Happiness Ahead (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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YOUR ‘HAPPINESS WEEK’ PUBLICITY (Editorial Plant) Mayor’s Official Proclamation—Read it yourself and get the big idea of ‘Happiness Week’ “A PROCLAMATION To the Citizens of the City of (.......... ) Greetings: The year 1934, now nearing its close, has been fraught with many momentous changes for this community, in common with every other community in the United States. A new feeling of hopefulness is everywhere evident, following four years of uncertainty, apathy and fear. While poverty still exists in our city and there is still far too much economic distress, the hungry are being fed and the homeless sheltered. The business life of the city has been revived; there is less unemployment, less crime, less suffering among our residents. Signs of business revival are present everywhere; confidence in our national leadership and our financial institutions has been restored; industrial strife is yielding to arbitration in a spirit of co-operation. Our schools are open, our teachers and our municipal employees are being paid. To borrow a phrase from a current motion picture, there is “Happiness Ahead.”’ Consequently I, as Mayor of the City of (name of City) designate the week beginning (date here), as “Happiness Week,” and I ask the citizens of this community to join in a movement that has for its purpose their own happiness and that of their neighbors. Merchants, professional men, amusement houses and every line of industry will offer unprecedented values to shoppers during that time. Let it be a week of reconciliation among the unfriendly—of reunion among friends. There IS HAPPINESS AHEAD. Let (name of City) lead the way along the road to Happiness—let us consecrate a week to cheerfulness, to mutual understanding and to burying deep the memories of the bitterness, the strife, the discouragement that have so long cast a shadow over all our homes. In seeking happiness we realize that it lies within ourselves. Let us look for ward to Happiness Ahead. Given under my hand and seal this... John Optimist (Lead Off Story) Happiness Week Proposed By City’s Business Leaders Chamber of Commerce Backs Plan For Huge Program Of Joyful Events A week ‘‘devoted to happiness’’ will be set aside by the business, financial and entertainment interests of Toledo by a movement started by the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. A meeting of a group of prominent businessmen was held in the committee rooms of the Chamber during which the plan Was Proposed. Dy 2... Ses SS Uy den’ epee Pio (name and occupation) who was immediately made chairman of a committee which will eall upon Mayor .......0...00000000... tomorrow and attempt to have the movement given official sanction. The committee is composed of (list names, titles, ete.) : Tentative plans of the committee include special bargain offerings by all merchants, amusement houses, and service institutions; collective advertising on an unprecendented scale; many free activities and an extensive program of entertainment, which will include special ‘‘happiness’’ features. Pastors will be asked to preach sermons on happiness, and if possible a Happiness Parade will be organized with prizes for the best bands in line, best marching and drilling organizations, most uniquely attired group, etc. A Hapipness Ball, the proceeds of which will be devoted to charity fs also being planned and another charity event, a football game between the police and fire departments will be suggested. ‘‘We have been under the pall of depression so long that it is time we begin looking and walking along the road that leads to happiness,’? Chairman ...............0..: said yesterday. ‘¢There is ‘Happiness Ahead’ if we face the right way. After all, material conditions are much bet Page Eighteen ter than they were a year ago. Our trouble is that we have gotten into the habit of being gloomy. It happens, however, that no person can be happy all by himself. It needs the contagion of mass feeling, which can make for happiness as well as for fear or any other mass emotion. ‘¢The Chamber of Commerce committee believes that if, for one week, we point our efforts toward happiness—determine, every one of us—to do all we can to make other people happy, we shall ourselves be happy. ‘(Let us plan to have fun—real, wholesome, fun—for at least one week. Let us do all we can to augment our business—offer the biggest bargains possible so that we may attract to the city as many out of town buyers as possible—let us give them the kind of values that will make them happy, and their patronage will make us 80. ‘‘But the big thing will be to join together in a week of festivity, and enjoy every minute of it. ‘‘T repeat, there is Happiness Ahead. Let’s find it.’’ : Mayor (2nd Day Story) “Happiness Week’ Set By Mayor To Begin November 11 Happiness Week in Toledo will be the week beginning November 11. This was decided upon yesterday Dy Mayor «...0./...22.,.... following a lengthy conference with a Chamber of Commerce committee which sought his approval of the project. PB VOT Sean. not only approved the plans presented to him, but suggested additional methods by which Happiness Week might be made so successful as to become an annual event timed for an earlier Christmas shopping season. The mayor declared that every department of the city administration will co-operate in the activities of the week, and added that many of the civie and fraternal organizations might move their annual fetes forward to take place during that time. In addition to co-operating with the various committees, the city will inaugurate seasonable activities. The definite program of events will be made at a meeting of the general committee to be held in the immediate future. The committee, which consisted of (name committee) was left in charge of the project, and ............ (name) will be permanent chairman, Mayor .................. added the following city officials (list names) and aceepted the post of honorary chairman himself. An hour after the committee had departed, the Mayor issued an official proclamation calling upon all residents to join in the movement. (Have proclamation inserted here or run as two column box on same page.) There Is Happiness Ahead There are but three things guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution of the United States — Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. With these three fundamentals, none may interfere with impunity but it is significant that the founders of this Republie did not guarantee happiness— they limited the protection of the nation to the right to seek it. It is a fact, unfortunately, that few of us ARE happy. We HAVE BEEN happy — we EXPECT to be happy, tomorrow. At the moment however, immediate cares preclude happiness. Consequently much interest is aroused by the unique proclamation issued by Mayor John Blank, who has set aside the week beginning November 11 as “Happiness Week” and has obtained the co-operation of the business, professional, financial and amusement interests, in organizing activities that should make shoppers happy by the bargains they obtain, and sellers happy by increasing the volume of business. The main objective of the movement should not be overlooked because of its commercial aspects. Happiness is a state of mind. If this city is determined to be happy for a given period, it Will be so. To borrow an apt phrase from the title of a current motion picture success, there is “Happiness Ahead.” Incidentally that particular picture will be brought to the ................ Theatre as Manager William Bliven’s contribution to the festivities of the occasion. This newspaper seldom mentions a motion picture in its editorial columns, but if “Happiness Ahead” lives up to its title, it is fitting that it be shown here on that particular date, and Messrs. Warner Bros. will receive our congratulations and your patronage. Happiness Week is now detinitely on the schedule of Toledo. All that remains is for all of us to take it seriously. There is Happiness Ahead, and if we really try, we may catch up with it on November 11 and let it walk with us through life. (3rd Day Story) Merchants Pledge Rare Bargains For Happiness Week Bargains that will give to today’s dollar a buying value it has not had for many years will be offered by scores of stores cooperating with Mayor ................... and the Chamber of Commerce as their contribution to “Happiness Week” for Toledo to begin November 11. At a meeting of the retail division of the Chamber of Commerce held yesterday, the plans of the project were outlined by Chairipgak cc 5c) cages (name) of the committee and wholehearted support was immediately pledged. “We must forget profits in the interest of goodwill,” Chairman Sereeasns ete told the merchants. “Our trading area must be greatly extended, and we must make it worth while for people to come here from other places and do their shopping. They must be able to come here, join in our Happiness Week festivities, have a few days of real fun, and save enough on their purchases to make it worthwhile for them. A division of the amusement men was organized with Manager oe ae of the Strand theatre as chairman. Special attractions will be offered by all theatres and motion picture houses. DEBMOGOP oii .t segs of the Strand theatre has announced that as his contribution to the festivities of the week he will bring to the city the First National smash hit ‘‘Happiness Ahead.” “Although this picture is not scheduled for release until a much later date, I have made arrangements for its premiere here Ole ues (date Mae Aes declared. “This is the picture that marks the screen debut of the star of the New York Civic Repertory Theatre who is co-starring with Dick Powell.” The merchants co-operating in Happiness Week are: List names and addresses of co-operating, merchants. Ih, UT a (Contest) Prizes For Plans For Happier City Offered by ‘Times’ Happiness Week, which begins here November 11, will leave a permanent impression on Toledo if readers of this newspaper can suggest a plan, according to Mayor cf ast sce ae The city administration will welcome suggestions for civic improvements and the ............. (newspaper) has arranged for valuable prizes to be given those who send in the most constructive and feasable ideas. Impractical plans such as re-paving all the streets, or tearing down a hundred houses to build a playground, or discharging the police force are not wanted. What is desired are plain, sensible ideas for civic improvements. These need not necessarily be building projects. A plan by which delinquent taxes can be collected would be welcome, as would ideas which reduce costs. On the other hand, a plan that costs money, provided it will increase the happiness of the residents of this city might be adopted. All plans should be sent to the Contest Editor of the Silence (newspaper) before The authors of the ten best plans will each receive two tickets =to then ....4...a:85 Theatre where the First National picture “Happiness Ahead” starring Dick Powell and Josephine Hutchinson will OPOR Ok Seance Mars Three special prizes will also be awarded. The first prize will be (name prize) sponsored by (name merchant.) (List other prizes.)