Fugitive in the Sky (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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FUGITIVE IN THE GKY © ADVERTISING ‘WANTED’ KILLER HI-JACKS GIANT AIRLINER!...ESCAPES ‘G-MEN’! Warner Bros. focus their high-speed gs. cameras on the most thrilling manhunt in criminal annals! popped! 3 DIZZY MILES IN THE AIR..WITH A ‘MAD’ KILLER AT THE CONTROLS! Cold fear!...Paralyzing the passengers of a giant airliner as they huddled helpless before an insane murderer ..who is hurtling them to certain death!.,.Warner Bros. focus their high-speed cameras on the peril-packed drama of a terf° ror-laden plane... helpless in the hands of a... with JEAN MUIR WARREN HULL Gordon Oliver » Carlyle Moore, Jr. Howard Phillips Winifred Shaw Mary Treen ~« Directed by Nick Grinde A Warner Bros. Picture 90 Lines Mat No. 206—20c with JEAN MUIR WARREN HULL GORDON OLIVER CARLYLE MOORE, Jr. HOWARD PHILLIPS WINIFRED SHAW MARY TREEN irected by Nick Grinde Warner Bros. Picture THE MOST DARING ESCAPE IN HISTORY! A modern killer takes to™ the air with a cargo of terror-stricken passengers and sends your nerves into a tail-spin as Warner Bros. focus their high-speed cameras on a desperate... E A T R E 184 Lines Mat No. 209—20c FREE—JUMBO TELEGRAMS Every branch office of the Western Union will gladly display the large Jumbo Telegram which is inserted in this press book. See branch manager now and find out how many he can use. You can secure additional copies by writing the Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. HI-JACKED AIRLINER... A HUNTED MURDERER! Streaking through space ...more than 3 miles above the earth! Thrills that make your nerves loop-the-loop! with JEAN MUIR WARREN HULL ICARLYLE MOORE, Jr. HOWARD PHILLIPS GORDON OLIVER MARY TREEN + WINIFRED SHAW DIRECTED BY NICK GRINDE A WARNER BROS. PICTURE JEAN MUIR WARREN HUL Gordon Oliver Carlyle Moore, Jr. Howard-Phillips » Winifred Shaw Mary Treen ~Directed by Nick Grinde T fod a A T R e A Warner Bros. Picture 60 Lines Mat No. 204—20c 214 Lines Mat No. 207—20c Page Five