Hollywood Hotel (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Hook Up with Radio Guide's National $1000 Cash Prize Contest A contest offering $1000 in cash prizes in connection with "Hollywood Hotel" staged by Radio Guide Magazine announced in its January |5th issue. Distributors throughout the country are lined up to cooperate with local theatres. NATIONALLY Radio Guide Does This for You: |. For eight consecutive weeks starting January 1|5th issue, prominent plugs for ‘Hollywood Hotel’’ will appear in Radio Guide. In addition a double page ‘Hollywood Hotel"’ ad will run in the January 8th issue. 2. Dick Powell's photo carries the cover of Radio Guide, January [5th issue. 3. Both Screen Guide and Radio Guide will publicize the contest and the picture on their editorial pages. A picture layout in the roto section of Radio Guide will appear on the theme: "How a Great Radio Program Became a Great Motion Picture." 4. Martin Lewis, promotion manager of Screen Guide and Radio Guide, will personally contact the magazine distributors all over the country to assure fullest cooperation with local theatres. CONTEST DETAILS Prizes for Your Patrons: CASH First:Prize. .. .$500.00 Second Prize ______ $250.00 Thita Prize 22s __ $100.00 Ten Fourth Prizes $10.00 “LOCALLY Radio Guide's Distributors Do This for You: |. Place tack cards on stands where magazine is sold, carrying plug for picture, name of theatre and playdate. 2. Distributors’ trucks will carry two-sheet posters advertising picture, theatre and playdate. Same posters also go on backs of newsstands. 3. Distributors will arrange for window displays in stores selling the magazine. 4. Throwaways distributed through newsstands and stores, and a sufficient supply will be given theatre for distribution before picture opening. FREE TRAILER Special trailers are being prepared by Radio Guide explaining the contest, rules, and prizes fully, and will be supplied theatres upon request free of charge by: Mr. Martin ‘Lewis, Radio Guide, 551 Fitth Ave. De Ia Gece it requesting trailer, be sure Ten Fifth Prizes _—— $5.00 Free trailer explains how to win the prize money. GET IN THE HOLLYWOOD HOTEL $1000 CASH PRIZE CONTEST! For making Dick Powell, Rosemary Lane, Frances Langford, Ted Healy, Hugh Herbert, and others talk back to each other as they do in "Hollywood Hotel'’ $1000 in cash prizes is offered. For full details read: RADIO GUIDE Now on the Newsstands For further information contact: MR. GEORGE MAREK, Brown and Tarcher, 630 Fifth Ave., N.Y. CG. to give your playdates. CALOX features DICK POWELL in 10,000,000 Circulation Ad Campaign A combined circulation of nearly 10,000,000 in three national magazines, the Saturday Evening Post (February 5th), Collier's (February 26th) and the Pictorial Review (March) carry a half page Calox Tooth Powder ad (reproduced smaller at left) featuring Dick Powell and ''Hollywood Hotel." In addition, two day and date ads run on receipt of playdate information in about 20 newspapers. 35,000 Calox dealers have window display material; contact local drug stores to complete your tieup. Your Mavic, cag. Hn ule Cx plritorton! 10