I Like Your Nerve (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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FAMILY—-—SELL IT THAT WAY! KEEP INTERESTED IN EVERYTHING, SAYS YOUNG DOUGLAS Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., who is now to be seen at the Theatre in “I Like Your Nerve,” his second First National starring vehicle, is notable for the multiplicity of his interests. He is at present appearing on the legitimate stage in Los An geles in “The Man in Posses-. sion,” a play of which he is part producer. He writes for a number of the best magazines and did the titles for his father’s “The Black Pirate” and “The Gaucho” as well as for “Two Lovers” in which Colman and Banky were starred. He speaks French fluently in French and has appeared films for the foreign market. He reads a great deal, especially biography, history and metaphysical philosophy. A number of his caricatures have appeared in Vanity Fair. He has done creditable work in marble. He plays the piano and sings acceptably. His favorite athletic ' sports are wrestling, boxing and swimming, and at one time he was a whiz at track work. One must let down on some activity when one is twenty-four! He means to direct pictures— and says that he works from necessity. He is seconded in his many interests by his clever and beautiful wife, Joan Crawford. It is hard to imagine what the star of “I Like Your Nerve” does with his spare time. Star Of “I Like Your Nerve” Puts A Bit Of Spanish On His Bel ee —aty wy SS = pee EOI SOLUS Ga WV OME WUT white flannels may beéome popular with young men of the land if Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is anything of a style dictator. In “I Like Your Nerve,” his new starring picture now at the Theatre, he appears in several sequences wearing sport shoes, white flannel trousers and a gray coat, with around his waist a belt of black cloth three or four inches in width. “Pyactical and comfortable,” is his explanation. Loretta Young is leading lady for Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in this gay romance. The cast includes Claude Allister, Andre Cheron, Henry Kolker, Edmund Breon, Boris Karloff YOUNG DOUGLAS IS SUPPORTED BY LORETTA YOUNG IN SWIFT-MOVING ROMANCE OF YOUTHFUL ADVENTURE Screen Favorite Surrounded With Fine Cast In His Second First National Starring Vehicle, ‘I Like Your Nerve,”’” Now At The Strand (Review Featuring the Cast) Hollywood does ever so often produce a picture that can be given unqualified endorsement for audiences of all classes. Such pictures generally will be found to be brisk and pleasant light comedies, with a generous dash of adventure, plenty of fast movement, clever lines, wholesome situations, and a The Boy Is THERE! Whether there’s a balcony to be climbed, a revolution to be fought or a girl to be kissed! Roms | 1S Ye ere one rere ee Theatre is now presenting such a picture. It is a First National production starring Douglas Fairbanks Jr. with Loretta Young, and of all of the new crop pictures of this type “I Like Your Nerve” is far and away the best. To see it is to spend a delightfully refreshing evening. The story races through the audacious adventures of a wealthy young American when he finds himself in the midst of a Central American romance which sweeps him off his feet to land in the seething tangle of a near-revolution, a plot to raid the country’s treasury, a single-handed elash with the army, and a neatly executed kidnapping coup by which he saves the girl he loves from the fate of an unhappy marriage. In this picture young Doug Fairbanks will favorably remind you of the Robin Hood and the D’Artagnan his father played years ago. In “JT Like ‘Your Nerve” provides definite assurance that the name of Fairbanks will continue to add zest and wholesome color to the American screen for many a year to come. Just to make “I Like Your Nerve” more entertaining and more charming, Loretta Young shares honors with young Doug. Others in the east are Claude Allister, the English eomedian; Henry Kolker, veteran of the American stage; Andre do ww thebengn—Boris. Karloff, Edmund Bregp} rami Others ~eyuats, ~ able. The picture was directed by William MeGann and the story and screen play are by Roland Pertwee and Houston Branch. ‘ Man Who Was Gallagher Supports Doug, Junior Boris Karloff, screen-famous since his portrayal of Gallagher, the glowering convict in “The Criminal Code,” plays in featured support of Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Loretta Young in their new First National picture, “I Like Your Nerve.” Karloff is one of the veteran character actors of Hollywood, with a long series of successful roles behind him. The and Luis Alberni. William McGann| picture “I Like Your Nerve” now is directed. playine:9t the 4 se es Theatre. i HOLLYWOOD E buoyant, youthful cast to carry them along at break-neck speed. Young Fairbanks Is As Much A Favorite At Home As Abroad Star Of “I Like Your Nerve” First National Picture, Now At Strand, Liked By Fellow Workers (Feature—Plant 3 Days Be fore) Actors are known not so much by the company they keep as by their attitude and conduct while at work. / A thousand puckered lips whisper “I Like Your Nerve’’ to Close observation of what goes on}. at the studios in Hollywood proves this true. Much can be learned of the character of 2 man from the attitude of those whose duties force them to be around him, day in and day out on a crowded motion picture set. AIRBANKS, Jr. 3 | AY | west Generally speaking — of — course there can be no rule to apply—the star who is most popular on the screen will be the most popular with studio property men, cameramen and office workers. Actors and actresses whose appeal is limited will have fewer Studio In. pT direct proportion. It can generally be figured that the “big” player too high hat to fraternize with the members of his company has not long in this professional life. Eventually the public, as well as his co-workers, will find him out. NEVER “HIGH HAT” Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., is as popular as any young man on the screen to-day. By the same token and for the same reason he is one of the most popular young stars among Hollywood film workers. He is wholly unaffected, sincere in his friendliness, sympathetic to the moods of all around him, and considerate of other’s feelings at all times. as a ravishing, lovable rascal in = . ia of hanctar= with @ ORETTA YOUNG lovelier than ever — again teams with Doug to make your joy complete. A First National & Vitaphone Picture When he walks on the set in the morning he has a smile and a word of greeting for everyone he meets. Those he knows he ealls by their first name. They in turn, in fact everyone, calls him “Doug.” A visitor who did not know him would believe him to be one of the crew; a carefree young fellow working with his hands for a daily wage. HE'S SO FRESHHE'S REFRESHING! DOUGLAS BANKS YOU’LL LOVE LORETTA YOUNG IN A MAD-CAP ROMANCE with DOUG, JR. A fee SPEED! LAFFS! N 1 & VITAPHONE i pacar PICTURE Cut No. 9 Cut 40c Mat 1oc His present picture for First National, “I Like Your Nerve,” now at the Theatre, was directed by William McGann, who ten years ago was cameraman for Douglass Fairbanks, Sr. McGann declares that never before has he observed such a perfect example of truth in the adage, “Like father, like son.” LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON “Doug Sr., was one of the most likeable men I ever knew,” says MeGann, “and Doug. Jr. is a chip off the old block.” In “I Like Your Nerve” young Doug. plays a romantic, dashing role, ‘similar to those played by his father years ago. Another coincidence in this story is that the location scenes were made in beautiful Balboa Park, San Diego, where Doug. Sr. often went on location for his earlier pictures. Loretta Young plays opposite young Doug. in this dashing and ro mantic story of a mythical Latin country. The cast of “I Like Your Nerve” includes Claude Allister, Andre Cheron, Henry Kolker, Edmund Breon, Boris Karloff and Luis Alberni. William MeGann directed. Cut No. 8 Cut 40c Mat roc Doug Junior’s Latest Action Romance Beats All Records For Time “I Like Your Nerve” First National Production At Strand Next (Advance—Plant 2 Days Before) “T get out deliberately to make the fastest-moving moving picture that could be produced while at the same time keeping the characters within the limits of the side lines,” says Director William McGann, speaking of the First National romantic-comedy, “T Like Your Nerve,” starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and coming to the Theatre next. “Fortunately I had the type of story which could stand that brisk a tempo and I had the east which could keep up the pace. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Loretta Young, Claude Allister, Andre Cheron, Henry Kolker and all the others are specialists in farce All I had to do was to give them a bit of urging and keep technique. them from bumping into one another.” McGann of all other directors in Hollywood, should be familiar with the Fairbanks cameras. For several years, earlier manner before. the in his career, he was chief cameraman for Doug Sr., and photographed the elder Fairbanks in such pictures as “The Mark of Zorro” and “Till the Clouds Roll By.” “JT Like Your Nerve,” in spite of the fact that McGann spoke of farce the It is .in technique, is not a farce in French sense of the word. stead a romantic -adventure story played against a Central American locale with Doug, Jr., defying a gov ernment to win the girl of his choice. Page Three —