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Harold Teen (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Harold Teen and His Funny Pals Coming To...... Theatre Hailed by motion picture critics as the ‘‘laughin’est’’ riot of love and comedy of the year, Harold Teen, Lillums, Lilacs and all tne famous characters of Carl Ed’s world popular comic strip cartoon Will ome: ‘to= thesatas nies: theatre On gies sens , supported by innumerable other interesting characters, bevies of pretty girls and spectacular dancers. Hal LeRoy, famous stage dancing star was brought direct from Broadway, where he was headliner of ‘‘Strike Me Pink,’’ to play the part of Harold Teen, and Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn, who wrote the screen play, have brought the cartoon characters to Jife in a story that is as funny as it is exciting. In the screen play, Harold Teen is a newspaper reporter much in love with Lillums, and the romance unfolds in infinite funny detail. despite its being nearly blighted through the interference of a wealthy banker who holds a note of Lillums’ father. Le Roy dances as only he can dance and climaxes with an original specialty that is a revelation in novelty. There are no villains, but the story includes the saving of a bank, jealousy, the staging of a small town amateur play, love, suspense, and above all is replete with beauty. Rochelle Hudson, who will be remembered in ‘‘Wild Poys of the Road, ttre Bull,’* Mr. Skitch’’ and other pictures, has the role of Lillums. Patricia Ellis, of ‘‘Convention City’’ and “Easy To Love’? fame, takes the part of Mimi, daughter of Snatcher and Miss Hudson’s rival, sharing honors in the leading feminine roles. Guy Kibbee appears as Lillums’ father with Clara Blandick in the role of her mother. Hugh Herbert is Rathburn, the comic show director, while Hobart Cavanaugh is the Pop of the Sugar Bowl soda fountain. Chic Chandler is Lilacs and Eddie Tamblyn is Shadow. Douglas Dumbrille is H. H. Snatcher, Mayo Methot, Sally; Richard Carle, Parmelee, and Charles Wilson, McKinney, the small town editor. While the picture is not a musical there are several musical numbers as well as dance specialties. Songs are sung by Miss Hudson, Miss Ellis and Chic Chandler. The music and lyrics for the eatchy high school airs were written by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. Murray Roth directed the picture. Millions Laugh at ‘Harold Teen’ But Few Can Tell Why Of the millions of newspaper readers throughout the country who religiously follow the adventures and antics of the famous Carl Ed comie-strip character, “Harold Teen,’ not more than one-half of one percent realize why they do. This interesting disclosure was made recently by Prof. Henry Delong Phillips, renowned psychologist, after he had conducted an exhaustive research on the matter in connection with the filming vf the Warner Bros. picture, “Harold Teen,” which is now showing at the .............6.+ Theatre. Desiring to treat the subject matter from the angle of a psychological study of Young Page Twenty-sia Feel That Muscle, Lillums! That’s what you get from eating spinach. Hal LeRoy showing you how he keeps his Lillums, played by Rochelle Hudson in Warner’s “Harold Teen.” Patricia Ellis is the other girl in this hilarious dramatization of the famous comic strip by Carl Ed. Mat No. 4—20c Playing in 3 Films At Once New Record of Hobart Cavanaugh Hobart Cavanaugh was Hollywood’s busiest actor during the production of the Warner Bros. picture, ‘‘ Harold Teen,’’ which comes to the ............:::0+ Theatre Oe iice ieee ae : Ever since he was signed under long term contract at the Warner Bros. Studios, Hobart has been running in circles trying to fulfill his numerous screen obligations. While working in ‘‘ Harold Teen,’’ he was also playing in two other features, all of which were in production simultaneously. Schedules had to be arranged so that he could be released from one picture in time to appear in another. In the picturization of Carl Ed’s famous comic strip. Hal LeRoy, noted on the musical comedy stage, heads the list, which alse includes Rochelle Hudsen, Patricia Ellis, Guy Kibbee and Hobart Cavanaugh. The story by Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn, a comedy romance directed by Murray Roth with music and lyrics by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. ————ooeo oo America, studio executives assigned Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn to work with Prof. Phillips én preparation of the screen play and amazing results followed. Harold Teen adherents don’t know why they laugh at or with him, nor why they sympathize with his perplexities. It has been found that Harold Teenites, knowing him so well, see his problems through his eyes, not through their own. Readers also acquire a certain sense of superiority in seeing the comicstrip character encounter pitfalls and troubles, according to the professor. The picture is a comedy romance representing a composite study of young America. There is a talented cast with Hal LeRoy, famous musical comedy star, in the leading role. Others include Rochelle Hudson, Patricia Ellis, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert and Hobart Cavanaugh. Murray Roth directed. Music and lyrics are by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. Rochelle Hudson Is aN Given Big Hand For ‘Harold Teen’ Song Rochelle Hudson, leading lady in the Warner Bros. picture, “Harold Teen,’ now showing at TRO od cciredae Theatre, where she portrays the role of “Lillums” opposite Hal LeRoy, is required to sing a song entitled “Sweet and Simple” for the picture. When the sequence was “shot” the charming Miss Hudson performed with the finesse of a grand opera star. So capably did she render the song that all the players on the set as well as the camera and Rochelle Hudson appearing at the Strand Mat No. 8 10¢ technical crews applauded when the cameras had stopped turning on the scene. The audiences here have shared in that enthusiasm. Although she has portrayed a wide variety of roles in her Hollywood career, this marks the first opportunity Rochelle has had to display her singing ability for the benefit of screen audiences. Miss Hudson also sings another song, “Collegiate Wedding” with Patricia Ellis. The music and lyries for the songs were written by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. “Harold Teen” is a riotous comedy romance taken from the famous comic strip of Carl Ed, bringing to life on the screen the characters of the comic cartoon. In the supporting cast are Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh, Chic Chandler and Evelyn Tamblyn. Murray Roth directed the picture from the screen play by Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn. LeRoy Makes New Film Under Former Dancing Director Newcomers to Hollywood are invariably terrified by thoughts of the traditionally ruthless moving picture director to be encountered but exactly opposite was the ease of Hal LeRoy. When Hal was “found” in the Broadway musical comedy hit, “Strike Me Pink,” and selected for the title role in the forthecming Warner Bros. picture, “Harold Teen,’ now showing at PHOsS aucieeeess Theatre, he heard warnings of impending terror. Broadway acquaintances who had visited Hollywood related woeful experiences at the hands of merciless directors. Then came the news that Murray Roth was to direct Hal in his initial feature length production. That changed the whole situation in the mind of the young actor-dancer, for the friendship of Hal aud Murray is one of long standing. Murray, as a matter of fact, was the man who first induced Hal to try his hand at screen work, having directed him in a series of dancing specials in the eastern studios of Warner Bros. There is a talented cast in “Harold Teen,” the members of which represent the characters in Carl Ed’s famous comic strip. The cast includes Rochelle Hudson, Patricia Ellis, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert and Hobart Cavanaugh. The story by Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn is as exciting as its humorous. There are several spectacular numbers with music and lyries by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. Noted Dancer Has To Unlearn Steps In New Film Role The hardest day’s work that Hal LeRoy, clever young dancer, who was taken from the Broadway stage to play the title role in ‘¢Harold Teen,’’ the Warner Bros. picture which comes to the ............ PRERGIO ON = test. pee eters , ever had to do was to pretend that he couldn’t dance. It happened during the production of the picture, which is LeRoy’s first venture in feature films. Le Roy was called upon to dance with Rochelle Hudson, one of his leading ladies, at a high school dance. The character wasn’t supposed to know how to dance, and was to stumble and trip all during the scenes. ‘¢Tt was the hardest thing | ever tried to do,’’ LeRoy said. ‘‘T had to ‘unlearn’ about dancing, but I finally made it. Later on in the picture LeRoy demonstrates just what he can do in the art of Terpsichore, for he does a real dance in the climax of the picture. ‘¢Harold Teen’’ is an hilarious comedy drama, the characters being taken from the comic strip by Carl Ed. The story is by Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn. Supporting LeRoy are such well known players as Rochelle Hudson, Patricia Ellis, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert and Hobart Cavanaugh. While the picture is not a musical there are several spectacular numbers, with music and lyrics by Irving Hahal and Sammy Fain. Murray Roth directed the picture. ee (as* Sage Hal LeRoy, Noted Dancer, Came Near Losing One of Legs The fellow with the fastest moving legs in the world once faced the possibility of being one-legged. Hal LeRoy, Broadway musical comedy star and dancer, who portrays Harold Teen at the ee es ee Theatre, today carries a bad scar on his right leg just beneath the knee as a memento of a childhood escapade that almost resulted in amputation of the leg. It was during one of those “Cowboys and Indians” games and Hal, hatchet in hand, was in mad pursuit of a band of fleeing “Cowboys.” He tripped and fell on the sharp-edged hatchet. Infection set in and surgeons decided to operate when Hal suddenly rallied. It was decided his strong constitution warranted awaiting further developments. In a few weeks’ time he had fully recovered. “Harold Teen” is a riotous comedy romance taken from the famous comic strip of Carl Kd. It brings to life on the screen the characters of the comic cartoon in a picture full of fun and excitement. The cast includes Rochelle Hudson, Patricia Ellis, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh, Chie Chandler and Eddie Tamblyn. Murray Roth directed the picture from the screen play by Paul Gerard Smith and Al Cohn. Music and lyries are by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain. Two Leading Ladies Puzzle Hal LeRoy Hal LeRoy, youthful Broadway actor, who went to Hollywood recently to play the title role in the Warner Bros. picture, ‘‘ Harold Teen,’’ now showing at the ............ SAR ae Theatre, was torn with conflicting emotions during the production of the picture. With two beautiful leading ladies, Patricia Ellis and Rochelle Hudson, the 20-year-old dancer wasn’t sure whether he should ‘¢date’’ one or the other, but finally dated both. Rochelle Hudson You'll go for this gal when you see her in Warner’s “Harold Teen,” coming to the Strand. Sweeter than sweet! Mat No. 14—10ce