Gold Diggers of 1935 (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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ACCESSORIES /\ DESCRIPTION: Title is gold. Credits are white. II24-S H F ET lustrations in full color on dark blue background. PRICES “The More You Buy— the Less It Costs” 1-SHEETS | 1 to Ch ee lSc each AT a ee ae ere i3c each 100" and=over-—=-....... *: lle each a 3-SHEETS lte 24 ..........5....40¢ each 2o-anduovers. cece 36c each 6-SHEETS WO LO: oe iN 75c each LO stop Oi orn ee ea 70c each ZUmctnd (OVere. ee 65c each 24-SHEETS Uprto, 248s: a tat $2.00 each Z050nd -OVer =... ok 1.75 each TWO COLOR 40” by 60” BLOW-UP ORANGE AND BLACK—READY FOR MOUNTING A 2 ae ADs x Bek canvas ae a ree ' NATIONAL LOM it: Ss RCE en ae eee: c eac INSERT CARD 100 and over ......... 51/2¢ each : PICTURE Bote en Psi rs 25c each ZOMLOMAG Bn ees 22c each Ae] Dot Co -42 1: | Sc a ean oa eR ae 20c each lO0sandeovera. 4) ue 18c each 3-SHEET HERALDS IMetos AM Sees. =. $3.00 per M SMeanaTOVerias.= 3 2.75 per M LOBBY DISPLAYS A0 x 60 Blow-ups ...... 50c each lecel4 Photos*: |... 0. 4 75c a set (8 in set—colored) 22x 28 “Photos: ) 2.8 os. 80c a set (2 in set—colored) Slides 53s ees l5c each Stills: 0.70 te ee 10c each Midget Window. Cards 4c each Merchandising Plans ..... Gratis These Prices Apply to U.S. Only 1-SHEET, WINDOW CARD, 6-SHEET SLIDE MIDGET WINDOW CARD PRINTED IN U. 8. A. Page Twenty-three