Green Light (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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(recip eres a EXPLOITATION CAPTIONED TIE-UP — Here's a novel idea in tie-up stills that local merchants “DELIGHTFUL COMPANY AND yak : : TASTY FOOD MAKE FOR A ie Bg. will be anxious to use because, one, the store’s catch | PLEASANT HOUR AT line is superimposed on the still, and, two, the stills are not posed but are actual scenes from the production. Carefully selected and captioned to meet the most stringent demands, stills are 8x10” and cost 10¢c each—set of 12—$1.00. Order Captioned TieUp Stills and regular Tie-Up Stills in box below, from THE GREEN LIGHT MEANS GO! Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th St., nw. ¥. Cc. » BUY THAT NEW SPRING HAT NOW A ROOM GL. 48 MILLINERY SHOP GL. 27 ben LIGH HT=A “A Gsmopolitan Production -4 Fr futon ture ERROL FLYNN 4 ANITA LOUISE "GREEN LIGHT =A Gsmopolitan Production 4 Fier Nenonal Prete YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT IS NEVER A PROBLEM WHEN YOU LET OUR EXPERT DESIGNERS ADVISE YOU. Ce ae | RRO. FAT 4 AOA LOUISE -"GREEN LIGHT "A Gomopoitan Pectin fun enn Pe 700. rosan nnrta Louse "GREEN LIGHT" A Gempetian Peter forte nee MEN’S SHOP GL. 45 DRESS SHOP GL. 35 WE HAVE MANY FINE SUGGESTIONS FOR THE WOMAN WHO LIKES HER CLOTHES TAILORED. WE HAVE EVENING GOWNS WOMEN ¥ WIL ‘GO’ FOR AS THEY GO FOR “GREEN LIGHT’ i t | BE astra Mennesoeanncnsenscesd & AD THE BUSY EXECUTIVE SUCCESSFUL MEN OUTRIT THEIR DESKS HERE. | OUR COMPLETE LINE OF COSME© > TICS NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHERE YOU GO, iS HOW YOU GO. THAT'S WHY THE SMART PERSON CHOOSES AIRPLANE eae ERROL FLYNN 4 AIT LOUISE «GREEN LIGHT=A Gsmopotitan Prduction Ft Maen Pctare LUGGAGE SHOP GL. 73 STATIONERY STORE GL. 22 TOBACCONIST DRUG STORE on 33 GL. 107 WHEN SICKNESS KNOCKS AT ~ YOUR DOOR, MAKE IT THOR& OUGHLY UNCOMFORTABLE BY USING THE PROPER DRUGS. TIEIC MEANS HAS BEEN SIVE OUR PATRON SE «GREEN LIGHT =A Gsmopolitan Production Fier Metonal Pture TIE-UP STILLS ogee NEXT TO A DOG, B A MAN'S BEST Pipe—EF. 110 Hair Dress—AL. 61 | FRIEND {5 A BIG Men’s Shirt—EF. 28 Formal Furs—AL. 540 COMFORTABLE Gusties..0F. 39 Beauty Salon—AL. 512 CHAIR WITH PLENTY OF SINK Trench Coat—EF. 46 Corsage—ML. 808 Ladies Hat—AL. 573 Ladies Suit—ML. 707 Stillsk—10¢ each, set of 10—.90 ‘DAIRY GL. 94 | ERROL FLYNN g ANITA LOUISE .“GREEN LIGHT=A Gsmopolitan Production 4 Firrt Mwrona! Prcture FURNITURE STORE GL. 75 Page Seven