Go Into Your Dance (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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Cooporatwe Dance Ads Arthur Murray, New York’s dance maestro, ad-campaigned last year, appealing to doctors, lawyers, etc., to get their exer| cise by dancing instruction. Local dance school might be willing, heading ads with “Go into your dance—doctors. . . .” Do you think you can get a dance hall or dance school to chip in on a float with a couple of pretty dancing gals on it? Number of exhibs did it on “Flirtation Walk” ... and report plenty of lookers when their bally danced by. Amatewr Jappors. How about a Ruby Keeler Tap Dance Contest on your stage? With prizes going to those who best impersonate the _ terpsichorean ability of Ruby. And don’t forget to invite the newspaper boys down for a story on the amateur hoofers. If you like tricking up trailers, try it this way: Couple of snappy tap dancers do their stuff with spotlight on ’em. As they finish, off stage voice yells, ““Now — Go into your dance”... which is the cue to start the trailer flashing on screen. Page Four FF is ain DANCING TRICKS. TAKE YOUR CHOICE Jap Dance Heralds Ruby Keeler’s Tap Dance, illustrated on another page, is available in mat form and could be made up into attractive herald. Spot ’em in dance halls, dancing schools and hand ’em out opening night as souvenirs. Lobby Dance Instruction Hold tap dance instruction periods after matinee show in foyer of theatre. Tap dance teacher could show the embryonic Ruby Keelers how it’s done. Victrola is enough for the music end of it—or a piano would do. Jappung. Jhe Box-Ofbico A couple of pretty femme tappers doin’ their stuff in front of theatre or on marquee isn’t a new stunt, but it’s still good. Hot three-piece orch to accompany "em... and you’re sure that passers-by will see and hear. Department Stone Ads Department stores might cooperate with ads and window displays on the ideal clothes and accessories with which to “Go Into Your Dance.” Idea applies to practically everything in ladies’ and men’s fashions. Number Dance Gag Dance halls have gone for “Tucky Number Dances,” with theatre passes to winners. See if you can, get one to go for a “Go Into Your Dance Contest”? making sure that plenty of plugs are tossed your way. Horalds If you’re printing up Tap Dance heralds, cooperating department store might be willing to hand ’em out to every customer entering store—in return for which they insert an announcement of stunt in their ads. Dance School Hook-Up Approach dancing schools on co-op newspaper ads and displays. Copy slant being “LEARN TO TAP LIKE RUBY KEELER — as Taught By Johnny Jack, etc., ete.” Ask ’em if they'll come in on a special herald, too. Try getting radio bandleaders to use title as a regular slogan to introduce dance numbers. Before each song they could go into spiels like “Roll up the carpets, folks, and ‘Go into your dance’.”’ Short, sweet and a plug. Jap Board. In. Lobby A trip to your nearest lumber yard would get you a large hardwood board—the kind tap dancers do their hoofing on. Set it in lobby, with sign inviting wouldbe hoofers to step up and try their tapping skill. Tap teacher could stand by and teach ’em. Snapping. Jhe otepponrs. Photographer could visit dance halls, night clubs, etc., snapping couples dancing. Photos to be exhibited in lobby under line, “GO INTO YOUR DANCE ... DETROIT.” Award passes to couples identifying themselves in snaps. Darky. Dancers Couple of darky lads about 10 years old, tapping on the street should get the crowds alooking, just like they do in N. Y. When rubber-neckers collect, kids can spiel on the film, Keeler’s dancing, etc. Passes should do the trick. Theatre Party. How about a Midnight “Go Into Your Dance Party,” after evening performance—with promoted orchestra and _ refreshments. Local dancing school might send down a couple of gals to do some tap dancing a la Ruby Keeler . . . while patrons watch.