Goodbye Again (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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ADVERTISING BROADWAY'S YEAR-LONG LAUGH RIOT Now twice as funny on the screen! r i 35 i Ug e With all these stars— JOAN BLONDELL GENEVIEVE TOBIN WARREN WILLIAM WALLACE FORD HELEN CHANDLER RUTH DONNELLY He taught a million women how to the red-hot intrigues he wrote up for the nation’s best-sellers! But just imagine the fun when an adoring blonde steps out of his silliest, sexiest story book and really turns on the heat! “A comedy wow!” says Hollywood Herald of this hilarious First National Hit...and hysterical millions roar agreement! STRAND Cut No. 19 Cut 80c Mat 20c 372 LINES This ad is available in three sizes. For 3-column reduction see Cut No. 20 on page 16. For 2-column size see cut No. 33 on page 13. BROADWAY'S ,@ YEAR-LONG | LAUGH RIOT Now twice as funny on the screen! BROADWAY IN \ HYSTERICS FORA \ | WHOLE HILARIOUS | | YEAR...NOW FUNNIER | THAN EVER ON / With all these stars— A JOAN BLONDELL GENEVIEVE TOBIN WARREN WILLIAM WALLACE FORD HELEN CHANDLER RUTH DONNELLY He taught a million women how to the red-hot intrigues he wrote up for the nation’s best-sellers! But just imagine the fun when an adoring blonde steps out of his silliest, sexi est story book and really turns on the heat! Eat "4 comedy wow!” says Hollywood Herald of this hilarious First National Hit...and hysterical millions roar agreement! Cut No. 20 Cut 60c Mat 15c eon 207 LINES GENEVIEVE TOBIN WARREN WILLIAM | | WALLACE FORD | \ HELEN CHANDLER / \ RUTH DONNELLY J Ss The Laugh Riot of ra its Year] . ,400DBYC () AGAIN ith: ©) GREAT STARS ae 92 LINES Cut No. 12 Cut 20c Mat 5c Cut No. 13 Cut 20c Mat 5c 15 LINES 15 LINES Seattle GREAT Cut No. 31 Cut 20c Mat 5c Page Sixteen