Gold Diggers of 1933 (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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STUNT OF THE YEAR Continued Note to Exhibitors: We have given you eight sample publicity stories to run with the first eight pictures in the Beauty Contest. For additional stories for the remaining 10 pictures, we suggest that you use stories with local angles that will undoubtedly develop during the contest. A good thought would be to get a committee of prominent men and women to look over the first eight pictures and then carry their individual comments regarding which girl they think is the prettiest so far. Reader comments should also be solicited and these published. In this way you will be able to keep up a steady flow of newsy stories that will add impetus and interest to the contest. At this stage you can also announce that for the benefit of those who may have missed previous issues of the pictures, all eight preceeding pictures will be on display in the lobby of your theatre. Be a Beauty Contest Judge Be a meauty; Saabert ee and Help Make Me a Star “*~ f xe WA] TI: N i nt Z| } & i HIS q AK z Ik i} A i , NK 2 IE 1h f A q A iI ; ip ‘ B RI GIGI PG IGP IG VIR JGT GY Cut No.2C Out 30c Mati10c Cut No.2D Cut 30c Mati10c MAXINE CANTWAY LORENA ANDREWS Hails from Chicago, Ill, Hails from St. Louis, Mo. Red hair, green eyes, 5 ft. 4’, weighs 115. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5 ft. 41%”, weighs 118. Page Thirty-one