Goodbye Again (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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REFLECTS PICTURE'S IMPORTANCE IMAGINE A SHOW SO BIG IT NEEDS A STAR IN EVERY PART! A y Just picture such a show — then come c. to the Strand and see it pictured! A SS a whele hilarious year on Broadway — / but New Yorkers never knew how funny it could be until they saw it on the screen! : 1933’s LONG-RUN LAUGH CHAMPION Now a First National Picture with JOAN BLONDELL GENEVIEVE TOBIN WARREN WILLIAM WALLACE FORD HELEN CHANDLER RUTH DONNELLY "Audience turned into a gale of mirth!” —Motion Picture Herald “A comedy wow!” —Hollywood Herald Swell entertainment!” Variety Bulletin Cut No. 25 Cut 80c Mat 20c 692 LINES This ad is also available in 3-column size. See cut No. 29 on page 13. Page Eleven