Gentlemen Are Born (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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LAUGH WITH THEM! LOVE WITH THEM! FIGHT WITH THEM! They’re the youth of today—and the girls they love—stranded atthe cross-roads of life...Battling life’s problems in a hall bedroom...Flinging the golden dreams of youth into the mocking face of a bankrupt world! Don’t miss this unforgettable romance of their fight for love and happiness against terrific odds! FRANGHOT TONE MARGARET LINDSAY JEAN MUIR ROSS. ALEXANDER ANN DVORAK NICK FORAN Inthe picture famous film journals hail as “a fine achievement’—’ vividly convincing’! First National's THEAT R-&£ 221 Lines Mat No. 31—20c THEATRE 6 College Graduate Stars Say, **College Men Shouldn’t Marry!” 6 College Graduate Stars Say, “College Men Shouldn’t Marry!’ : First National's GENTLEMEN ARE BORN wih, FRANCHOT TONE JEAN MUIR MARGARET LINDSAY: ANN DVORAK ROSS ALEXANDER-NICK FORAN First National's 28 Lines Mat No. 27—10c FRANCHOT TONE SHOULD YOU STAY AWAY| FROM COLLEGE MEN... J EAN MUI R When You're Picking a Husband? il MARGARET LINDSAY GENTLEMEN ANN DVORAK ROSS ALEXANDER R B : NICK FORAN i A E OBN with FRANCHOT TONE : JEAN MUIR MARGARET LINDSAY+ANN DVORAK AS Vie Mat’ Né. 28--10c ROSS ALEXANDER-NICK FORAN 16 Lines Mat No. 29—10c LAUGH WITH THEM! LOVE WITH THEM! FIGHT WITH THEM! The three “He-Men” boys—and the girls they love—stranded at the cross-roads of life! Don’t miss this unforgettable romance of their battle for love and happiness! FRANCHOT TONE | Tae] | MARGARET LINDSAY Madly in love—but they can't afford to marry... Must romance wait for a salary check? JEAN MULR “ROSS ALEXANDER Happily married ...But no : job— no money... And the stork won't wait! ANN DVORAK CTare| NIGK FORAN The football hero and the campus belle... Battling Life’s problemsinahailbedroom... Wondering what it's ail about now that the cheering’s over. In the picture famous film journals hail as “a fine achievement”— “vividly convincing”! . , First National's THEATRE 372 Lines Mat No. 30—20c Page Nine