Gold Dust Gertie (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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-MATS ADAPTABLE TO ANY SPACE! \ When Beauty Bathed In Dad’s Time Winnie Lightner stars’ in “Gold Dust Gertie’ the Warner Bros. comedy now at the Theatre, as a gold-digging designer of more than bathing suits. Beside the latest in beach styles are shown actual reproductions of the bathing regalia of thirty years ago, when not even the littlest toe of a beauty might be displayed without immodesty. Olsen and Johnson are feature in his uproarious slapstick classic. Others who lend merriment to the sequence are Dorothy Christy, Claude Gillingwater, Arthur Hoyt, George Byron, Vivian Oakland, Charley Grapewin, Charles Judels and Virginia Sale. Lloyd Bacon directed. They Clown Their Way Into Jail And Kid Their Way Out Olsen and Johnson with Winnie Lightner in “Gold Dust Gertie,” Come to........ Theatre........ Next (Advance Story) An hour in jail is as good as a page in a newspaper to Olsen and Johnson, comedians de luxe who have been in and out of some of the best jails in the world. Police who lack a sense of humor are the favorite victims of this pair of worldfamous clowns who appear........ next at the Theatre with Winnie Lightner in Warner Brothers feature comedy, “Gold Dust Gertie.” Olsen and Johnson have several old and many new stunts calculated to them into minor difficulties with the police. If an officer is foolish enough to lose his temper and put the pair in jail, their day is a sucCCS S a eee ~The principal difficulty is” that they are never jailed twice in the same city. After one experience with these clowns any law enforcement department permanently refuses to jail them for anything less than murder. It’s very discouraging, they say, being able to break into but one jail in a city. Olsen and Johnson’s fifteen years of amazing success on the stage caused Warner Brothers to sign them for talking pictures. “Gold Dust Gertie” is their latest. Beside Winnie Lightner the cast includes Claude Gillingwater, Charles Judels, Charley Grapewin, Dorothy Christy, Vivian Oakland, Arthur Hoyt and Virginia Sale. Lloyd Bacon directed. Who Is Dick? As If Everybody Doesn’t " Know! Says Winnie Winnie Lightner, Star Of “Gold Dust Gertie “Now At The Theatre, Registers Surprise (Current Story) Winnie Lightner, star of Warner Bros. “Gold Dust Gertie” now delighting crowds at the...... Theatre —is noted for the number of times she mentions a certain “Dicky” in conversation. Should some member of the group dare to inquire who the Dicky is, Winnie gives one of those sudden flashes of amazement, for which she is famous and answers “Don’t Know Dicky, well I want to know!” The fact is that Dicky is Winnie Lightner’s three-year old son, the apple of her eye, and the one person who makes the game of life worth the playing. She is always eager to get back home from the lot —where she does more strenuous work than probably any comedienne in the world—and down on the nursery floor helping Dicky build block houses and start choo-choo trains. — Miss Lightner is supported in uproarious “Gold Dust Gertie” by Claude Gillingwater, Charles Judels, Olsen and Johnson, Charley Grapewin, George Byron, Dorothy Christy, Vivian Oakland, Arthur Hoyt and Virginia Sale. Lloyd Bacon directed. Ce ry Page Ten Hoyt Plays Propriety In “Gold Dust Gertie” (Advance Reader) Arthur Hoyt, recognized as one of the most original comedians of stage or screen plays the part of a marrying reformer in “Gold Dust Gertie,” the Warner Bros. production, starring Winnie Lightner, and coming to the Theatre next. Hoyt is able to simulate the most santimonious expression, and to voice his thoughts meekly. Screen Clown Gets Eel Far Down His Neck (Current Reader) Both the eel and Chic Johnson performed up to expectations in a scene in “Gold Dust Gertie” the current Warner Brothers comedy at the Theatre, starring Winnie Lightner and Olsen and Johnson. The eel wiggled naturally and so did Johnson, and so, he suggests, would anyone else with one of these slippery customers down his neck. SHE TAKES "EM FOR WHAT THEY’RE WORTH From the play-boys of Broadway to the dough-boys of Miami they all fall for Winnie LIGHTNER GOLD DUST RTIE She'll “‘take” this town for all it’s worth in laffs! OLSEN and JOHNSON Claude Gillingwater Dorothy Christy Cut No. 7 In “Gold Dust Gertie” He Beats His Breast In The Lightner Wa (Current Story) An eloquent line of description for business in a scene of “Gold Dust Gertie,” the Warner Bros. comedy starring Winnie Lightner and featuring Olsen and Johnson, now at the Theatre, is “He beats his breast in the Lightner manner.” This manner of Winnie’s is difficult to describe and yet it has played a big part in making her a star, for it never fails to convulse audiences. Like most clever things it is something which no one has been able to imitate. In “Gold Dust Gertie’ Miss Lightner is supported by Dorothy Christy, Claude Gillingwater, Arthur Hoyt, George Byron, Vivian OakJand, Charley Grapewin, Charles Judels and Virginia Sale. The picture is based on the play “The Wife of the Party” by Len. Hollister. The screen play is by Ray Enright and William K. Wells. Arthur Caesar did the snappy dialogue. Lloyd Bacon directed. Winnie Lightner Dubs Hollywood Land Of Make ’Em Believe Winnie Lightner who is now Theatre as the star of Warner Bros. “Gold Dust Gertie” says that Hollywood isn’t the Land of Make Believe, any more than Manhattan or Oskaloosa—but rather the Land of Make ’Em Believe. “I don’t know that there is so much difference between being great and having the public think you-are. It would be a drab world if nobody indulged in camouflage. If you put it over it follows that you simply must live up to what they think you are. “Take me, I rioted through ‘Gold Diggers of Broadway’ and I haven’t been able to sleep nights since trying to live up to my reputation. The rub is not so much makin’ ’em believe as makin’ ’em keep on believing— if you know what I mean.” Cut 40c, Mat 10c Winnie Lightner Inaugurates A Big (Current Story) Winnie Lightner, now starring in Warner Bros. “Gold Dust Gertie” at the........Theatre may be said to have inaugurated local laugh week. Featured with the comedi enne of “Gold Diggers of Broadway” are those clowns of nonsense, Olsen and Johnson and a merry cast which includes Dorothy Christy, Claude Gillingwater, Arthur Hoyt, George Byron, Vivian Oakland, Charley Grapewin, Charles Judels and Virginia Sales. Lloyd Bacon directed. “Gold Dust Gertie” is adapted from the play “Wife of the Party” by Len Hollister. It recounts the wild adventures of two bathing suit salesmen who marry twins, and are thereafter hounded by hard-hitting Gertie, who has previously been wife to each of the men. A yacht captain turns up who has also enjoyed more or less felicitous connubiality with Gertie, and she ends by capturing the crochetty and erstwhile conservative head of the bathing suit manufactory and becoming general manager. One thousand and one laughs are guaranteed to those who make a trip to the...... Theatre while the tomboy of the talkies is on. Take all the family to see “Gold Dust Gertie.” Caesar’s Dialogue In “Gold Dust Gertie” (Current Reader) “Gold Dust Gertie,” starring Winnie Lightner and featuring Olsen and Johnson, with a clever cast including Claude Gillingwater, Arthur Hoyt, George Byron, Vivian Oakland, Charley Grapewin, Dorothy Christy, Charles and Virginia Sale, has other claims to make it the classic of slapstick that it is. Arthur Caesar, recognized as the smartest of Broadway smart-crackers did the up-to-the-minute dialogue. The story is by Ray Enright and William K. Wells. Winnie is shown as a determined collector of Alimony, who swoops down on two ex-husbands who have just married twins. Laugh-Week Here| WINNIE LIGHTNER LAUGHS AND THE WORLD LAUGHS WITH HER Winnie Lightner, star of “Gold Dust Gertie,” the Warner Bros. comedy, now at the........ Theatre has that rare and precious gift of making people respond to her mirth. When she laughs ‘the world laughs with her,’ to paraprhase Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s famous poem. Whether should she decide to weep, she would weep alone, is a question. Miss Lightner, being a person who is not devoid of human understanding, could doubtless make sob-stuff as moving as laughter. She says not, however. Her reason for being so sure of this is the reception she got in Buffalo when in her teens when she came out on the stage of Shea’s Theatre there, loaded with several of the weepiest songs ever written. She thought she would make the crowd sob hysterically. They became hysterical with amusement at her efforts to be sad. That gave her the hunch, that she was meant to make people laugh instead of cry. “And for that matter’ she has been known to say, “People come to the theatre to be amused—they have enough sob-stuff of their own to sniffle over, if they want to sniffle. I like to think of myself as a sort of practitioner, handing out laughing powders. What’s good for them is good for me, too. It’s hard work but, boy, it’s fun, too. When I see bald old gents and, flashy jazz boys, and little kids howling together—I thank my stars and garters for what happened to me that night in Buffalo!” Miss Lightner is supported in “Gold Dust Gertie’ by Dorothy Christy, Claude Gillingwater, Charles Judels, Charley Grapewin, Vivian Oakland, George Byron, Arthur Hoyt and Virginia Sale. Lloyd Bacon directed. “Gold Dust Gertie’’ Will Give Care A Spring Cleaning (Current Story) You know how it is in the spring of the year—how carpets must come up and curtains down—how everything must be sunned and beaten and scrubbed and _ scoured—and soaped and sudsed—so that the old house may seem like a new house and life takes on a new zest. Laughter does for the mind the same thing that spring cleaning does to the home, and that is just what Winnie Lightner has to offer you in “Gold Dust Gertie,” which is now entertaining crowds at the Theatre. Winnie could do the job herself —but to add to the merriment of the occasion Olsen and Johnson, craziest clowns in the talkies, are added to the cast—as well as Claude Gillingwater, George Byron, Charles Judels, Charley Grapewin, Dorothy Christy, Vivian Oakland, Arthur Hoyt and Virginia Sale. Winnie appears as the alimonyhounding lady who spoils the honeymoon of Olsen and Johnson, who have married twins. She seems either to marry, or to have been married all the men in the show, and makes such a howling pandemonium of mirth and mix-up before she is done with them that “Gold Diggers of Broadway,” in which she first shone, is left in the background. Go to the Theatre right now—for your mental spring cleaning. | Program Portrait | Winnie Lightner in “Gold Dust Gertie” Cut No. 16, Cut 15c, Mat Sc Lightner Antics Are Easy To Look At, Not Easily Acted (Current Story) Those who labor under the impression that motion pictures are all play and no work, should take part in a Winnie Lightner, Olsen and Johnson comedy, such as “Gold Dust Gertie,” the current attraction at the Theatre. The making of such screen hilarity comes pretty close to being all work and no play, in the opinion of Miss Lightner, who is invariably “all in” at the end of a picture. ed Whirlwind comedies require a tremendous amount of energy. Speed and excitement dominate every scene and actors must be literally on their toes. At the end of a long schedule this takes a toll in frayed nerves and tired muscles, because “Gold Dust Gertie,” like other of Miss Lightner’s features— and those in which Olsen and John son have appeared—is a physical —-<= tornado as well as a mental whirlwind. aes The cast of “Gold Dust“ Gertie” includes Claude Gillingwater, Dor= othy Christy, George Byron, Charley Grapewin, Vivian Oakland, Charles Judels, Virginia Sale and Arthur Hoyt. Lloyd Bacon directed. Winnie Dons Blinders (Current Story) For certain sequences of “Gold Dust Gertie,” the Warner Bros. comedy, starring Winnie Lightner, now at the Theatre, the clever lady dons tortoise rimmed glasses, to give her the desired look of prim innocence she needs when she sets about changing the oldfashioned ideas of a sugar daddy. Winnie Will Pep You Perhaps a good laugh is all you need. If so you will get what you need with overflowing measure at the Theatre—where Winnie Lightner is starring in “Gold Dust Gertie,” Warner Bros. latest adventure in nonsense. Olsen and Johnson, craziest clowns of the talkies are featured in a very merry cast. Lloyd Bacon directed. eer fk gee ae > sUST POR COLI Cut No. 20, GOLD DUST" A LAUGH! AND WHAT A LAUGH! ~ Winnie GERTIE WITH OLSEN AND JOHNSON SEUM Cut 40c, Maé 10c