Gold Diggers of 1933 (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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EXPLOITATION Monster Roller Skating Scene in Picture, Makes Tie-up A Natural Manufacturer Has Complete Campaign Ready To Enable You to Cash In on Current Craze So popular has the roller skating craze become in the past few months that Busby Berkeley, the dance director of “Gold Diggers of 1933,” has capitalized on this vogue by staging one of the most spectacular scenes in the picture with the entire cast on skates. The dances and routines are extremely tricky and the result is absolutely sensational. To enable YOU to cash in on this part of the picture, a tie-up has been arranged with the Chicago Roller Skate Company, one of the largest manufacturers of roller skates. They have prepared a comprehensive campaign with special window displays (see illustration) with which to help advertise your showing of the picture. These displays will be placed in local stores carrying the Chicago line of skates. The manufacturer WITH 12 STARS > will notify their dealers to give you every cooperation in staging roller skate dances and other contests which tie in with “Gold Diggers of 1933.” In order to cash in on this natural tie-up, we suggest you arrange to stage a roller skating contest for girls and boys, men and women and call it, “The Gold Diggers of 1933 Roller Skating Championship.” Promote prizes from dealers handling roller skates. Get them to donate about a dozen pairs of skates, gilded, for display in your lobby, and as prizes. Gag up your announcements. Get your newspaper interested in this contest. Perhaps you can get them to sponsor the races, by offering small cash prizes and guest tickets to “Gold Diggers” for the first three in each elass. By all means have the contest start at your theatre and end there. Have members of your staff police “CHICAGQ” TRADE MA REG. USM OFF, You'll thrill to these Roller Skating scenes which have started a new WORUE TH GDOETS oo 5 oes 5 ho the race course, equipped with breast bands reading “Gold Diggers .’ Hand out heralds or special throwaways to the people watching the races. Divide the various entrants according to age and sex. In this manner you will be able to get a tremendous number of people interested. You can also stage contest for fancy skating, dancing and acrobatic work right on your stage. Write the Chicago Roller Skate Co., asking them for their exploitation plan; inform them of the stores with whom you would like to work this stunt, advising them of your play date. Start this stunt moving just as soon as your playdate is set. Communicate with MR. ROBERT WARE CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. 4408 West Lake Street Chicago, Ill. WARNER BROS. SUPER MUSICAL PICTURE GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 200 GORGEOUS GIRLS | Be among the first to roll in on this new sporting vodue,with CHICAGO ROLLER SKATES This attractive lavishly colored poster which plugs your showing of ‘Gold Diggers of 1933” is available for dealer-theatre tie-ups and is part of the cooperative campaign prepared by the Chicago Roller Skate Co. Gold Treasure Hunt, Practical The treasure hunt is a natural for “GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933.” Announce the treasure hunt in your local newspaper, giving the first clue to start it off. From various points in the city each clue finally leads to the lobby of the theatre where a number of gold certificates are hiddent and good for merchandise at the stores of cooperating dealers. This can be made a daily feature in your local newspaper for a week, with pictures of each day’s successful treasure finders appearing in the newspaper the following day—describing the prize and crediting the donors of the prizes. If you can’t tie-up with a local newspaper, publicize the treasure hunt thru announcements on your screen and in your lobby. Use such copy as “200 BEAUTIFUL GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 WANT SOME RIVALS ... VALUABLE PRIZES TO THE BEST GOLD DIGGERS IN TOWN WHO WILL JOIN THE STRAND THEATRE TREASURE ERUIN ES EAGRE EN Ge SAUD. veteue aqaieanlks * * * Your local department store may want to use the treasure hunt as a merchandising idea. The first clue should be announced in their regular newspaper advertising and the trail should lead the people to various parts of the store where special bargains are put on sale. The final clue should lead to the lobby of your theatre, where articles contributed by the store are to be found. Advertise Picture With Style Show As a fitting presentation to be staged one week in advance of your opening of “GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933” arange with your local department store or ladies’ apparel shop to stage a Gold style show. Such a demonstration can be put on the stage or in your lobby if it is large enough. Or you can have your local school of design or art school stage a Gold i_the students participate ; in fancy costumes made of golden materials. Get merchants to offer prizes. Both of the above ideas can be incorporated into one — having the faney costume and style show staged in the large windows of your local department store. Stills and lifesized cutouts of the beautiful girls in “GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933” should be prominently displayed in these windows together with the playdates at your theatre. This stunt will jam the sidewalks with people and can be put over with great results. Use Bicyele Riders and Skaters for Big Street Stunt The stars and show-girls in “GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933” are responsible for reviving two old fads—bicycle riding and_ roller-skating. That’s your tip to follow thru and earry on the fad in your town. Organize the “GOLD DIGGERS BICYCLE CLUB OF 1933” or “THE ROLLER SKATERS OF 1933” among the young men and young women with the ultimate purpose of coming to your theatre on bicycle and roller skates on the opening day of “GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933.” Banners reading: “1933 GOLD DIGGERS RIDE ON A BICYCLE (OR ROLLER SKATES) TO MAKE SURE THEY DON’T HAVE TO WALK TO SEE ‘GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933’ NOW PLAYING STRAND.” It will make a great street ballyhoo for the picture and attract a lot of attention in any street parade or pageant you use on the opening day of the picture. Described at the left is a tie-up with a nationally known roller-skate manufacturer. Put this tie-up to work for you. Enlist the cooperation of department stores and other dealers who sell this line of merchandise to use advertising space to popularize the new fad. To tie-in with scenes from the picture supply them with stills number Pub. A205 showing Ruby Keeler on skates; Pub A111 Warren William on a _ bicycle; Pub A404 Joan Blondell on a bicycle; and Pub. A 254 a group of the girls on bicycles. Page Thirty-nine