Gambling Lady (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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“Gambling Lady” Halts McCrea’s Honeymoon Joel McCrea and Frances Dee rushed off to Palm Springs for a brief upon his completion of his role honeymoon immediately in the Warner Bros. picture, “Gambling Lady,” which comes Homi hiereenwters aise cauce <= Theatre OMe ea er eo They were married just before McCrea started work on the picture and both were so busy they had time to get acquainted. In “Gambling Lady,” McCrea has the role of a wealthy man-about-town Barbara. Stanwyck in the title role. He spent the days immediately following his wedding making love to Miss Stanwyck instead of his bride. scarcely opposite $1,000,000 in Poker Chips Used in Film One million dollars in poker chips are used in one scene of “Gambling Lady,” the Warner Bros. production which comes to GG tee hae ene ace Theatre on The scene represents a fashionable gambling club where millionaire menabout-town play for high stakes and in which Barbara Stanwyck, star of the picture, presides over a table. The chips were borrowed from a popular Hollywood night club, range in denomination from $25 to $5,000 cash-in values, aud a million dollars worth make quite a heap. The picture is a thrilling drama of a gambling who gambles not only with cards but with love and life. Pat O’Brien, Joel McCrea, Claire Dodd C. Aubrey Smith are prominent queen and in supporting roles. Archie Mayo directed. Bride Cheers Husband’s Film Love Technique Suppose you were on your honeymoon—and you suddenly walked into a room and found your husband in the arms of another woman? What would you do? ~Many a woman has exercised an entire lack of restraint and screamed, while many others have followed the classic example of “Frankie” in the ballad, “Frankie and Johnny,” and whipped out a 45. But there’s always an exception to the rule. In just such a situation, the outraged wife kept perfectly still QI? until the “other woman’s” arms relaxed, and her husband straightened his rumpled hair, and then shouted, “Bravo! Good work!” The shouter was Frances Dee, newly-wed bride of Joel McCrea, and Joel had just finished a passionate love scene with the beautiful Barbara Stanwyck for “Gambling Lady,’ a Warner Bros. production now showing at ECO Sh anes Theatre. Frances was a frequent visitor on the set and eriticized severely her husband’s love-making technique, greatly to the enjoyment of Archie Mayo, the director. “Gambling Lady” is based on the thrilling romance by Doris Malloy. Others in the cast include Pat O’Brien, Claire Dodd, C. Aubrey Smith and Phillip Reed. Page Eight ! Film Funeral Follows On Heels of Wedding From an elaborate society wedding to a prominent gambler’s funeral was the gamut spanned by the “Gambling Lady” company at Warner Bros. within a few hours during the production of the picture, now showing at (ELI ohseser Scones rae Seen cme Steed CaS be Theatre. Both scenes took place at the Hollywood First Methodist Episcopal Church. Although the scenes are widely separated in the script, the same characters participate in both ceremonies, so production was speeded up by staging the wedding and funeral at the same church on the same day. All the principals, headed by Barbara Stanwyck, the _ bride, Joel McCrea, Pat O’Brien and C. Aubrey Smith, worked first in their wedding finery, and then changed to their funeral garb. Archie Mayo is the director. Are you going or coming, Barbara? Bros. “Gambling Lady’’. will be shown at the Strand Theatre starting Thursday. Mat No. 8&—30c. Welterweight Champ Is Stanwyck’s Favorite Barbara Stanwyck’s favorite of favorites is Jimmy MelLarnin, rip-roaring welterweight boxing the The screen star first took a liking to Jimmy when he invaded New York. She was then Ruby Stevens, a show-girl. Perhaps Barbara admires Jimmy more than any other fighter because his path to success parallels her own. Both started from obscurity and_ literally fought their respective ways to the top. Neither let bad breaks nor discouragement stay their progress. Grit and ability made Jimmy champion of world. champion, as they made _ Barbara one of the most popular screen stars. She now has the stellar role of a gambling queen in “Gambling Lady,” the Warner Bros. picture now at the........ ear Oe er ae ae Theatre. That -Geod Old. Eriangte! Film Thrills Are Laid In Gay Gambling Palaces Barbara Stanwyck Flirts With Luck in New York and Monte Carlo in ‘Gambling Lady’ When is a screen gambling sequence not laid at Monte Carlo? When it’s at a ‘‘fashionable Park Avenue establish ment.”’ Monte Carlo is probably still the favorite in the running. Most movie companies have Monte Carlo casinos in their scene lofts. But the ‘‘fashionable Park Avenue establishment’’—combining gambling, dining and what was once known as a speakeasy—is fast catching up as a contender. Some pictures feature both. One of these is Barbara Stanwyck’s newest feature for Warner Bros. “Gambling Lady,” Which <COMes=tOr tle o.aseeMael cere EMC aTRO MONE gestae 2 See eee Miss Stanwyck, as the chance-loving heroine of this story, pursues Lady Lueck half around the world. In the course of her travels, she watches the wheel spin both at Monte Carlo and in New York. For the former spot, one of the studio stages provided the background. Miss Stanwyck, Pat O’Brien and the other principals in the Monte Carlo sequences stood at central tables in the “oeneral rooms” of the casino. Two expert croupiers presided over the two roulette tables. Some twenty-five extras and bit players, recruited from the “foreign type” lists of Hollywood, stood to right and left of Miss Stanwyck or hovered in the background. Through tall French windows could be seen a balcony and beyond it, in the distance, the waves of the Mediterranean breaking on the beach. Those waves, photographed on the spot, could break in all their southEuropean reality across’ the screen. Next came the “fashionable Park Avenue — establishment’. This required a large set. Roulette tables were needed, to be sure, but many other props were on the list as well. Among the furnishings of the large gaming O’Brien Wins $60,000 Chips--Not Cashable Pat O’Brien insists that he’s no gambler—four times out of five he’s on the wrong end—but here’s what happened to him one day in the gambling house set during the production of Barbara Stanwyck’s latest Warner Bros. picture, “Gambling Lady,” which comes to the Theatre on He played the double-O on the roulette wheel and it came up three times in succession; he made a series of twelve passes in succession at the craps table; he won fourteen straight hands at Black Jack, and won so ¢onsistently at chemin-de-fer that the banker threw up his hands in despair. It was all in fun, between shots, but Pat calculated, after his winning streak was over, that he had won sixty thousand dol lars, if there had been a pay-off. There seems to be a little indecision in this scene from Warner Joel McCrea, Pat O’Brien and Barbara Stanwyck are the principals. The film salon itself were craps tables, draw poker tables, chuck-a-luck cages, Twenty-one tables—all of them supplied by a certain firm in Los Angeles which provides both equipment and dealers to Hollywood’s biggest gambling spots. Several of these are running wide open at the present time and Archie Mayo, director of “Gambling Lady,” was at some pains to secure from one of them the name of the firm which suppled their materials — from chuck-a-luck dice to the operators of the cages themselves. In the midst of all this, Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea and C. Aubrey Smith played their several scenes—briefly. Then the three big rooms were struck. The “fashionable Park Avenue establishment” was ready to elose its doors after one afternoon of life. Monte Carlo or New York, the movies are painstaking about the atmosphere Lady Luek trails with her round the globe. The picture is based on the thrilling drama by Doris Malloy and-is the story of a gambling lady who is such a sport she is willing to sacrifice her love to save her husband from a murder charge. Others in the cast include Claire Dodd, Phillip Reed, Philip Faversham and Robert Barrat. Archie Mayo directed the picture from the screen play by Ralph Block and Miss Malloy. “Gambling Lady” Star Wins Gamble in Life Barbara Stanwyck, who has the role of a gambling queen in the Warner’ Bros. production of “Gambling Lady,” which comes LITOWMR FRE Sige, Sac NR nent es a ak . Theatre Oneal. eee ee ,» has been flirting with Lady Luck all, her life. But not by the way of cards or the roulette wheel or the ivory cubes. She knew nothing about, that kind of gambling before she played the picture role. But she knows what it is to take a chance on the game of life, for she was left an orphan at an early age and literally had to battle . her way for a chance to make a living. Starting in a night club as hostess, she fought her way up the ladder although it was many years of hardship before, Lady Luck finally smiled at her and made her one of the most famous of picture stars. Director Needs No Aid from Gambling Expert Believe it or not, there was no technical adviser for the produe tion of “Gambling Lady,” the Warner Bros. picture starring Barbara Stanwyck, showing at GING a ret eg: Theatre. “With the experience most of us in Hollywood have had during recent years at the gambling casino at Agua Caliente, and more lately at the several take-achance clubs in our midst,” says Archie Mayo, the director, “a technical expert on such a picture is as superfluous as a tailor at a nudist colony.” In addition to Miss Stanwyek, the cast includes Joel McCrea, Pat O’Brien, Claire Dodd, C. Aubrey Smith, Arthur Vinton, Philip Faversham, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Robert Barrat, Robert Elliott and Phillip Reed. Film Star Wins $10,000 by Knowledge of Art Barbara Stanwyck has proven to be something of an art critic as well as a famous motion piecture star. A Hollywood artist, John Decker, sued Miss Stanwyck for $10,000 for a painting of her son, Dion Fay. She claimed it was a daub and had no artistie¢ merit. Testimony of other artists upheld her contention and the case was dismissed. Miss Stanwyck’s latest artistry on the screen is in the title role of the Warner Bros. picture, “Gambling Lady,’ now showing SCAG LION on, ccs a ees ».. Theatre. In this production she displays her artistic touch in shuffling the pasteboards. Barbara Stanwyck She achieves her greatest dramatic characterization in “Gambling Lady,” the Warner Bros. picture coming to the Strand Theatre. Mat No. 3—10c.