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God's Gift to Women (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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Le fy fea rae bid Fran Gy’ a8 oe. Fy —— s Broadway’sF tore Son. These Ads Will Make Him Your Patrons’ Favorite, Too! Frank Fay One Of Few | Hollywood Extras Players Permitted To “Ad Lib” In Talkies Star of ‘‘God’s Gift to Women’? Now at Theatre, Has Rare Gift (Biographical Feature, March 1, 1931) The red-headed Irish-American New Yorker who is star of Warner Bros. farce “God’s Gift to Women,” now at the Theatre, is one of the few comedians who can think of the right thing to do and say, on the spur of the moment, to get the laugh—in other words he is an adept in the rare art which people of the entertainment world eall “ad libbing.” Even the teddy bear he impersonated in “Babes in Toyland” at the age of seven, gave evidence of his latent imitative genius. Broadway took him to its sophisticated heart in “The Passing Show,” “Oh, What a Girl,” “Girl of Mine,” “Artists and Models” and those clever bits of foolery which he acted in and produced under the name of “Frank Fay’s Fables.” This ability for impromptu quips and antics made him a favorite after dinner speaker and master of ceremonies and finally led him, in the latter capacity, to that goal of the vaudeville artist, the Palace. The talkies, with their vastly multiplied audience power, appealed to the Broadway playboy and he has acted as master of ceremonies in Warner Bros. “Show of Shows” and as a suavely amusing comedian in “Under A Texas Moon,” “Bright Lights,” “The Matrimonial Bed” and “God’s Gift to Women” in which he is a 1932 model Don Juan. Mr. Fay is the husband of Barbara Stanwyck. DIANE (LAURA LAPLANTE) wanted a dashing lover. FIFI (JOAN BLONDELL) longed for a man to mother. DAGMAR (YOLA D’AVRIL) desired a cave man. YVONNE (ETHLYNE CLAIR) needed a'‘sugar daddy. SUZANNE (NINA QUARTERO) craved a ladies man. FLORINE (LOUISE BROOKS) prayed for a homebody. SATISFIES THEM ALL A WARNER’ BROS. AND ¥& VITAPHONE COMEDY HIT§ GOD'5 GIFT TO WOMEN with FRANK FAY AND HIS HOLLYWOOD HAREM Cut No. 5 Cut 20c Mat 5¢ Page Four Include Hundreds Of High Culture “God’s Gift To Women” Now at Theatre Presents Some of Them (Current Story) “God’s Gift to Women,” the Warner Bros. French faree_ starring Frank Fay, now at the Theatre, features more stars than any picture not billed as a spectacle. In addition many of the most picturesque characters of the vast army of extras fit into the gay Parisian scenes. To audiences, this latter group will mean just so much atmosphere. To the casting director they are nothing more than “wardrobe extras,” that is, they have complete personal wardrobes, and can be relied on to be in full dress or the smartest evening gowns when called to work on a set. There are eighteen thousand of them who depend on the Central Casting Bureau for their livelihood. An inquiring reporter interviewed the sixty odd characters that appear in “God’s Gift to Women” and found that there is more aristocracy per foot in Hollywood than in any other city of the world. There are those whose tastes and backgrounds bespeak the highest culture. They come from many of the great families of Europe and America. There are representatives of the professions of medicine, law, journalism and the theatre. There are military men and fencing masters, those reared in luxury and others compelled to make a living—all sorts and conditions of people. “God’s Gift to Women” was written by Frederick Hazelitt Brennan who based it on Jane Hinton’s play “The Devil Was Sick.” Screen play aha diaiogue are by vosepu Jackson | and Raymond Griffith. The large cast includes Laura La Plante, Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Arthur Edmund Carewe, Alan Mowbray, Louise Brooks, Tyrrell Davis, Billy House, Yola D’Avril, Margaret Livingston Armand Kaliz, Charles Judels, Eddie Lambert, Murray Smith, Jacques Vanaire, Douglas Gerrard, Ethlyne Clair, Nena Quartaro, Hazel Howell, and the Sisters G. Michael Curtiz directed. Frank Fay Funmaker In Parisian “God’s Gift To Women” Now Here (Current Story) Frank Fay in the role he plays in “God’s Gift to Women,” the Warner Bros. laugh riot which comes to the Pheatre, MOxt-< 2 47s is a Don Juan of gay Paree. With dozens of women wanting to shower him with their love, and with the one he wants ready to accept him, he finds himself laid up with what he believes tobe heart disease. The fake doctor admonishes him that even one kiss will be enough to end his life. The girl of his heart, belatedly, realizes that she loves him and offers him her kisses! And all his exflames pick just this opportunity to ‘| present their services as nurses and }| bring him back to health with their lavish affections. This forms the central situation of one of the most hilarious eomedies produced this season. The story is from the pen of Frederick Hazelitt Brennan, based on the play, “The Devil Was Sick” by Jane Hinton. Michael Curtiz, who directed Frank Fay in “The Matrimonial Bed,” also directed “God’s Gift to Women.” Besides Frank Fay and Laura La Plante, the cast includes Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Alan Mowbray, Louise Brooks, Yola D’Avril, Ethlyne Clair, Billy House, Margaret Livingston, Eddie Lambert, Nena Quartaro, Hazel Howell and the Sisters G.. Ethlyne Clair. The Only One Since Adam! GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN Who's Who “God’s Gift to Women” Nature made this man for FRANK FAY—Broadway star in love! And “Passing Show,” “Artists and how he fulModels,” vaudeville and as Master fills the old of Ceremonies at the Palace and other theatres. Seen in talking pietures in “Show of Shows,” “Under a Texas Moon,” “Bright Lights,” Dame’s expectations! No woman’s heart is safe LAURA LA PLANTE—Beautiful star seen in “The Cat and the Canary,” “Love Thrill,” “Silk Stockings,” “Scandal,” “The Show Boat,” “The Last Warning” and “Lonely Wives.” Born in St. Louis, Mo. JOAN BLONDELL — Blonde beauty, lifetime on stage and screen —seen in “Follies,” and in Warner Bros.’ “Sinners’ Holiday,” “Illicit,” “The Office Wife,” “Other Men’s Women,” and “My Past.” Born in New York City. CHARLES WINNINGER — Seen in “Summer Bachelors,” “The Canadian,” “Fighting Caravans,” “The Westerner” .and .“God’s Gift to “Women.” Born Athens, Wisconsin. Never such a man! Never such a harem of heavenly beauties! Never such a funny farce! FRANK FAY LAURA LAPLANTE — JOAN BLONDELL YOLA D’AVRIL — LOUISE BROOKS ETHLYNE CLAIR ARTHUR EDMUND CAREWE— Appeared in “Trilby,”’ “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” “The Cat and the Canary,” “A Man’s Past.” Born in Trebizond, Armenia, ALAN MOWBRAY—Stage character seen in “The Cinderella Man,” “The Apple Cart,” “Porgy,” and “Topaze.” Born in London, England. STARTS TOMORROW LOUISE BROOKS — Ruth St. Denis dancer, in “Follies,” “Sean| dals,” on the screen in “A Gir D BOR BE BR WORE BLT ara ip £1 RT nn PEE Air,” “The City Gone Wild,” “Rolled Stockings” and “Beggars of Life.” Born in Wichita, Kansas. FILM FADE-INS TAKEN AFTER FADE-OUT STAR MADE DEBUT AS TEDDY BEAR AT 7 (Current Reader) Frank Fay, who is starred jin “God’s Gift to Women,” the Warner Bros. French farce now showing at the Theatre made his theatrical debut at seven, appearing as a teddy bear in Victor Herbert’s “Babes in Toyland.” He has appeared in many legitimate productions, in musical comedy and in vaudeville. He was one of the finest Masters of Ceremonies at the Palace in New York, before entering the talkies. He is supported in “God’s Gift to Women” by many screen beauties including Laura La Plante, Joan Blondell, Louise Brooks, Yola ‘DiAvril, Hazel Howell and TYRRELL DAVIS — Noted character actor seen in “Mother’s Boy,” “His Glorious Night,” “QLueky. in Love,” “Strictly Uneonventional,” “Prince of Diamonds” and “Let Us Be Gay.” (Current Reader) The last shots of “God’s Gift to Women,” the Warner Bros. picture starring Frank Fay, now at the Kyte Theatre had been made before the amusing sequence in which Eddie Lambert conducts a party of American tourists through Paris. Frank Fay plays the part of a modern Don Juan in “God’s Gift to Women.” His supports include Laura La Plante, Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Yola D’Avril, Alan Mowbray, Billy House, Louus Brooks, and a_ host of other favorites. BILLY HOUSE—Well known on the stage, in’ vaudeville and musical shows and in “Luckee Girl,” a Shubert production. Born in Mankato, Minnesota. YOLA D’AVRIL Beautiful dancer seen in “American Beauty,” “Valley of the Giants,” “She Goes to War,” “The Love Parade,” “The Shanghai Lady,” and “They Had to See Paris.” Born in Paris, France. MARGARET LIVINGSTON — Seen in “Sunrise,” “Chorus Lady,” “Wandering Husbands,” “Bellamy Trial,” “Seven Keys to Baldpate,” and many others. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah. : ARMAND KALIZ—Appeared in “Innocence,” “The Yellow Ticket,” “The Stolen Bride,” “The Aviator,” “Twin Beds,” Warner Bros. “Gold Diggers of Broadway” and “Marriage Playground.” Born in Paris, France. CHARLES JUDELS — Director and actor—played in “Frozen Justice,” “Hot for Paris,” and “Let’s Go Places.” Born in Amsterdam, Holland. EDDIE LAMBERT—Successful on stage in vaudeville and musical shows and on the screen in “The Big House,” “The March of Time” and “God’s Gift to Women.” Born ‘in New York. DOUGLAS GERRARD — Famous character actor. Among his many STRAND Doors Open I1 A.M, LAST 4 DAYS Funniest Farce of the Talkies! with FRANK FAY LAURA LAPLANTE — JOAN BLONDELL pictures are “General Orack,” LOUISE BROOKS Also “Madonna of Avenue A,” “The t iS Argyle Case” and “Smilin’ Irish and shui 3 big Vitaphone Eyes.” Born in Dublin, Ireland. Ilywood’s Shorts Ho rwee BELIEVE IT OR NOT ETHLYNE CLAIR — Seen in most gorgeous “Newlyweds and Their Baby.” THE NAGGERS “Mike and Ike Comedies,” “Hero on A TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL Horseback,” ‘Hey, Rube, » “Pride of Pawnee,” and “Wild Blood.” Born in Oakland, California. girls! Cut No.13 Cut goc Mat roc / when Frank “The Matrimonial Bed,” and “God’s comes to Gift to Women.” Born in San Frantown! cisco, Every Port,’ “Now We're in the