Hollywood Hotel (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Easy steps to a hig showing in your... HOLLYWOOD OPENING: Most appropriate for your opening although its an oft repeater. It rates bigger than ever treatment. Here are the important things to do:— Invite social leaders, civic and educational heads, radio, band, stage personalities, newspaper editors. Have local photographers on hand to snap pictures of social celebrities. Plant in local papers. Local radio station ties in for lobby broadcast. Celebrities go on the air as they arrive. Same idea can be carried out with 'mike' hooked in to loud speakers on marquee. Set up battery of giant spotlights. Play recordings by Benny Goodman in lobby. Set ger ee HOTEL REGISTER that sells the stars and title in a novel way. This can be clipped for a blow-up display in your lobby; mount on school bulletin boards, direct to mailing list, and distribute in all hotel rooms: HOLLYWOOD HOTEL NAME REMARKS Pee, Oe. Oe MUSICAL HIT display in lobby listing the names of the outstanding hit each year since 1933. Banner line reads: "Musical Hits of the Decade." List these: 1933—'"'42nd Street,"' 1934—"Flirtation Walk,"" 1935—"'Shipmates Forever,’ 1936 —'"'Gold Diggers,"" 1937—''The Singing Marine," 1938 — "Hollywood Hotel" (Punch out with ‘Tops ‘Em All’ and display stills.) _ CREST AT SBE ENERO a SERRE RREET Me) LUDDY HOTEL ATMOSPHERE created in your theatre with characteristic registration desk, cigar counter, mail pigeon holes, page boys, bellhops, etc. Station ‘clerks’ behind desk with pen in hand requesting patrons to register at the 'Hollywood Hotel." Clerk takes envelopes containing herald and key (see novelty section, page 18) out of mail box and hands to each person registering. Picture's title appears in large letters on rear wall surrounded with cut-outs of the stars (see page |7). Might add to the effect by having a couple of fashionable gals parade through lobby with poodles. CANDID CAMERAMAN makes the rounds of town's dance halls, night clubs, school proms, theatres, and takes ‘snaps’ of young couples doing various types of swing dances — 'shag,' ‘big apple,’ ‘little peach,’ 'truckin’,’ etc. Display photos in lobby and invite patrons to send in similar ones, with prizes for best ones. Selling line: "Everybody's Swinging to the Happy Tunes of ‘Hollywood Hotel.’ " HOTEL KEY and lock (see page 18) can be used as the basis of novel contest. Construct large cardboard door in lobby with copy: "Entrance to Hollywood Hotel—Meeting Place of Stars of Stage and Screen."" Placard door with stills from picture. One key in every 100 distributed to patrons fits the door. Give out passes or promote gifts for lucky keyholders. Mea. ee MINIATURE HOTEL with gate around it. Over roof on sky background mount cut-outs of stars’ heads (see cut-outs illustrated on page !7) and on opposite side cut out lettering from 24-sheet. Fill balance of space with stills from picture and copy: ‘Packed from cellar to the roof with stars of screen and radio." : Hee, ON ORCHID ROOM stills will make an effective display for your lobby. Order these: HH 261, 269, Z27\, 272, 277, 282, 287, 298, 547, 548, 549. Selling line: "Join smart society and Hollywood's great stars in the Orchid Room of the Hollywood Hotel, where Benny Goodman and his Band play nightly." Wee MERRY-GO-ROUND—Make blow-up heads of all the stars in picture and mount on a large revolving disc. Place blow-up of Benny Goodman in center overlooking others with crown on his head. Add music from rear of display, using recordings by Benny Goodman.