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Gentleman Jim (Warner Bros.) (1942)

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Still GJ 99*; Mat 210—30c Errol Flynn, cast as James J. Corbett, accepts the heavyweight championship belt from Ward Bond, playing the role of John L. Sullivan, in a dramatic moment from the Warner Bros. picture, “Gentleman Jim.” The picture is now at the Strand Theatre. Jack Carson Thought He'd Help Until — “In the future,” said Jack Carson, “I shall leave the growing and manufacture of rubber substitutes to the United States government. I shall confine myself to the purchase of War Bondsand the support of my family.” Carson adjusted a few misplaced verterbrae, sighed heavily and readjusteda agli dozen aching Mat 107—I5c mmnseles JACK CARSON “‘T have,”’ said Carson, who plays comedy roles in pictures made by the Warner Bros. Studio, “been devoting my time to solving the rubber problem. Mine and the government’s, and you’ll pardon me for giving myself top billing. “When these duties are over,” said Carson, “I decide to devote my time and undeniable talents to the nurturing, fostering and promulgation of the crossword puzzle tree known as the ‘ule’ —not to be confused with the Christmas log—or rubber tree. “T figure that, come tire shortage or whatever, I will have a rubber tree in the back yard, from which I can extract a bevy of sap and make a tire. It turns out that I am the sap. B-1 Lacking “Unfortunately, I do not give proper consideration to climate, precipitation, soil, vitamin B-1, and midnight marauders. I tend that tree,” says Carson, “like a producer nurturing a new star. I give it my undivided attention, my complete support and not a small bit of amazement. “Eventually it grows, flourishes and blossoms. I am all prepared. I will cut those nice barber-pole cuts in the trunk of my tree, like I see pictures of natives in the Brazilian forest doing, and harvest a neat crop of rubber, which. will set me and my compatriots up for the duration. “Unfortunately,” sighed Mr. Carson, “either a slight mistake has been made in my planting, or the peddler’s seeds. I cut circular cuts in the bark and await results. These results are appalling and embarrassing: “T don’t have,” said Mr. Carson, “a rubber tree. I have a fine collection of lemons. Probably including myself.” Carson is currently appearing in the Strand Theatre’s attraction, “Gentleman Jim,” Warner Bros.’ filmization of the life of James J. Corbett. It Isn't So Easy to Find a Sports ‘Expert’ It was nearly a year ago when Warner Bros., with a new picture, “Gentleman Jim,” on its production roster, began looking for a technical advisor on fights and fighters. The picture opens Friday at the Strand Theatre with Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith, Jack Carson and Alan Hale prominent in the cast. How many such “experts” are there in the country ? Well, as any sports editor knows, at least half of his readers are “experts.” As far as that goes, the editors themselves aren’t backward at taking bows for their knowledge of sports. They, their staffs, plus a world of hangers-on in the thousands of gyms throughout the nation— all of these became potential technical advisors for the Corbett film. ' To these had to be added the large number of applicants who were, in their own words, “Jim’s best friend.” Applications for the job, all unsolicited, poured in from thousands of “Jim’s best friends” from Long Island to San Francisco. Many of the letters were elaborately documented to prove that the writer, and he alone, knew all about Corbett. Everybody Answered Some one at Warner Bros., either Producer Robert Buckner, Director Raoul Walsh or one of their assistants answered every letter of application. And it was only after the most careful thought and sifting of credentials that a man was picked for the job; a man, incidentally, who hadn’t applied for it. He was, and is, Edward W. Cochrane, for 30 years one of the best known sports editors and experts in the country. Cochrane knows his fights and fighters. Although he doesn’t claim to have been ‘“Jim’s best friend,’ he did know Corbett well, and heard repeatedly from his own lips just how he managed to gain and maintain his unique position in the world of sports. Although he has been writing sports for nearly 30 years, Cochrane has also had time to referee 650 boxing matches himself and to collect fees for officiating at 852 football games. Besides Corbett, Ed Cochrane counted among his friends such greats of the ring as Harry Greb, Tommy Gibbons, Mike Gibbons, Jim Flynn, Jack Dillon, Benny Leonard, Johnny Risko, Luther McCarty, Harry Wills, Jack Dempsey and Sam Langford. He thinks Corbett had more color than them all. (Opening Day Story) Errol Fiynn, Alexis Smith Star In New Strand Theatre Film The exciting 1880’s and the colorful Gay Nineties furnish the background for the Strand Theatre’s current attraction, “Gentleman Jim,” which starts its local engagement today. Errol Flynn and Alexis Smith are co-starred in the Warner Bros. picturization of the life of James J. Corbett. Climaxing the picture is the reenactment of the now classic bout between Corbett and John L. Sullivan for the heavyweight championship of the world on September 7, 1892, in New Orleans. Here Corbett, fighting a scientific bout, was able to knock out the slow, slugging Sullivan in the 21st round. Jack Carson Featured Jack Carson, cast as Corbett’s friend; Alan Hale, who plays Corbett’s father; John Loder; Minor Watson; William Frawley, Corbett’s fight manager; and Ward Bond, as John L. Sullivan, head the supporting cast. Raoul Walsh, leading exponent of action films, directed the picture from the screen play by Vincent Lawrence and Horace McCoy. The story of “Gentleman Jim” starts in the San Francisco of the 1880’s where most of the populace secretly attended the outlawed fighting matches of the time. Corbett (Flynn), a bank clerk, crashes the exclusive Olympic Club with Vicki Ware (Alexis Smith), whom he had met at the bank. At the club, Corbett comes in contact with a professional fight instructor and wins his first bout in an exhibition match staged by the club. The boastful Corbett and intoxicated Lowrie (Carson) are ejected from the club in the dance that follows the bout. The next morning the two find themselves in Salt Lake City Still Lex 295; Mat 208—30c Lovely Alexis Smith is co-starred with Errol Flynn in the Strand Theatre's “Gentleman Jim,” Warner Bros.’ filmization of the life of James J. Corbett. The film begins its engagement at the theatre today. with Corbett under contract as a professional fighter. Started on his career, Corbett wins a series of outstanding victories, making himself eligible for a chance to fight John L. Sullivan (Ward Bond), heavyweight title-holder. Vickie, still disliking Corbett for his Irish conceit, secretly puts up the money for Corbett’s stake in the fight haping to see him beaten. Corbett wins the fight and the heavyweight crown. Sullivan comes to the celebration party to give Corbett his championship belt. In the sincere exchange of sportsmanlike tributes, Vickie realmes that she loves Corbett. San Francisco of Exciting 80's Recreated in ‘Gentleman Jim’ The rich, rare and racy San Francisco of the elegant eighties came to life again during the filming of the new Strand film, “Gentleman Jim.” Sports, touts, fancy ladies, bowery boys and the muscle brigade — all were there, and in force, to help recreate the most fabulous days in the history of a fabulous city for the Warner Bros.’ filmization of the life story of James J. Corbett, heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Fifty Years Ago Five cameras were grinding away simultaneously to capture the color and rich history of Corbett’s fighting career. The sequence being filmed was Corbett’s fight with Joe Choynski, first of the three great battles in his fistic career. It is 50-odd years ago in San Francisco Bay, with the fighters squared off to do battle on an old barge in strict defiance of the prize-fight laws. Errol Flynn plays James Corbett. Opposite him is fierce Joe Choynski in the person of Sammy Stein, a good, roughtough boy in his own right and a natural for the role. They glare at each other in the best traditions of the ring of the eighteen eighties. Banked high on all sides of the two fighters on the barge are more than 1,000 extras representing the elite and scum of early, cosmopolitan San Francisco. Director Raoul Walsh, a bit on the red-meat side himself, is in charge. Flanking the fight barge are two huge, four-masted sailing Still GJ 18; Mat 212—30c John Loder, Alexis Smith and Errol Flynn are shown in a scene from “Gentleman Jim,” the Warner Bros. picture of the life of James J. Corbett, opening on Friday at the Strand Theatre. ships, replicas of the famous Alaska packer fleet that set sail from San Francisco 50 years ago. These are jammed to the tops’ls with beefy fight-fans, roughnecks and camp followers all crying for blood as if it were Corbett and Choynski themselves instead of a couple of actors down there below them. A special section, set aside for San Francisco’s elite of the day, is occupied by Alexis Smith, Alan Hale, John Loder, Minor Watson, Arthur Shields, Rhys Williams, Frank Mayo and others. Alexis is co-starred with Flynn in the picture. Minor Wat son is her father, while John Loder is an admirer and Alan Hale is Flynn’s dad. It’s a big day all ’round, and its bigness is reflected in the enormity of the setting. A full acre of canvas is used in the cyclorama surrounding the set. The huge tank holding the ships and barge, setting for the historic “Captain Blood” and “The Sea Wolf,” measures 160x270 feet, and can be filled to a depth of 12 feet. This massive steel and concrete structure is more than 65 feet high, and accommodates’ more than a million gallons of water. 3