Hearts Divided (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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EXPLOITATION “HEARTS cne««,«;t DIVIDED” FOR STREET & THEATRE 24 S 7 ET DESCRIPTION: Illustration is in full color on brilliant red background. ‘Marion Davies’ and title are in white with black outline. Credits are in orange. Dic POW: HARLE RUGGLES _ CAUDERAING ier HORTON ARTHUR TREACHER-HALL JONNSON CHOIR POERRIK SOBISGE Produk pin Af cy Rey rex be AGssrpoliins Matton DAVIES | Heard Divide d DICK DOWEL CHAU RUGS 1-SHEET CLAUDE GANS TAY ER MIDGET WINDOW CARD ARS TREACY INSERT CARD JUMBO WINDOW CARD THEATRE. IMPRINT 3-SHEET PRICES 24-SHEETS each; 25 and over each 6-SHEETS ‘+ each; 10 to 19 each 20 ane Over ei ee 65c¢ each 3-SHEETS each; 25 and over each 1-SHEETS each; 50 to 99 each each WINDOW CARD WINDOW CARDS 7c each; 50 to 99 each each JUMBO WINDOW CARDS 10c each; 100 and over each INSERT CARDS 25ce each; 25 to 49 each 50 to 99 20¢ each; each JUMBO HERALDS 1M to 4M $3.50 per M; 5M and over LOBBY DISPLAYS 11 x 14 Photos (8 in set—colored) 14 x 17 (8 in set—4 upright; 4 flat—colored)..$1.50 a set 22 x 28 Photos (2 in set—colored) = cGR Le dae EVEETHOON, ARTHUR 4 7 A 8 pagourmc : ne i (These prices apply to the U. S. only) SLIDE 6-SHEET Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1936 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers. PRINTED IN U.S.A.