Hollywood Hotel (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Gh Litee CONTEST This one plugs the songs and the stars. Newspaper runs one picture daily with entire list of songs from which contestants are asked to write the correct title (listed in box below) fitting each photo, then send in their answers to all five. Mats available—75c for the complete set; order Mat 501-B from Campaign Plan Editor. Let That Be a Lesson to You Silhouetted in the Moonlight ie 25 3. I'm Like a Fish Out of Water 4. I've Got a Heart Full of Music 5. Hurray for Hollywood 1. You can hardly blame anyone: for trying to make a "pass' at lovely Rosemary Lane. But Dick lets the waiter have it and says:— ————____ 2. When day is done and shadows fall, the Lane sisters are an inspiration for 4. When Benny Goodman gives his "swingsters' the signal to go to town, any artist while they're: Frances Langford, like any other girl, must confess: 3. “Hey, be a good kid and get me a glass of water," requests Ted. “Aaah,” 5. "California, here we come," shout Dick Powell and the lovely Lane sisters. Reason enough to give a rousing cheer and hip-hip: responds Mabel, "you're all wet, so let's croon: