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Remember! First National’s Service Does
Not Sto
p With The Contract, It Begins With It!
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You’ll hold fast to your seats and your sides when
id Sw meee”
a \ \
JOEE. “\
zooms to new heights tof hilarity in the merriest, dizziest whirligig of glee. ;
af , Ona Munson--Laura /
\ Lee--Walter Pidgeon / \
‘Should Be Dead Club’
Mark up a new club for Holly
Its name is the “Should Be Dead Club,” and it was formed during the filming of “Going Wild,” the First National farce starring Joe E. Brown, now at 6. . Theatre.
“Going Wild” is an aviation comedy, and features a lot of wild stunt flying at its conclusion. There. were four cases of accidents, any one of which might i have killed the pilot. Once a 41 wheel fell off in the air, and the pilot had to land a fast ship on one wheel. He nosed over, bending the prop, but neither he nor the plane was hurt otherwise. In another case a plane following a trick landing at nearly 90 miles an hour, did a ground loop, shaking up the pilot and spilling a 1 lot of gasoline when a line broke. | Fortunately the gas didn’t ignite. And in the third case a plane
-ershot the small landing field
1 piled into a ditch, damaging
So the three pilots formed the “Should Be Dead” Club, and, as a “compliment” to the star of the picture, Joe E. Brown, the comedian, named him as honorary president!
Teetotaler Gets Only
Drunks’ Roles
Frank McHugh An Abstainer But You’d Never Guess From His Acting
(Advance trick reader ; McHugh) Drunk again!—that’s Frank Me
Hugh, one of the leading comics of
oP? eaGnn, eo" Bay, a,
£2 * Sets A New ee, e Record For ‘ Non-Stop oy Laughter oa Joe E. Brown cm reaches new aot heights of thrill%9 packed hilarity. EY
“Going Wild,” the First National
and Vitaphone riot which comes to
Cheese ores Theatre ons 40McHugh doesn’t drink. In fact];
But in his first screen test for First National, which landed him the role of “Fish,” the reporter in “Bright Lights,” he did a drunk bit so entertainingly that he was not only signed to a long term contract, but has been paying drunk parts ever since.
he’s dry as a bone.
He hasn’t had a sober role yet!
McHugh, who came to the movies g from the New York stage, played in}:
“Bright Lights,” “The Dawn. Patrol,” “Top Speed,” “The Widow From Chicago,” “The Toast of the Legion,” and now in “Going Wild,” which is Joe E. Brown’s funniest starring comody. McHugh plays the part of an imbibing Florida hotel proprietor. Others in the cast are Walter Pidgeon, who has been hailed as the
screen’s most dashing lover; Lawrence -3
Gray, who has been Gloria Swanson’s leading man in a number of pictures, Laura Lee, who scored a tremendous hit in “Top Speed,” Ona Munson, one of the most beautiful women on the New York stage and one of its best singers, and many others. William A. Seiter directed.
| T Re er Tha Hor
somali, ene2p, yet colorful and powerful. A dyna-mite of any campaign.
The Herald on “Going Wild” is a
knockout. When ordering your accessories
~~ ‘4
WALTER PIDGEON Laura Lee, Frank McHugh
-nal & Vitaphone Hit
— mee A OE LEK oe & eee , ;
Cut No 6 Cut 20c Mat sc
105 Lines
Air Cop Helped In Crazy Scenes of
“Going Wild”
Consider The Herald! |\ saw Stunts, Wanted to Nab
Well Travelled
Ona Munson, the beautiful and accomplished actress of “Going Wirtd 2) nowt thes 226 Theatre, is one of the most widely travelled persons in pictures. She has visited practically every country in Europe or the Orient. She lived a year on the Riviera in France. She would prefer to spend all of her vacations in Switzerland, “because it is so restful on the nerves.”
Check—Double Check
Joe E. Brown, the comedian who is starred in “Going Wild,” at the this week, has twenty checked and double-checked suits. But he has never worn one on the street. He uses them in the movies.
Soar to the Heights of Hilarity
Cut No. 22 Cut goc Ma
t 10c
70 Lines
Flyers, But Added to -Picture’s Thrills
(Current story;
flying fea
So effective were the airplane antics in “Going Wild,” the hilarious Joe E. Brown faree now showing at the Theatre, that the police were summoned.
The scenes were filmed over the California National Guard Airport near Glendale, Calif. This airport is not regularly used, and hence a permit for stunting was obtained, which could not be granted at any regular airport.
When the planes in the race which caps the climax of the picture took the air and literally went crazy, flying in loops and gyrations, many people in the neighborhood of the airport thought something was wrong, and summoned the police. An airplane patrol officer was sent up from another airport to see if he couldn’t chase the “drunks” out of the sky.
His arrival only added to the general confusion, much to the delight of Director William A. Seiter and the cameramen. Tha planes landed shortly after, and the air cop with them, and general explanations were in order. And now the cop thinks he ought to be paid for having worked in the picture!
Yowll see all of these funny air scenes in “Going Wild” at the ...... Theatre. Besides Joe E. Brown, Ona Munson, Laura Lee, Lawrence Gray and Frank McHugh are in the cast.
Seiter, “Going Wild” Director, Has 17 In 2 Years
All Pictures Financial Succesess in Record List
(Advance; Director Seiter)
With “Going Wild,” the hilarious farce starring Joe E. Brown, William A. Seiter completed the direetion of seventeen pictures in two years for First National.
This is dustry, as all of those pictures have
a record in the film in
been important productions, and
Seiter is one of the best known directors in the industry.
Even more remarkable is the fact that every one of these pictures have been an outstanding financial suc
cess at the box office! In a business
fraught with uncertainties this is an
achievement. Any book publisher would fall dead from surprise if one of his authors had established a similar record.
Seiter is known for the deftness of his treatment of screen stories, an ability that was only enhanced with the arrival of talkies. His pictures are marked by speed, movement, and many subtle comedy touches. He has been directing for fifteen years.
Among his most successful films are “Happiness Ahead,” “Outéast,” “Waterfront,” “Synthetic Sin,” Prisoners,” “The Love Racket,” “Strictly Modern,” “The Flirting Widow,” “Back Pay,” and, more recently, “Kiss Me Again,” whieh is an adapta
tion of Victor MHerbert’s ‘Mlle. Modiste,”’ and “The Truth About Youth.”
“Going Wild,” which is hailed as one of the funniest comedies of the se‘ nd includes in its cv. son, Walter Pidgeon, Laura Lev, mu Frank MeHugh. The picture comes to the .... Theatre on
Witty Waiter Pidgeon
Although Walter Pidgeon is a widower, he is one of the best hosts in Hollywood. He entertains many friends informally, is noted as a witty conversationalist, and naturally is much sought after as a dinner guest by Hollywood hostesses. Thus far he has remained fancy free, and although he has been in Hollywood several years his name has not even been linked by engagement rumor. He is now appearing in “Going Wild” at the Theatre.
Makes Film Debut
Cut No 13 Cut 15c Mat 5c
Ona Munson, who makes her motion picture debut in ‘‘Going Wild,’”’ the aviation laugh riot starring Joe E. Brown, with a huge supporting cast ineluding Lawrence Gray, Walter Pidgeon and Laura Lee.
——— “ bard
/ GOING! \ i like wildfire
faster&funnierthan =} any comedy yet ree ee
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* areall your blues
“when you see Se.
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Toke) ) . TO THE LAST
(tut "Ta 7 Cut 20c Mat 5c a faa
contradicting say
(Current story, what most other stars
about “keeping fit’).
“How do you keep fit?” is one of the questions most frequently asked of motion pieture actors and actresses.
In reply to it Joe E. Brown, star
of “Going Wild,” now showing at
the en eee Theatre, replied simply
oT don’t.”
Taking exercise, accordimg to Brown, is far too much trouble. A
comedian simply can’t be bothered with it.
“Ag a matter of fact,” he says, “I get all the exercise I want when I am working in pictures, By the time you have gone through a dozen strenuous scenes a half a dozen times each during a day you have haé@ plenty of physieal exercise.
“When I finish working on a picture what I need is rest. Between pictures I le in bed late, and try to persuade Mrs. Brown to bring memy coffee there. I don’t often sueceed. It is hard to jolly your wife into doing something when she has heard all of your jokes. I never turn my hand unless I have to. I go to the beach, but I wouldn’t think of swimming. It’s too mueh work.”
“Going Wild” provided plenty of exercise for Brown and all other menibers of the cast including Walter Pidgeon, Laura Lee, Ona Munson, Lawrence Gray and Frank McHugh, for it deals with stunt aviation at a
Florida resort.
Page Seven