He Was Her Man (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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EATRE ONE HOUR TO LOVE.. AND THEN HER WEDDING BELLS ..eRINGING HIS DEATH KNELL! Jimmy and Joan together again in their first great dramatic hit in two years—and, take it from us, it was worth waitTit: Mxe) ae | Something en=-' tirely new in love stories — Warner Bros.’ Dramatic Thrill JAMES CAGNEY-JOAN BLONDELL VICTOR JORY FRANK CRAVEN 472 Lines Mat No. 24—40c See page I1 for this ad in 3-column size. COATED STOCK... A Warner Service With the ads printed on coated stock, their adaptability to your budget and layout requirements is greatly enhanced. Engravers can either enlarge or reduce copy directly from the page, with slight retouching of the halftones in the latter case. In re-arranging layouts, desired material can be pasted up together with local copy and treated the same as ‘originals.’ Page Five