Harold Teen (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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WORLD FAMOUS CARTOON STRIP BROUGHT IN TRIUMPH TO SCREEN! Harold Teen and Lillums Carry Their Romance to Silver Sheet HOORAY! HAROLD TEEN IS COMING! (ADVANCE READER) ‘tHarold Teen,’’ the drug store eowboy with Oxford bags and a weakness for Shebas, whose antics on comic pages throughout the country have entertained millions, has turned to the screen and comes in that form te the ......7 Theatre beginning “27. ¢........ First National Pictures made -£*Harold Teen’’ under the direction of Mervyn LeRoy, and in the opinion of critics, it is one of the most entertaining and delightful comedies of the year. An all-featured cast is seen, in eluding Arthur Lake, Mary Brian, Alice White, Jack Duffy, Lucien Littlefield, Fred Kelsey, Lincoln Stedman anda host of others. ‘SEENJAS WELL-KNOWN | rhe Lake Heads eR ER EE OMRON eng CARTOON Ct CHARACTER Cast of “Harold Teen’’, Feature Now at Strand (ADVANCE READER) | Arthur Lake, whose-antics as a juvenile comedian in a number of well-known photoplays shown during the: past year have brought him thousands of film fans, enacts the : title role in First National’s film _version of ‘‘ Harold Teen,’? Carl Ed’s : famous comic strip, which comes to the “played by Mary orax, | Sey, .. Theatre on . 2.05... ‘‘Harold~Teen’’ was directed by Mervyn LeRoy and embraces all of the humorous elements that have make Sheik Harold a _ household name. Harold’s sweetie, Lillums, is Whila Gig. | gles, the ‘‘vamp’’ of the town, is | Alice White. a Others in the east include Jack Duffy, Lucien Littlefield, Fred KelLincoln Stedman and Jack . Kagan. Mary Brian M Harold Teen" Cut No. 16. Cut 4oc. Mat roc. (ADVANCE READER) ‘¢Harold Teen’’ is coming to the Theatre here beginning eee oy 8 SG And for those few who have not heard or read of Carl Ed’s famous comic strip character on which the picture, is based it is explained that Harold -is the most famous ‘‘ drug store cowboy’? in history. His Oxford bags, his autographed slicker, his rebuilt flivver, covered with ‘‘wise-cracks’’ and his weakness for Shebas, are brought to the screen in a way that is guaranteed to convince the most hardened ¢ynic that youth cannot be downed ! Lake is supported in this picture by Mary Brian, AliceWhite, Jack Duffy, Lucien Littlefield, Jack Eagan and many others. ‘‘Harold Teen’’ was directed by Mervyn LeRoy and produced for First National Pictures by Robert Kane. CLOTHES WILL BE WORN NEXT YEAR —AND HOW, DECLARES HAROLD TEEN! (ADVANCE READER) Viket+—the_ well-dressed flapper of 1928 is wearing is shown 1n ° Teen,’’? which comes to the Theatre on Not only do the feminine players wear the latest in fashions, but Arthur Lake, who enacts the title role, sports some *MHasvlu | vasay stunning styles in a sequence where he is dressed as a chie flapper to ++ FOULII ey eh ten ah CO 8 secret xwraternity. ‘¢Harold Teen,’’ from the popular comie strip of that name, was directed by Mervyn LeRoy for First National Pictures. Co through High School with Harold Learn How To Do The Harold Teen Drag! How To Make a Gedunke Sundae! From the comic strip by Carl Ed. Adaptation by Tom Geraghty. Directed by MERVYN LEROY Cut No 8. Cut $1.00 Mat 20¢. How To Get 100% In Love Exams Without Copying! How To Become A Movie Hero! See What Every Collegiate Will Wear Next Year! It’s A Seven Reel ComedyDrama That Takes Highest Honors in Laughs! ALLAN DWAN Production Presented by ROBERT KANE with Arthur Lake, Mary Brian, Lucien Littlefield, Alice White Hedda Hopper, Jack Duffy, Jack Eagan A GREAT FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE Nee ee Page Two FUNNY HOBBY! (ADVANCE READER) Arthur Lake, Mary Brian and Alice White, a trio of the screen’s most gifted younger players who are assembled at the Theatre, next week in ‘‘ Harold Teen,’’ have-one hobby in common. They have been following the adventures of ‘‘Harold Teen’? on the famous comic strip, practically all of their lives! During the filming of First National’s hilarious cinema version of the newspaper comics, they played a ‘Harold Teen’’ game on the set. It was what might be called a memory test, and put into oblivion’ the ‘‘Ask me Another’’ game. It was remembering an adventure of Harold Teen that the others. did not remember, until it was recalled to them! Lucien Littlefield, Jack Duffy, Hedda Hopper and other wellknown character actors form the supporting cast. YOUTH TO SERVE A RASHER OF LAUGHS IN “HAROLD TEEN” (ADVANCE READER) Youth must be served, is the old ery. At the Theatre next week, not only will youth ‘be served, but youth will do the serving. The fare is, **Harold Teen,’’ a delightful. comedy of ..American youth, a. First National Picture, directed by Mervyn LeRoy. The story is based on Carl Ed’s celebrated newspaper comic strip of the same name, appearing daily in more than 300 newspapers, and it is not stretching a point to say that it is probably the fastest moving farce of the year. Mm, a + ed by AY tle wala, the edian who has been scoring sboneat: edly of late. ‘Ssweetie,?? Lillums, and Alice White is the high school vamp, Giggles. Others in the supporting east are Lucien Littlefield, William Bakewell, Hedda Hopper, Lincoln Stedman and Ben Hall. ‘‘Harold Claes ow .-Tewry YES, A FLIVVER NEVER GIVES UP! “Leapmg Lena” wie! Refiieca = Die}. During Filming of “Harold ~ Teen”’ (ADVANCE READER) One of ‘the most important ‘‘props’’ used in the filming of ‘¢Harold Teen,’’ the First National faree comedy, coming to the Theatre on , is the decrepit Ford touring car covered with wiseeracks, in which Harold takes the girl friends motoring. A sequence in the picture called for the flivver to break down miles from anywhere, leaving Harold and Giggles to walk home. Director Mervyn LeRoy found an ideal location for the filming of the sequence in a wooded canyon about ten miles from the Burbank studios. The company drove to the location in studio machines and waited for the flivver to arriver under the charge of a studio mechanic. Two hours elapsed and the mechanic hove over the hill—on foot. ‘That flivver got temperamental and quit running two miles from the ‘studio,’? the exasperated mechanie informed LeRoy. The director loaded the company in the machines and returned to the Ford, Arthur Lake and Alice White, who play the roles of Harold and Giggles, got into the stalled car while the cameras were set up. ‘Register anger,’? LeRoy informed Arthur. ‘‘The car won’t run. You know it, but try to start it just once more to satisfy Giggles. All ready.’? The cameras started grinding, Arthur jumped out and spun the erank—and the motor started running perfectly! The mechanic swooned. Mary Brian plays his|, You'll Recognize Her As ‘‘Giggles’’ @ilite White as Giggles in "Harold Teg? Cut No. r2. Cut 25¢. Mat toc. © (ADVANCE READER) A film version of one of the most widely-read comic strips in the world, ‘‘Harold Teen,’’ by the famus cartoonist Carl Ed, comes to the: Theatre beginning ‘‘Harold Teen,’’ a First National picture, directed by Mervyn LeRoy, depicts, in a humorous vein, the attemps of ‘‘Sheik’’ Harold to retain the affection of his ‘‘sweetie,’’ Lillums, and still have time for ‘‘Giggles,’’ the school vamp. Arthur Lake plays the title role; Mary Brian is Lillums; and Alice White portrays the role of Giggles. Others in the cast include Jack Duffy, Lucien Littlefield, Lincoln Stedman and Jack Eagen. ee PATERSON Teen’? is a Robert Kane production. It’ * the Tadpoles Teddies! is on the screen! An ultramodern ultramirthful ultramodish interpret ARTHUR LAKE — MARY BRIAN, LUCIEN LITTLEFIELD, ALICE WHITE. Hedda Hopper, Jack Duffy and Jack Eagan. An ALLAN Dwan Production presented by Robert Kane and Directed by Mervyn LeRo.. From Comic Strip by Carl Ed. Adaptation by Tom Geraghty. CutNo 9. Cut 35c. Mat roc. JA FIRST NATIONAL PICTUF |