I Married a Doctor (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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ACCESSORIES CQ) Whocntidk a Decor DESCRIPTION: Title dark blue, with yellow highlights, cakes a white background. Credits blue grey with | illustration inibrilliant color. oe ORES aig BRNO Ser ETE INSERT CARD YOUR SUPPORTING PROGRAM Film is of the dramatic type, so you'll want to keep your supporting program “light”. A combination of these Vitaphone shorts will do the trick. “CALLING ALL TARS” (Vitaphone Comedy Series). Bob Hope, star comedian of stage, screen and radio, in a nautical fun-wave of gags and gals. Assisting him im dishing out the laughs are Johnnie Berkes and Osear Ragland. (21 minutes—No. 1112) 6 “PM A BIG SHOT NOW” (Merrie Melody Series). An ingenious Technicolor cartoon generously filled with smart gags. Story is told against a background of delightful colors. This’ll please all. (7 minutes— No. 1405) “RAMON RAMOS and ORCHESTRA” (Melody Master Series). Ramon Ramos, tango and rhumba king of South America, dispenses some very fancy dansapation in the Latin manner. (10 minutes—No. 1509) “HARBOR LIGHTS” (Our Own United States Series). H. V. Kaltenborn, ace commentator of the air, unveils the majestic beauty of our greater harbors, in another of FE, M. Newman’s thrilling shorts. (1 minutes—No. 1909) “WESTWARD WHOA” (Looney Tune Series). Bringing back the glamorous days of the wild and wooly West, where men were men and Injuns bit the dust. (7 minutes—No. 1707) “THE DOUBLE CROSSKY” (Broadways Brevity Series). This one has Olga Baclanova, gifted star of stage and screen, singing throaty ballads, while a stellar supporting cast goes through clever routines of songs and dances. (21 minutes—No. 1016) AWARNER BRG 0: FREOWULTEON EOTLEO SOREPHIRE AWARNER BRO _ sores: PICTURE 3-SHEET Runcisie Lewis amazing reales PRR Mor. in White PICTURE ee PEC ES 1-SHEETS LS Gy, RED RYN ie en ane Re ot cee 15e each SD Ra, DO a ass ies Gta Sz sae 13e each BOO: -and) <QVEi Re piece ae stene Sr etal ives cene lle each 3-SHEETS 1-SHEET me peed ghia. hh eta REA ta noe gers Soh perk MIDGET WINDOW CARD » '6-SHEETS ‘ AEG OE a es Bee Rin riences ole are boy en eee ae 75e each fig aka Wt IB SP oe a MO ee tee hae abet Sain ei oh 70c each 20 :ands ovenenes leit Rae 65c each 24-SHEETS Rp POl ae oa devise bus ta bere $2.00 each 2D ANGE OVER 3 56s hs dete tage eae 1.75 each WINDOW CARDS RIAD GE eee s Ge cig ee ee gee eee ee 7c each BO 10199). 25 oe i ee. A 6c each 100) andy sover..)... est ies ae 5 Yee each INSERT CARDS L tos 24 ied os Cie dels ek Bele eee ae es 20. AD eh ide Sembee’ BO 6 Bede aed 22c¢ each BO £0 99. fe 8s ais) odele spec gdtaius «cae OC OaGH LOOS ands OVER Ss sis se oe Oo ie 18c each HERALDS LIVE 580) cA Mss tae 8, ee geet aa: 32x $3.00 per M SME and (Over 6.4) 04400 054.5, 5) te ee oo 2.75 per M LOBBY DISPLAYS Ve VA PROLOG He ays al 2) Men arc ety leo 75c a set (8 in set—colored) eK ES PUNO COR ae cia aing oo Wales: ose uate 830c a set : ; : : (2 in set—colored) ean oe Slides. gist Teicctiatiss scope onal ss ceche ale 15e each PAT Peyiid | me SiMe os UN a ite ce A Ty 10¢ each R JOSEPHINE Midget Window Cards............. de each ovr MUTCHIBION WINDOW CARD 6-SHEET (These prices apply to the U.S. only) PRINTED INU.®.A.