures synchro ugement. _ |nized with sound effects and musi Among Miss Brock well s cinematic enl scores, has heen ec rapid that triumphs are “Oliver Twist,” “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” “So | much confusion sig,” “Spangles,” “The Country has arisen w ith Doctor” and “Seventh Heaven.” j respect _ to the |} proper terminology to be ALL TALKING TRAILER A U. S. Marine — his clothing in tatters comes from a jungle hut and begins the absorbing story ||| — tells of the || rmployedin connection with them, Origin jally, the only laystem Wis the | dine recording |and reprodue ing svstem and }the only pro jduct was that George E. Quigley of The Vita phone Corporation, whieh adopted the «dise system as licensee of the Western Electric Company. Other producers have adopted the dise svatem us well, some «as licensees lof the Western Electric Company and some as licensees of other ecom| panies, The term VITAPHONE is a regis tered trademark used to describe the product of The Vitaphone Corpora tion. Originally there being no pro oe great Smith who also is a Marine — Smith, who has given up all to save a woman. From the forest, Smith himself appears Monte Blue—and then— A brilliant trailer sure to pack ’em in! At cost at all exchanges. }duct except that of The Vitaphone |Corporation and the equipment used | for reproduction being that installed |by Western Electric Company or its | Electrical Re Inc., the term | VITAPHONE became rather loosely | used to deseribe not only the pro | duct but the machine. There be ing at the jand there being only one machine subsidiary company, search Products, ho other product time for the reproduction of sound, use this Was not particularly confusing With the however, and and wus not of damaging. | growth business, the adoption of sound pictures gel erally, other producers took licenses, some to record on the film and sme to record on the dise, and machines of other manufacturers made their advent the field. The ness of terminology continued with the result that. the VITAPHONE today used those into loose term is by iwho are not fully informed to de scribe the dise recording method and the machines designed for reprodue tion of sound reeorded | method. by that |neous. The word is a registered trademark owned by The Vitaphone motion | Corporation and can properly be used only to describe the product of that Company. The Vitaphone Cor. produces short subjects, referred to acts j Numbers, trailer deseriptive of pietures of Warner Brothers pictures pand First National pietures, and the ' scores the poration | commonly as or accompanving produced by Warner J Ine., sros. Pietures, and First National. pictures | The term | champion fable | ship for which he is famous, VITAPHONE PRESS BOOK—MONTE BLUE in “FROM HEADQUARTERS”—Warner Bros. Latest Vitaphone Talking Picture eS eee ssSs060. HUSKY SCREEN FAVORITE PLAYS LEATHERNECK HERO IN VITAPHONE THRILL Monte Blue, star of Warner Bros. “From Headquarters,” now at the Theatre is a man of many thrilling adventures. Some day he promises to write a book about them, but in the meantime the interesting facts of his life deserve publication. | Indiana, Born in Indianapolis, with Cherokee Indian blood in his veins, Monte had a hard fight for life, but developed the unconquer enthusiasm ound good-fellow His early experience took him all over the United States as sailor, soldier, lumberjack, mfner, eow'puncher, factory hand and super }intendent, Indian agent, locomotive BIG BOY WILLIAMS IN BLUE TALKIE Guinn Williams, known as “Big Boy,” was born in Decatur, Texas, of the millionaire Congressfrom that state. At ten full-fledged cowboy. attended tary son man Was a He miliand Was au student at Texas State Col lege when atoan athletic meet at Texas and AL & M. College, with hundred contesting, he high point min, his specialties being diseus, shot and javelin events. His SUCCESSES with Texas Stute basketball team enused schools seven Wits Stock S-246 Cut or Mat Order Separately pean properly be applied only to the j the Chicago White Sox to sign him product of The Vitaphone Corpora tion, including its aets and numbers, | its trailers and its sCores, WARNING The name Vi Trade Mark The Vitaphone owned 1000, tures, Inc. © one is permitted word “Vitaphone” except in connection with the product leased from the Vitaphone Corporation or Warner Bros. rictures, Inc. _ Anyone using the name in any other connection infringes this Trade Mark and will be proceeded against accordingly. THE VITAPHONE CORPORATION H. B. Warner, President. taphone is a registered owned exclusively by Corporation, which is by Warner Bros. Pic to use the Vitaphone ito a contract for baseball, which Was cancelled on aeeount of the ol) jection of his parents. At twenty | | the he came to Los Angeles and almost Immediately secured 4 position film company of Will) Rogers feet one and one-half” inches in height, weighing two hundred and five pounds, Rogers at christened him * sig s0¥;," 11 Which has stuck, After this Williams took part in all over the West won for riding, roping, Steers and other cow hoy stunts. He was starred in sey eral Western pictures, plaved lend in “Rex, King of the Wild Horses,” appeared in’ “Burning Daylight,” and in Warner Bros’ “The College Widow,” “Noah’s Ark” and “My Man,” in which he played the title Six Hist dnne rodeos many and prizes “bulldogging” role in support of Fannie Brice and he | This use, however, is wholly erro-| 24-SHEET GRATIS TO ALL EXHIBITORS WH Order direct from C. C. Ryan, “From Headquarters.” SPECIAL FREE 24-SHEET! O WILL Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., | fireman, bindlestiff, ditehdi travelling man and it |contention that he anything that | Falling by ispell of the . ger and 18 his proyq has never tried 8 not a 8UCCe Rg, accident under the att Sreat David Wark Griffith, Monte worked with him as ‘seript clerk, actor and stunt mar in. “Tutolerance,” “The Birth of a Nation’ others. The role of Danton in Patt tthe | “Orphans of the was and ie torm:” ~. fest brought him fame. Several good mountain boy Monte Blue parts in such pictures as “The Stock $-28g Jucklings” inCut or Mat | . Order Separately } creased his popu j larity and Warner Bros, gave him his chance at feature leads and stu dom soon after they began. scree; |work in Hollywood. Since then he was grown with |them, appearing in such popular gue } cesses as “The Marriage Circle,” | “Kiss Me Again” and “So This Is Paris,” directed by Ernst Lubitseh: “Brass,” “Main Street,” “Hogan's Alley,” “Across the Pacifie,” “Across the Atlantie,” “Wolf's Clothing” and others. “The Greyhound Limited” was th third pieture in which Mr. Blue ap peared as a railroad engineer,” th others being “The Limited Muil,” and “The Black Diamond Express.” You saw him in “Conquest” as an aviator. See him in “From Head quarters” as a U.S. Marine. One, Two Three and FourColumn at Exchange p POST THEM AND KEE THEM ALIVE FOR AT LEAST ONE MONTH. 321 W. 44th St., New York | | |