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Guns of the Pecos (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“GUNS OF THE PECOS” oe Ss OR tee ae He Rides With The Rangers Dick Foran and Henry Otho in a thrilling scene from a picture packed with thrills, excitement and romance. It is the new type First National Western with music “Guns of the Pecos,” now play mp the Fee Sees a ee ee ee Theatre. Mat No. 201—20ce Exceptional Cowboy Songs Written For Dick Foran Think His Songsters Voice Is Too Fine for Ordinary Westerns Dick Foran, one of the best liked actors at First National is the despair of the boys who write songs for him to sing in Western pictures. ~There’s nothing personal in the attitude of M. K. Jerome and Jacek Scholl have toward the cowboy actor who is currently riding horses, singing and making love to Anne Nagel in “Guns of the Pecos,” which comes to the MUne@atre cole os ees i It’s Dick Foran’s voice which bothers the two tinpanalleyers; a voice, they say, that is far too good for ordinary cowboy and hillbilly songs. Jerome and Scholl are econscientious. That is why they slave hours and hours to turn out a top-notch song for him to sing. “Dick’s the toughest customer we’ve ever been assigned to write songs for,” Jerome, the song won his commented writer who spurs some years ago by composing the hit, “Just a Baby’s Prayer at Twilight.” “The trouble is that Dick’s voice is too good for cowboy songs. It’s better suited for operettas and the type of music Nelson Eddy sings. “There’s a world of ‘sock’ in his voice, among other things. By this I mean his voice has depth and great power, two qualities which do not work into the pattern of superficial cowboy and hillbilly music. “Necessarily, then, we are between the devil and the deep blue sea when we write numbers for him, to sing. We can’t follow the line of least resistance and concoct an ordinary cowboy song; we must outdo and write one which perfectly fits Dick’s lyrie baritone voice and, of course, his personality. “And believe me, that’s no snap!” Under contract to First National to write songs for the Foran Westerns, the composers did “The Prairie Is My Home” and “When a Cowboy Takes a Wife” for “Guns of the Pecos.” ourselves Page Two Dick Foran His popularity mounting with each of his new type Western pictures, Dick Foran now rides with the rangers as he dares a thousand dangers for a friendless girl, in “Guns of the Pecos” the First National picture at The ie Theatre. Mat No. 105—10c Joseph Crehan Offered Detective Job Joseph Crehan, First National actor generally on the side of the law, ineluding his current picture, “Guns of the Pecos,” now showings at. the. Theatre, has been offered a job as a detective by a New York outfit of sleuths, because of his honest face. Jackrabbits Nibble Dick Foran’s Tires The jackrabbits which live next door to Dick Foran at Malibou Beach, Calif., are mighty tough customers. Dick, the star of the First National Western melodrama, “Guns of the Pecos’ which comes to the ........ Theatre gave Director Noel Smith the following story as an excuse why he was late one morning during the production of the film. “I went out to the garage to get my car and saw, to my amazement, two jacks nibbling on my right rear tire. Before I could drive them away the tire went flat. I would have put on the spare only they had chewed it up earlier in their lunch-fest.”’ Dick Foran Now Studies Writing To Help Acting Ambitious to improve his acting, Diek Foran, First National star of “Guns of the Pecos,” now showing at the Theatre, is taking a short story writing course offered by Columbia University. “This might sound like an unusual way to learn more about acting,” Foran stated, “but I’m convinced it’s a good way. “The Columbia course, which I am studying under an assumed name, is forcing me to take a greater interest in dialogue and to think in terms of econversation. “And dialogue, of course, is the principal working tool of my profession. Naturally, when I learn more about reading lines with greater feeling, I’ll be a better actor.” Asked whether he plans to market stories he writes, Foran replied: “You bet. We in pictures have no idea how long we'll last and, if I make good at writing, I'll have a profession to fall back on when I’m washed up.” “Guns of the Pecos” is a thrilling romance of the West. Beside Foran, the cast includes Anne Nagel, Gordon Hart, Joseph Crehan, Eddie Acuff, Robert Middlemass, Gaby Fay and Gordon Elliott. Music and lyries are by M. K. Jerome and Jack Seholl. Noel Smith directed. New Type Polo Game Invented By Dick Foran Dick Foran, First National star of “Guns of the Pecos,” now showing at the ........ Theatre, has thought up a new game which has promise of becoming a national fad. It’s “Hoot’n’ Shoot” polo. It’s very much like real polo only no horses are required to play it. Kiddie cars take the place of horses, and wooden spoons of polo mallets. The scoring is the same as in real polo. The field, which Dick built in the backyard of his new beach home, is boarded off like an ordinary field. At each end of the 20 by 60 feet rectangle Dick has erected a goal post which resembles the gridiron posts he used to try and reach when he carried a pigskin for Princeton. “You can’t get around as fast on kiddie cars as you ean on horses, but it’s just as much sport as real polo,” said Dick. Anne Nagel Still Studies Nursing With Film Work Beautiful Actress Supports Dick Foran in Western “Guns of the Pecos” Anne Nagel is sure she won’t be caught napping if Hollywood decides it has no further use for her services. The young First National actress, currently playing opposite Dick Foran in ‘‘Guns of the Pecos,’’ now showing at ie a eS ee Theatre, expects to be a full-fledged nurse if and when she leaves pictures. Anne Nagel Charming Anne Nagel has the leading feminine role opposite Dick Foran in “Guns of the Pecos” the First’ National picture opening at the T hettce. one Mat No. 102—10e Dick Foran Edits Western Stories Dick Foran, the Princetoneducated cowboy, now the star of the First National Western melodrama, “Guns of the Pecos,” which comes to the....... Theatre on , is editing a book which he has tentatively titled, “We Knew the West.” Three nights a week, and oftener when studio schedule permits, the 20-year-old Boston-born film player assists a girl friend, who is a registered nurse, in her work at a private maternity hospital in Hollywood. Nursing is not new to Miss Nagel, who, before entering films, studied in the Massachusetts General Hospital for a year. She gave up the work when her father, a producer of short subjects, took her to Hollywood. “Having a potential career on the side gives me a certain independent attitude toward movies which, I hope, will prove beneficial to my acting aspirations,” said Miss Nagel. Anne Nagel in private life is Mrs. Ross Alexander. “Guns of the Pecos” is a stirring romance of the West with music by M. K. Jerome and Jack Scholl. Beside Foran and Miss Nagel the cast includes Gordon Hart, Joseph OCrehan, Eddie Acuff, Robert Middlemass, a Gaby Fay. The picture was rected by Noel Smith. Anne. Nagel Welcome Color Photegraphy ~~ Anne Nagel is one actress w doesn’t tremble at the thou that some day all pictures m be made in color. The young actress, who plays opposite Dick Foran in “Guns of the Pecos,” the First National melodrama which comes to the Sg ce er Rs Theatre on knows that she looks well in color films, because she was starred in a series of Technicolor shorts before she was signed by First National. New Thrill From Old West Dick Foran (left) and Addison Richards (standing) bring the excitement and thrills of the old West to an entirely new type of Western film in “Guns of the Pecos” which opens at the Soe ged ee Sede 5s eee PRe0tre: 6m oe sn Mat No. 202—20c