Hard to Handle (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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YOUR OUTDOOR CAMPAIGN S i FET DESCRIPTION: Background is in dark and light green; James Cagney is lettered in deep magenta,—title in purple; small 4 lettering in light green. The head of Cagney is drawn in full natural colors. WINDOW CARD wnt Many BRIAN <-* ALLER JENRING bot WARNER BROS. cud UITAPHONE PICTURE SIX SHEET SLIDE SLIDING SCALE OF ACCESSORY PRICES 1-SHEETS : MIDGET WINDOW CARD EERIE 1 Pavone tee ecg eco be 15¢ each SISTOMTOOE Eo its che deacaans tested. ad 13c each Over: LOOY: fice hice ete lle each 3-SHEETS DYDD See 2 TSR nena eeine erie 40c¢ each COLORTONE SLIDE OMer 25 ee, Gawactsciet eee 36c each Make your screen presentation artistic and colorful with this atmo6-SHEETS spheric effect, elaborately colored Mesto LOtes 25 eee fas 75¢ each beautifully created. ET Stole DOr sere ninhi chaiseiesce 70c each \ Wo digi] Lek Saath te RR Ae eee 65¢ each WINDOW CARDS ¥ tord0et 23, a Je each ol torLOG! cei .. 6¢ each Over 100 ..dgc each INSERT CARDS che Sieh Mela. Somes ed 25c: each ae heey eee 22¢ each bi Rede wien eden ake oe eae a 20c each Dea Ne cn Ronee Gh etaaes ka: 18¢ each paurad 4x5—Colored positive only . . $2.00 —Set (positive and negative) 3.00 a2 xx 04 Photos 3.::4:..0rees 75c a set a (8 ant set—culkared) 3%x4—Colored positive only . 1.50 rs 22x28) Photos. sstieis B0c a set —Set (positive and negative) 2.25 a= ee (2 in set—colored) : me Maeson: tiem stip ccdetc tk. oot ies 15¢ each Order by Number N 437 Pls 6-16 aes. ese ee 10c each NATIONAL STUDIOS, Inc. Merchandise Plans ................:. Gratis Midget Window Card Ac each 226 West 56th St., New York, N.Y. Music: Cues? sae 0 ee aes Gratis Be sure to specify number and iThese Prices Apply to U. S. only ; el ee oor pelle Re LSS hk THREE SHEET INSERT CARD bee. mt Ee Te ee wor ran, PRINTED IN U.S.A.