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I Like Your Nerve (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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DOUG, JR. AND LORETTA YOUNG as a fascinating daredevil. : AIR BA N " with a This reckless rascal’s got maidens sighing, Wives guessing, husbands burning, armies fighting, empires boiling! Because he’s in Love! Bringing together again, the screen’s most adorable love team. LORETTA YOUNG Cut No. 1 Cut 60c Mat rs5c A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE ROMANCE WITH SPICE, SPEED and PLENTY O’ PEP! “T Like Your Nerve” Shows Doug. Jr. In Light Comedy Role Despite the fact that “Chances” proved a splendid box-office attraction throughout the country, Douglas Fairbanks Jr.’s follow up hit is light comedy. First National Pictures, Inc., producers of all of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.’s pictures felt that the public would like to see this young star exactly as he is in-real life, a regular American, witty, gay and smart. That is the reason why “I Like Your Your Nerve” was written by Roland Pertwee, author of “Interference” especially for Doug. It was directed by William McGann who is famous for his direction of this particular type of action-comedy. That the change of type was a com. plete success is proven by the large crowds that have attended each performance of “I Like Your Nerve” at Theatre, where it will COnguue UNG) NOX ere. a Douglas Jr. is supported by Loretta Young, Claude Allister, Andre Cheron, Henry Kolker and Boris Karloff. The action takes place in a “-n¢~ol American republic. New Coiffure Is Worn By Loretta Young In New Hit star has Many a movie envied Loretta Young’s beautiful hair, but never has she shown it to greater advantage than in “I Like Your Nerve” in which Loretta plays the feminine lead opposite Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. It reaches a long bob that almost the It slightly shorter on the sides and falls The top of the hair is slightly waved and is shoulders. is cut in soft curls all around. is brushed diagonally away from the face. It fits admirably with the type of hat she wears in the picture. “T Like Your Nerve” is Douglas Fairbanks Jr.’s second starring vehiIt is full of fast action and comedy. For the fourth time he and Loretta Young appear opposite each other in cle for First National Pictures. a First National Picture. “T Like Your Nerve” will be shown next ... Theatre. FOUR NEW TIRES PUNCTURED BY PLAYFUL YOUTH It’s All A Part Of “I Like Your Nerve,” New Doug, Jr. Picture Four perfectly good automobile tires were ruined by Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. by the simple expedient of placing a broken champagne bottle in their path. Where did he get a champagne bottle? Why did he ruin four good tires? Those are questions that cannot be explained until you have seen Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in “I Like Your Nerve” at the Theatre. An important clue to the mystery, however, might be found in the fact that Loretta Young was sitting in the automobile which was about to be driven away by her stern father’s chauffeur. Another important clue resolves itself around a kidnapping plot in which Loretta Young was to be the victim. It’s all a lot of fun and offers Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. a chance to display his versatility as an actor and comedian. “T Like Your Nerve” will continue at the Theatre until gheay reece ieee It is a First National and Vitaphone picture and just a little bit different from the kind of production Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. has been accustomed to make. ODD McINTYRE ODDLY MISJUDGES THE CHARACTER OF BRITISH AUTHOR OF “1 LIKE YOUR NERVE,” BY HIS ODD NAME Famous New York Columnist Whimsically Expresses His Impression Of The Man Who Could Be Named Roland Pertwee By Kenneth S. Whitmore (Human Interest Story for Sunday Paper) O. O. MeIntyre—known to his intimates as Odd—recently said in his widely syndicated column, ‘‘New York Day by Day,’’ in referring to the Britisher who is the author of ‘‘I Like Your Nerve,’’ the First National picture starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and coming to the Theatre next ‘fa man by the name of Roland Pertwee reminds me of Eton collars, varnished hoops and the odor of lilaes.’’ That Mr. MeIntyre’s usual elairvoyant understanding of human beings went sadly amiss in the ease of Roland Pertwee, all who know the latter will agree. Roland Pertwee is a tall and rather gaunt Englishman. He could have played Osborn in “Journey’s End” without makeup, and would have been a sensation in the part for he is the British major type to a hair. In fact Roland Pertwee was a British major, either a major or close to it. He was with a heavy artillery unit, six inch howitzer, from early 716 on, and he once got a bash of shrapnel right between the eyes. Lucky enough it was spent when it hit him, but it knocked him down and was a dirty shock. Bash of Shrapnel “T felt a perfect fool,’ Pertwee will tell you. “The only time I got shot during the whole bloomin’ war and not a drop of blood to show for it. The men laughed at me, no end.” It was there in France, with that night and day bang of guns in his ears, that Roland Pertwee did a lot of his best writing. He’d left a fay OE pe es Wie 8 un ee ‘eet ee and the three of them couldn’t get along very well on army pay. So Roland Pertwee got into a habit. He’d done a bit of writing before he went into the war so at night, in his dugout, he’d sit and compose a paragraph or maybe a page before he turned in. He’d write in the lorries when he was going up and he’d write on his way back to the rest areas. Back of the lines he’d be hard at it, too. The stories he wrote were touched by the war, of course, but they hadn’t to do with the war itself, Mostly about boys back home on leave, they were, and happy things like that. They sold well. In the United States the Saturday Evening Post carried a lot of them, and the Cosmopolitan, too. In England he sold to the Strand. He ecouldn’t keep it up, however. Something happened to his nerves. He was invalided home and spent a long time in the 3d London General Hospital. It was there, after a time of rest and quiet, that he wrote his first novel. It was called “Our Wonderful Selves” and wasn’t a bit bad considering that at first he could work on it but ten or fifteen minutes a day. Nerves, you know, are jumpy things. First Novel But when you come to that, Pertwee always has jumped about a lot. He was successful in a couple of other lines of creative artistry before he turned to warring and to writing. He was born in Brighton, England, on May 15th some thirty-five or forty years ago. His mother, and her family before her, were of the stage. His father was a painter. His education was received from a succession of private tutors and private schools “that came with a rapidity which left me dizzy,” Pertwee recalls. “When I finished my schooling I knew less than probably any human being that ever lived.” As a youngster of sixteen he decided for art, his talents in that line already having proved themselves. He went to the Royal Academy schools and at seventeen had his first R. A. picture accepted. After three years of work in England he went to France to continue his studies at» the Atelier Julian. He returned to England, opened a studio for portraiture, and... Bans The Brush of work that any modern portrait painter ever did,” says Pertwee. “One day I gathered all of my ¢anvases, took them to the yard, poured petrol over the pile and fired it. It was the most satisfying moment of my art career.” The trouble, he went on plain, was a monetary one. “T found that I was paying more to my lawyers for collection serves than I was receiving from my commissions. And unhappily I always have been the sort to need a bit of money.” Almost the minute Pertwee’s six or seven years of art became a little pile of smoking ashes he was headed for London and a try at the stage. A week later H. B. Irving had hired him for the juvenile lead in “Clementina”. He stayed with Irving, in subsequent Irving productions, for four successful years. With Henry Irving It was at the end of that time Pertwee started, seriously, to write. His very first story—this he considers a matter of extreme luck— was accepted by the Saturday Evea i __ Others followed, then the war came along. Ta As for his work as a writer, put him down for eight or nine novels and six successful plays. “I Serve” was his first. Then came one with a title “Out To Win” but really the play was better than the name he gave it. Next he wrote the English adaptation of an American success, “The Creaking Chair” and then in line came “Interference”. “Interference” by the way, was the first all-talking picture that Paramount ever made. Pertwee wanted to leave England and come over to Hollywood at the time, but he couldn’t make it. Just recently he has completed two other plays: “Heat Wave” and “Honors Easy”. to ex : ces dL Young Doug Here In Swift Central America Romance (Current Reader) Central America provides the locale for “I Like Your Nerve,” an up-to-the-minute “Robin Hood” story in which Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is starred with Loretta Young, now appearing at the In it Doug plays a wealthy young American, visiting the country in his father’s interests, who falls madly in love with the daughter of a certain finance minister who is involved in political intrigue. The story races through a series of amusing adventures whereby Doug saves the finance minister, saves the country from revolution, kidnaps the girl and wins her. “Flying Eagles’ To Be Next Starring Vehicle For Doug Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. who will be seen at the Theatre next in “I Like Your Nerve,” his second First National starring vehicle, in which he is supported by Loretta Young—will next be seen in “Flying Eagles.” This story is being written by John Monk Saunders who did “The Dawn Patrol.” While young Doug piloted his own plane in “The Dawn Patrol” he is now spending much time in stunt flying for he will need a sound working knowledge of this branch of aviation for his starring ee ee ee ee “After a year I did the finest piece’ role in “Flying Eagles.”