Hollywood Hotel (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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LAMPUa LETTER is written to appeal to the typical "'collegian"’ who, today, is the disciple of swing. Direct to all college groups, fraternities, glee clubs, prom committees, etc. Dear Friends As a 'collegian', you occupy an integral place in the Kingdom of Swing, and that comes from no less a personage than that Swingaroo Professor himself, Benny Goodman. Today the greatest devotees of music in its most modern interpretations and the best judges of the orchestras who do the interpreting are in the colleges and school groups. Why, we don't know, but it is a fact. Unanimously acclaimed as the greatest swingmaster of the day by the hundreds of 'alligators' (dancers who stand in front of the band and ‘peat it out'), Benny Goodman and his Band will appear in "Hollywood Hotel,'’ Warner Bros.' giant musical starring Dick Powell, Rosemary Lane, Hugh Herbert, Ted Healy and the entire cast from the famed radio show— Louella Parsons, Frances Langford and Jerry Cooper. So come to the Strand during the week of January 17th and swing and sway with Benny Goodman in "Hollywood Hotel," the greatest musical of the year. You'll be truckin' and shaggin' in the aisles. Sincerely yours, (signed) The Manager. sii Ser a ae BATTLE OF MUSIC—Musical Debate to take place in music appreciation classes or assemblies. Idea is to have school orchestra play a classical number, and then play it in swing style. Students judge merits of each by applause. Capers to swing em to your theatre CONTEST FOR LYRICISTS—Students are asked to write additional lyrics for "Hooray for Hollywood," hit song of the picture. Can be arranged in cooperation with school paper and music classes. Perhaps vocalist of town's leading swing band will sing them over the air. Contest makes tie-up with local music store possible since contestants go there to hear song. DOUBLES CONTEST—The resemblance between Rosemary Lane and Lola Lane lends itself to this popular contest. Invite contestants to send in photos to your theatre and announce that any two people resembling each other, in the opinion of the judges, will receive free tickets to your show. In large sections it would be advisable to specify that the winners must not be brothers, sisters, or brothers and sisters, while in smaller sections prizes can be awarded for twins, smaller sections prizes can be awarded for twins. SWING CONTEST can be conducted at annual prom or at various fraternity dances after the prom. Have kid in comic costume hand out heralds, and also mail to all fraternities. os See lyf eens ESSAYS on origin and definition of Swing, its leading exponents. Has it a place in the history of music, etc.? Prizes for best ones. > (ciate = hel INSTRUMENT PLAYING contest for students. Winners can be organized into a swing band to give ‘jam session’ in your theatre. IDEAL HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS KEYS and TAGS marked "Hollywood Hotel" can be used as giveaways. Place in mail boxes and have clerks distribute with regular hotel keys. Copy: "The key to good entertainment— ‘Hollywood Hotel’ at the Strand Theatre." (See Novelty Section for further information.) Wr ANE Oe ANNOUNCEMENTS in lobbies, on register desks, in mail boxes, hotel restaurants, bars, etc. Wa pee LUCKY NUMBER ticket holder at your theatre can be awarded an evening of entertainment at hotel supper room or bar. 8 FLORIST presents a corsage of orchids to the prettiest girl to enter the Supper Room (in the opinion of the waiters). Attached tag reads: ‘Compliments of the Hollywood Hotel." Credits appear on other side. esate * eet +3 ORCHID ROOM could be used as temporary name of hotel Supper Room, in return for which you could pass out cards at your theatre telling the patrons to visit it after the show. ec ee POSTERS and cut-outs in lobby, with picture post cards signed by the stars placed in lobby and hotel rooms.