Happiness Ahead (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Novel Follow-Up Stunt for Users of Giant Postcard Here’s your follow up stunt. Make up another enlarged card, but this time write the copy in the form of an answer to the Powell billet-doux. Suggested copy: To My Well Wishers Cleveland, Ohio Your swell letter sent to me during the engagement of (‘‘Footlight Parade,”’ ‘“Twenty Million Sweethearts,’ ‘‘Dames’’) gave me a tremendous kick. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that I have So many real friends. All I can say, and this comes from the bottom of my heart, is IF YOU LIKED MY PAST PICTURES YOU’LL LOVE MY NEW ONE. It’s called HAPPINESS AHEAD and includes in the cast besides myself, JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON the screen find of the year, Allen Jenkins and Frank McHugh. It’s a grand story and it affords me an opportunity to sing some of the finest songs ever. I’ll be looking for you at the Strand Theatre the week of J anuary Ist. Thanks again Dick Powell © Theme Singing The song ‘‘ Happiness Ahead”’ from the picture is a swell melody and lots ean be done: with it. Musical fans are pretty well fed up with the other ‘‘Happy”’ songs, and are looking for a new one. You see to it that this one is it. Get every hotel and radio band to plug it. Vocalists, too. Make it the theme song of the week. The lyrics are prepared for you on page 19, or run a contest for the best set of lyrics, plugging the town. FOR WINDOWS HARD TO CRASH Set of three high class photos as illustrated. Each 11x14 on double weight buff paper, finished in soft sepia effects. $4.00 Le Order from Editor, Merchandising Plan Page Twenty-four eee News Tie-up Get cooperation of local paper to make up special slides on advance news reports of optimistie nature. For instance: PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT SIGNS NEW FARM RBELIEF BILL. Follow up showing of this with another slide _ reading: THERE’S HAPPINESS AHEAD. Credit should be given to paper. Plan as far in advance of showing as possible. _===EE Chinese Eateries One of the big scenes from film is laid in a Chinese restaurant. Suggest to owner of local chop suey palace that he dedicate special night in honor of Happiness Ahead; or special dish. Induce him to take ad space announcing this. Candy Throwaway In exchange for distribution in your theatre get local candy outfit to make up sample bags of candy with tie-up line ‘‘A bit of happiness from the Acky-Wicky Candy Co.—See ‘Happiness Ahead’ coming to the Strand Thursday.’’ Skating Rinks Tie-up with roller skating rinks, awarding passes to the best skaters on ‘‘Happiness Ahead’’ night. Contests can include speed skating, fancy skating and comic skating. After the contests, have them all skate to the theatre carrying signs. The latter stunt was pulled at Keith’s Thea tre in Syracuse, N. Y., with © all skaters in costume, drawing lots of attention. P. A.. Stunt Sending Powell’s rendition of a song from picture over the theatre P. A. system into _ the street always stops ’em. If you work it on this film make up a lobby card announcing time these songs will be broadcast. Idea will get some added interest. A la Reuben _ Reuben’s, one of the best known after theatre spots in New York, has built up a lot of publicity by naming sandwiches after stars. Sell popular local restaurant on idea of dedicating a special sandwich to Dick Powell. Ads in paper and menu note listing picture and your playdate should be food shop’s way of plugging stunt. Honeymooners in open roadster. Auto is rigged up with signs, ribbons, pots and pans, old shoes, etc. Big banner reads: HAPPINESS AHEAD (billing and date) Lover Bally Couple walking streets gazing goofily into each other’s eyes. Sign on umbrella they carry reads: WE’RE ON OUR WAY TO HAPPINESS AHEAD AT THE STRAND THEATRE. Window Wiping You need an empty building with a lot of windows for this one. After you get owner’s permission to clean the windows, apply a solid layer of Bon-Ami, on which is wiped out a letter in éach window spelling out picture title, star’s names, theatre and play-dates. After two or three days of this, carry out your end of the bargain and have windows wiped clean. Street Float Decorate truck with loads of confetti, pennants, tricky displays, and signs reading THERE’S HAPPINESS AHEAD. Get a couple of snappy looking dames and a tuxedoed gent to travel with it. Song ‘‘Happiness Ahead” should be played from phonograph and sent out over P. A. system. Have float stop at main spots during which music ceases and to accompaniment of yells and laughter of girls, man starts spiel. This is to be gaggy and should plug the thought that “everybody should have happiness. Its every man’s prerogative, the constitution granting that.”” Speech should end after a few minutes of this type chatter with “and for real happiness every man, woman and child should see that happiest of all pictures, “Happiness Ahead!’ ” ete. Fortune Teller Dress up girl in gypsy costume such as is worn by fortune tellers. Put her on street with crystal and other appurtenances. Signs to read FORTUNES TOLD FREE. Upon request for fortune, girl Says or gives card reading “I SEE HAPPINESS AHEAD FOR YOU.” Then the few suggestions following should come in mighty, mighty handy. The show’s a good © one for bally purposes. Try one, try a few.