Hard to Get (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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NEWSPAPERS CONTESTS A story with a moral in which Olivia de Havilland, starring with Dick OLIV A Al. W AY GET HER M AN Powell in “Hard To Get” at the Strand Friday, proves that men aren't so hard to get — if you use the right method. Olivia, it?s dangerous to Dick doesn’t go for that smooth Always democratic, Olivia now “What's the use of this bickMORAL: Don’t play hard to get, tamper with “Federal” society stuff. He believes in sweepstoops to conquer, but Dick still ering,” says Olivia, “there’s and you, too, can be the life of property! But Dick is so ing ’em off their feet! Then Olivia plays hard to get. “No waitress only one way to get your the party. Otherwise, you may receptive that she can’t returns the tables and she does the she,” says he, anticipating a bowl man.” So she lets him have spend your nights doing what sist making a play for him. sweeping — at Dick’s request! of soup down his back. it — right on the snoot! Olivia is doing above. The above photo-strip feature plays up the picture’s comedy highlights, and should be easy to plant in your local newspaper. Order mat 501B — 75¢ from Campaign Plan Editor. eS che eee CF 2a KHOW I GOT MY MAN” The N. Y. Daily News recently ran a “How He Proposed” column in which women readers were invited to send in letters telling how they won their men. Perhaps local newspaper will be interested in running a similar column. Column head would read something like this: “Men Not So ‘Hard To Get? — Experience Proves.”’ Prizes can also be awarded for the most interesting letters relating the longest engagement, the greatest number of proposals a man made to a woman, the toughest deal made by a girl in promising to marry a man (what he had to do to win her), ete. Organise Club “Guess Who?’ Contest G oN FOR BRIDE AND croom® \\ deg oS Watch local papers for engagement and wedding announcements. Send this message to prospective brides and grooms: “Congratulations. We’re glad to learn that you weren’t so ‘Hard To Get.’ See how Olivia de Havilland gets Dick Powell in the comedy hit, ‘Hard To Get?’ — at the Strand.”’ In cooperation with local newspaper award guest tickets to recently married couples who discover their names among the classified ads. List of couples’ names can be obtained from local marriage license bureau. Hobby Contests Organize a “Hard To Get’? Club This contest plays up the ‘slapping scene’ in the picCandid camera contest can be run with membership consisting of ture and can be planted in your local newspaper in cooperation with local paper, bachelors and spinsters who go on week before picture opens. Award guest tickets to awarding prizes to ‘shots’ that were record as opposing marriage, givthe first 50 sending in correct answers. most difficult to take. Contestant ing their reasons. Stunt should be handled humorously with a few planks in the platform sensational enough to arouse newspaper interest. A novel twist could be given by having announcement of engagements of several of the members deplete the ranks so much that the club breaks up. Teaser Ads WOMEN: Is your man playing ‘Hard To Get’? See how Olivia de Havilland gets Dick Powell in “‘Hard To Get’’— at the Strand Friday. MEN: Is your girl playing ‘Hard WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE STRAND is also required to send in a letter relating the obstacles he had to overcome to take the photo. Contests similar to the one above can be staged with the field open to everything from rare stamps and coins to beautiful figures. Awards should be made partly on the article exhibited and partly on the interest of the accompanying account of why the object was hard to get. ‘Hard To Get’ Gals Contest in local paper in which readers are invited to send in a list of women from history who were orate een Mat 207—30c y) : ° ¢ 9 To Get’? Take a tip from Dick Who are the two famous Hollywood stars in the above photo? The hard to get. For example, Jacob Powell. See how he gets Olivia de lady with the broom was the lovely heroine of “Robin Hood’’; the had to work fourteen years to win gentleman being swept off his feet was the singing star of “Holly: ‘ Havilland in “Hard To Get’”— at wood Hotel.”” Send in your answers immediately to the contest ediRachael; Paris waged a war in order the Strand Friday. tor of this newspaper. First 50 correct answers will each receive guest tickets to “Hard To Get’ at the Strand Theatre Friday. to win Helen of Troy.