I Married a Doctor (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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Q) Miensiud a D ocKor! ADVERTISING THEATRE WHY did the girl who loved my husband attempt suicide? WHY did the boy who loved me crash to his death? WHY didevery woman in town hate Her answer is the most startling revelation of marriage love ever filmed] RIED A DOCTOR With the never-to-be-forgotten stars of “Oil For The Lamps of China’’! PATW“JOSEPHINE OBRIEN HUTCHINSON ROSS ALEXANDER GUY KIBBEE ¢ LOUISE FAZENDA Olin Howland. Margaret Irving Alma Lloyd +» Grace Stafford »Ray Mayer Directed by Archie Mayo A Warner Bros. Picture ‘The star who has made you laugh til you cried now wrings tears from your heart! 632 Lines—Mat No. 402—40c j (FOR 3-COL. ILLUSTRATION OF THIS AD, SEE PAGE 9) / Page Six