Give Me Your Heart (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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Quite cool and comfortable, thank you, because in with her were several little packets of dry ice. The scene was for the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to the theatre on jake as a Warner Bros. release. George Brent, playing the part of the star's husband, was serving her a midnight snack, and the scene went on and on, with takes, retakes and new camera angles. Brent mopped his brow and removed his make-up repeatedly. Director Archie Le Mayo, in shirt sleeves, used a palm-leaf fan. Anda between shots Kay quipped gaily at them, and assured them the weather was fine. "Give Me Your Heart" is a dynamic drama of love and passion and sacrifice, based on the play by Jay Mallory. Beside Miss Francis and Brent the cast includes Roland Young, Patric Knowles, Henry Stephenson, Frieda Inescort and Helen Flinte The screen play is by Casey Robinsone a 50ha— HOLLYWOOD FOG HALTS FILMING OF LONDON FOG It was too foggy in Hollywood, so the filming of a London fog scene had to be postponed. The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce will not believe it, but that is what happened on a Set at Warner Bros. studio during the filming of the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to the theatre on —_— as a Warner Bros. release. "Weather permitting, film New York street scenes. too foggy, film London street scenese If too foggy for that, use cover set on Stage Ge” In justice to California's far-famed climate and London's equally famous fogs, there was a Special reason why the street scenes in London couldn't be filmed. A luminous "ground fog," which technicians can produce artificially to perfection, was needed for these scenese Instead, it was grey overhead. It was a typical California high fog, clear below but with a murkey ceiling. Not enough light from overhead to make the artificial ground fog luminous enough for photography. Director Archie Le Mayo decided to wait for a day of pright sunshine in which to film his London fog scenes, rather than engage in a guessing game with that most uncertain of elements, fog over filmland. ci rege s ga FRIEDA INESCORT ONCE SECRETARY TO LADY ASTOR There's a pair of world-famous ex-secretaries playing the two most important feminine roles in the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to the eeu re “On y as 72 Warner Bros. release. One is none other than Kay Francis. Kay was at one time secretary to Mrs. Dwight Morrow and to Mrs. We Ke Vanderbilt. The other is Frieda Inescort, recently drafted by the moviese She was once secretary to Lady Astore Lady Astor was complimented about Frieda, who is the daughter of the famous London actress and beauty, Elaine Inescorte "Isn't it just too thrilling to have Elaine Inescort's daughter as your secret'ry," was the comment of Lady Astor's friends. That was when Frieda was still in her teens and had determined to follow the footsteps of a famous father rather than those of an even more famous mother. So she was learning writing and secretarial work with a job for her father, Jock Wightman, noted Scottish publisher and drama critic, in mind. Later Frieda became publicity director for Putnam's, the American publishing house, writing many a plurb for books published under that imprint. But the acting career found her out and now "Who's Who" lists her as an actress, not a secretary or publicist. "Give Me Your Heart" is a powerful drama of mother love and sacrifice taken from the play by Jay Mallory. Beside Miss Francis and Miss Inescort the cast includes George Brent, Roland Young, Patric Knowles, Henry Stephenson and Helen Flint. Archie L. Mayo directed the picture. Seeededeenascuanasansenesceanassscussasssanunesesevenasusnencaencecnes ee fe ee ee oe ee ee oe ine he Rs Acetylene ae = + eee ere vay ee ahs “ee aM aa aR We pee RET sen Te are ee ee Dee GEORGE BRENT KICKS HIMSELF AROUND BLOCK Every time he's tempted to complain about the dog's life movie actors lead, George Brent, now playing in the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to the theatre on... as a Warner Bros. release, takes himself outside and kicks himself around the block. "I suppose it's human nature to complain, whatever you do and however much you're paid for doing it,” 06 explained. "But every time I catch that fellow Brent grouching about the hardships of a Hollywood film actor's life, I take it up with him in no uncertain terms. "While we are making our scenes in a picture, we work pretty hard. If we have important roles in pictures, we work hard nearly every day the picture is in production, from rushing through an early breakfast in the morning to falling asleep late at night studying dialogue. "Yet even if it weren't highly paid work, it is the kind I'd rather do than any other, some harder, some simply more monotonouSe Most scenes and most pictures are a real kick to me and I enjoy doing them. "Finally, we usually have vacations between pictures, and often a day or so off during the progress of a single production. It's nothing compared to stage work, particularly of playing fn stock." "Cive Me Your Heart" is a dynamic drama of love and passion and sacrifice based on the play by Jay Mallory. Besides Brent the cast includes Kay Francis, Roland Young, Patric Knowles, Henry Stephenson, Frieda Inescort and Helen Flint. ; Archie L. Mayo directed the picture from the screen play by Casey Robinson. St aa PATRIC KNOWLES' MAILING ADDRESS LONDON PIPE SHOP Patric Knowles, handsome young British stage and screen actor who plays opposite Kay Francis in the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to the theatreon__._— as a Warner Warner Brose release, has a permanent mailing address in a London pipe shop. No matter what part of the world the actor may be in, those who know the address of that pipe shop are able to reach him by mail, which the owner of the shop forwards to him. On the set of "Give Me Your Heart" Patric drummed up a good deal of extra trade for his favorite pipe shop, for George Brent, Roland Young and Director Archie L. Mayo all sent through pipe orders. In this particular little shop, according to Pat, there is a great variety of chunks of aged briar, along with many sample pipes. The customer goes in, and is handed sample pipes, a pencil and a sheet of paper. He roughly sketches his idea of the pipe he wants, other specifications are written in, and then he selects the kind of briar he wantSe In due time the pipe is made up and sent to him. "Give Me Your Heart" is a thrilling drama of love and hate and sacrifice based on the play by Jay Mallory. The screen play is by Casey Robinson. sie ES HELEN FLINT IS HAPPY PLAYING IN KAY FRANCIS FILM Helen Flint, who has an important role in the Cosmopolitan production, "Give Me Your Heart," which comes to “tne theatre on... as 8. Warner Bross. release, says there's no one in pictures with whom she'd rather play a difficult scene than Kay Francis. The star has a very difficult, long dialogue scene with Miss Flint on the latter's first day in the cast. There were a good many takes before Director Archie L. Mayo thought the best had been gotten out of the scene. Inevitably, both actresses were nervous. Miss Flint blew up on a single word in her dialogue, after she had spoken line after line perfectly. Kay patted her hand. "Never you mind -next time we'll get it," the star declared. They tried again, and this time it was Kay who missed a word. She was exasperated. "I'm so sorry I had to spoil it, and you were reading those lines so beautifully," she apologized to Miss Flint. The next take was perfect. The instant it was over Kay held out her hand to the other actress. "Congratulations," said shee "You were grand, and this: time-1didn't spoil it: for.vyou.” "Give Me Your Heart" is a powerful drama of mother love and sacrifice, taken from the play by Jay Mallory. Besides Miss Francis and Miss Flint the cast includes George Brent, Roland Young, Patric Knowles, Henry Stephenson, and Frieda Inescort. The screen play is by Casey Robinson. 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