Happiness Ahead (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Dick Powell More Than Crooner; Has Real Film Talent Dick Powell is still a top-notcher among the singers of popular ballads, but he has proven that in addition, he is a very fine romantic leading man. His work in his latest First National vehicle, “Happiness Ahead,’ which comes to the ee a tea e Theatre on Sua Pea hee a eae NEL os SA. , is primarily an ‘acting part. Dick is now a dramatic actor who sings. Usually a singer, appearing in musicals is expected to walk in and out of scenes, speaking unimportant lines, while waiting for a music cue. It is customary to judge him entirely by his ability to put over song numbers. Playing opposite him is Josephine Hutchinson, direct from highest acting honors with the Civic Repertory Theatre of New York with Eva Le Gallienne. No mere crooner could sing his way through a scene with this fine actress. Dick Powell is said to give a natural and sincere performance in his latest starring vehicle and the song numbers he introduces are incidental to the dramatic action. Frank McHugh, Dorothy Dare, John Halliday, Allen Jenkins, Ruth Donnelly and Marjorie Gateson are in the supporting cast. Mervyn LeRoy directed from the screen play by Harry Sauber and Brian Marlow. Original songs were written by Wrubel and Dixon and Fain and Kahal. Girl Paid To Fall For Dick Powell Many girls may fall for Dick Powell, but here’s one who is paid to fall for him. She is Cupid Ainsworth, a 200pound girl, who, in the roller skating scene in the First National production, ‘‘Happiness Ahead,’’ now showing atthe! .:),....ca.05cos Theatre, has to fall on the luckless hero. Star Songster Dick Powell’s latest First National film, “Happiness Ahead” is coming to the .............. Theatre soon. Josephine Hutchinson, Hollywood’s newest find plays opposite him in this romantic musical comedy. Mat No. 9—10e Page Six ae Se His beautiful voice and pleasing personality have brought happiness to millions of people. Who? Why, Dick Powell, of course! In his latest First National picture, “Happiness Ahead,” he is featured with Josephine. Hutchinson, Hollywood’s newest star. Critics have called the film “a musical ‘It Happened One Night’,”? and predict that it will be acclaimed one of the most amusing comedies of the year. Mat No. 30—20c Dick Powell Warbled His Casey Jones at Age of 5 Popular Screen Star Now Playing And Singing In ‘“‘Happiness Ahead’’ ICK Powell, who has the stellar role in the First National porduction ‘‘Happiness Ahead,’’ now showing at [I is ieee tae eave Theatre, describes his birthplace, which is near Mt. View, Arkansas, as being ‘‘ten miles from modern conveniences. ’”’ As a little boy he moved with his parents and brothers to Little Rock, Arkansas, which is still his official home. When he was five years old a railroad engineer, a friend of the family, taught him to sing ‘‘ Casey Jones.’? A few years later his indulgent father and patient neighbors allowed him to practice on the cornet. He still plays it—and a vast number of other musical instruments. During his high school days and his first college year, Dick worked for the Little Rock telephone company, collecting nickels out of pay stations. He sang in choirs, at weddings, funerals and baptisms and later with a boys’ orchestra. A visiting orchestra leader offered him a job and Dick acecepted. Believes In Insurance While he played and sang with an orchestra in Indianapolis, he sold insurance on the side. He made a thousand dollars extra that year. He himself invests much of his money in life insurance annuities. He went to Florida during the boom there and lost all his capital except his fare back to Pennsylvania. He rode a day coach back and ate bananas—nothing else—on the trip. He organized an orchestra which played for a summer resort. Then got a job as master of ceremonies and orchestra leader in a_ small outlying theatre in the Pittsburgh district. The theatre was long and narrow and Dick, to make himself heard, sang through a small megaphone. Thus he became a crooner. Pittsburgh liked him. He moved to the Stanley Theatre, a ‘‘big’’ house and became the ‘‘toast of Pittsburgh. ’’ He went to New York to be tested for the title part in Warner Bros.’ picture ‘‘The Crooner.’’ He didn’t get it, and went back to Pittsburgh. Suddenly Hollywood called again. This time Warner Bros. wanted him for a slightly unpleasant crooner role in ‘‘ Blessed Event,’’ a picture in which Lee Tracy and Mary Brian were featured. Dick liked Hollywood and Hollywood liked him. He went to finish his Pittsburgh engagement with a Warner Bros. contract in his pocket. Gets Most Fan Mail Dick Powell now gets more fan mail than any other actor in Hollywood. He lives in Toluca Lake district, keeps bachelor hall and is seen alternately with Mary Brian, Margaret Lindsay, Maxine Doyle and others. He answers all fan mail, collects pictures of his admirers, entertains visiting Little Rockians and flies back regularly to visit his family. He is six feet tall, weighs 170 pounds and exercises to keep in good condition. He takes voice lessons and threatens to graduate into opera—when his career in pictures is finished. ‘“Happiness Ahead’’ is a thrilling romance with dramatic action and rollicking fun. Dick sings several songs written by the three famous song teams of Wrubel and Dixon, Fain and Kahal, and Kalmar and Ruby. Josephine Hutchinson, the stage favorite plays opposite Dick while others in the cast include John Halliday, Frank McHugh, Allen Jenkins, Ruth Donnelly and Dorothy Dare. Mervyn LeRoy directed the picture from the screen play by Harry Sauber and Brian Marlow, popular sereen writers. Dick Powell Popularizes Majority of Song Hits Star Of ‘“‘Happiness Ahead” Has Put Over More Successes Than Any Other Film Singer NE big song hit is no longer a guarantee of Fame’s bright blessing. Today, the world remembers Fritzi Scheff for ‘‘ Kiss Me Again’’; Bessie McCoy for ‘‘Yama Yama Man’’; May Irwin for ‘‘He Certainly Was Good to Me’’; Hazel Dawn for ‘Beautiful Lady’’; and Blanche Ring for ‘‘Rings on My Fin gers and Bells on My Toes.’’ Dick Powell And Miss Hutchinson In New Film Team The “team” idea is not a new one in pictures. Every important personality of the screen’s early days worked as part of a team, and today when a producer finds a perfectly suited pair, it is a natural development that they be teamed. Arthur Johnson and Lottie Briscoe were one of the early teams. Kalem had the glamorous Alice Hollister and Harry Millarde. Vitagraph had Ethel Clayton and Al Kaufman. Biograph had Tom Moore and Alice Joyce. Universal had Marie Walecamp and Eddie Polo. One of the most famous of the early teams was Francis X. Bushman and Beverley Bayne. Others were Bob Leonard and Ford and Ella Hall; Francis DICK POWELL Mat No. 32 10¢ Grace Cunard; Flora Finch and John Bunny; Bessie Barriscale and Howard Hichman. In “Happiness Ahead,” which COMES? LO tle" 2.0 eee eee Theatre Ones. xccky tem oie as 7 First National has cast a new team in Dick Powell and Josephine Hutchinson. Like most of the successful teams that have worked together either on stage or screen — the new team is a study in contrasts. Dick is the entirely natural, blithe and ingenuous type of actor. His method is brisk and impulsive, effervescent. Miss Hutchinson is restrained, studied and serious. Her manner has the calm sophistication one would except of the long Civie Repertory training which she had. In the complications of youthful love affairs, such as in “Happiness Ahead,” the combination is perfect. Dick furnishes the fire and vitality — the romantic ardor. Josephine furnishes the glamour and dramatic balance. Further promise of the success of the coalition may be seen in the big supporting cast which includes Frank McHugh, Dorothy Dare, John Halliday, Allen Jenkins, Ruth Donnelly, Marjorie Gateson, Russell Hicks, J. M. Kerrigan, others. Mary Russell and Need any more publicity on Dick Powell? Check back on the “Dames”’ or “20 Million Sweethearts” pressbooks. Plenty of good stories there for you. A song would be introduced in New York, taken on the road months later and long afterwards the whole country would become familiar with it. The talking picture and radio have changed it all. Dick Powell, star of ‘‘Happiness Ahead,’’ which comes to the ire tee ROR MG aT. Os OL at..ec seen for instance, in less than two years has put over in a big way a score of songs that became national hits within a few weeks. Such numbers as ‘‘I’m Young and Healthy,’’ ‘‘Shuffle Off To Buffalo,’’?’ ‘‘By a Waterfall,’’ ‘*We’re In The Money,’? ‘‘Why Do I Dream Those Dreams,’’ ‘*Shadow Waltz,’’ ‘‘I’ll String Along With You,’’ ‘‘Fair and Warmer’? and numerous others are examples. “‘One thing I don’t have to worry about is songs,’’ Powell said. ‘‘ With such writers as Wrubel and Dixon, Fain and Kahal, Kalmar and Ruby, writing hits seems to have become a Habit. All I have to do is put them over.’’ In Dick’s forthcoming picture, ‘“Happiness Ahead,’’ he will sing two of the four songs, and considers them the prize numbers of his repertoire. ‘**Pop Goes My Heart’ and ‘Beauty Must Be Love’,’’ said Powell, ‘‘are the two _ surest-fire numbers I ever sang and that is saying a great deal; when I remember the fine numbers that have been written for me.’’ There are two other numbers in “‘Happiness Ahead.’’? One is ealled ‘All on Account of a Strawberry Sundae,’’ sung by Dorothy Dare, the New York musical comedy star who recently was signed by First National. The other is ‘‘Massaging Window Panes’? and is sung as a duet by Dick Powell and Frank McHugh. ‘““Happiness Ahead’? is a romantic comedy drama directed by Mervyn LeRoy, with an all star cast of talented players. Josephine Hutchinson, in the feminine lead, was formerly a member of Eva Le Gallienne’s Civie Repertory company in New York. Others in the cast include John Halliday, Allen Jenkins, Ruth Donnelly, Russell Hicks, Marjorie Gateson, Mary Treen, J. M. Kerrigan, Mary Russell and Gavin Gordon. The story is by Harry Sauber, and the sereen play by Sauber and Brian Marlow. Powell Stars In 2 Pictures At Once Dick Powell had the distinction of being the star of two pictures made at the same time. He first started work on ‘‘Flirtation Walk,’’ but before completing it, went to work in ‘‘ Happiness Ahead,’’ the First National production now showing at the ........ i Theatre.