Illicit (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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4 Warner Bros. present “ILLICIT,” A Vitaphone Picture =, HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM PRESS SHEET [—" plenty of time before your playdate begin feeding the ADVANCE READERS to your editor. et your newspaper have whole or part of SPECIAL FEATURES for. exclusive run. Tt them have NEWS STORIES before the week end deadline. [—" mapping out an EXPLOITATION campaign from suggestions given in press sheet start early and go after it big. Caurent READERS to supply during the run of the picture are provided. Jancluded in the press sheet are REVIEWS prepared by competent picture critics. The basis of your publicity campaign is the big selection of AD LAYOUTS with specially prepared copy and catchlines. “{LLICIT” TALKING TRAILER The talking trailer is made up of colorful and tantalizing bits of scenes and words of the thrilling and warmly human story of a girl who dreads marriage, deftly woven into a short which will sell the show to all who see and hear it. AT YOUR EXCHANGE MARQUEE BANNER Size 3 feet by 12 feet. Cut-out head of Barbara Stanwyck in silver against blue background. Ready to hand under your marquee. $10 each. Order direct from Metaliite Sign Co.,-385 Ealsey St., Newark, N. J. ~ Novel Outdoor Stunt seen Det hs wz Above is illustrated an attractive “spare tire” cover available on this picture. It is printed in three colors, is adjustable to any size tire and will not chip or wash off. There are tremendous attention-getting possibilities in this novel stunt. Take advantage!! Not available at the exchange; get them direct from: THE CLUFF COVER COMPANY 549 West 52nd St., New York City Lots of 500—66c each—Name and date imprinted 250—68c each— ” ea ” 100—70c each— ” tte add is 50—70c each—$4 extra for imprint 25—75c each—$2.50 extra for imprint 10 to 25—75c each—No imprinting for less than 1 to 10—85c each—$2.50. Your local artist can paint small quantities Order must be accompanied by certified check or shipment will be made C. O. D. a. Y | MARQUEE IDEA FAMOUS WIVES CONTEST Use this questionnaire in newspaper, program or throwaway in connection with the showing of “Illicit.” Offer free tickets to the first twenty-five to bring or mail to your theatre the correct answers on or before a specified date. These can be run in series using a few each day to extend over a period of days prior to, or during the showing of “Illicit.” Your newspaper editor can make this contest a more local event by including some of the important local men in governmental life. The comic-strip personalities can also be included. 1. What wife clipped her husband’s locks to weaken him? 2. What was the name of the scolding wife of Socrates? 3. What was the maiden name of Lincoln’s wife? 4. What Shakespeare play has “wives” in the title? 5. Who is the wife of Doug. Fairbanks, Jr.? 6. What English king is noted for his many wives? 7. Who is the wife of John Barrymore? 8. Where did Cain get his wife? (Gen. 4-16.) 9. Who was the Othello? 10. Who played the wife of Disraeli in the Arliss picture? 11. What was the name of wife of David Copperfield’s “Child Wife’’? 12. Who was. the wife of Darby in the famous song? 13. Who is probably the mostdivorced wife among the movie stars? 14. What, was the first name of the wife of President Madison? 15. In what Chaucer creation does he mention the Wife of Bath? 16. How many wives is Blue 7 — os — ays “Soi = a Eee 3 mau : 17. Who was the wife of Robert Burns? 18. What was the name of the wife of Washington? 19. Who was the wife of Shakespeare? 20. What play on marriage comes to the...... Theatre..... next? 21. What Broadway actress is featured in “Illicit”? 22. Barbara Stanwyck is the wife of what Broadway star? 23. What producers. present “Thlicit” ? 24. Who is featured as the husband in “Tllicit’? 25. Who directed “Illicit”? ANSWERS 1. ‘Delilah; 2, Xantippe; 3. Mary Todd; 4. Merry Wives of Windsor; 5. Joan Crawford; 6. Henry VIII; 7. Dolores Costello; 8. The Land of Nod; 9. Desdemona; 10. Florence Arliss (Mrs. Arliss); 11. Dora; 12. Joan; 13. Peggy Joyce; 14. Dolly; 15. Canterbury tales; 16. Hight; 17. Jean Armour; 18. Martha Custis; 19. Anne Hathaway: 20. “Tllicit”; 21. Barbara Stanwyck; 22. Frank Fay; 23. Warner Bros.; 24. James Rennie; 25. Archie Mayo. Place on top of your marquee a wedding ring, four to six feet in diameter, with a length of a foot or more broken out. Suspend large cut-out letters of the title, across its diameter. gold paint, the letters in red. Let changing lights play over the display. Have the ring in BALLYHOO On, a truck place a man and wo man dressed as bride and groom, under a huge wedding bell. Banner the truck with the words “IS THIS WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS?” following it with theatre data, and the words “See Barbara Stanwyck at the........ Theatre in ‘Tilicit’.” ANAGRAMS Anagrams are the fascinating brain-teasers which are now popular all over the country. The game, as everybody knows, consists of mixing the letters of a given word, adding another letter of the alphabet, and making the new word indicated by the definition. TWO GOOD WAYS TO USE THEM 1. In newspapers as a contest, when it is necessary to buy the paper to get the coupon. This puts you in good with the editor, and, since contestants are directed to present coupons to your theatre—it increases your mailing list. It gives you much publicity. Anagrams may also be used to build your weakest day or matinee. You can give one ticket to the special matinee, The probability is that the recipient will come and bring a friend. 2. Anagrams used in your program will increase reader interest and the same course may be followed, as if used in local paper. : A WARNER BROS. SERVICE FREE TICKETS TO SEE CAN YOU SOLVE THESE ANAGRAMS! “LE LTOCIL® TO THE FIRST FIFTY 5 Q) CORRECT ANSWERS Write the answers in the last column, Sign your name and address::Hand in=to ‘the cashier of thea Theatre between 10 o’clock and 1 o’clock today—and get your free ticket to Warner Bros. “Illicit,” featuring Barbara Stanwyck. Mix: “I” with “wives”? and: qet.22-5 cee to turn on a pivot Mix: “g” “with “lover”: and > gete2.-2 23 ees tio creep humbly Mix “f?)’ with: “enamor” and get...05 3 superintendent Mixcts!-with? “couple: and. get... see near view Mix.” with: “cared”. and: gets. 3-5. ee eae outlined NN GURE 26 eo OS i as ee A dd¥ess= saa | Aa ee THE ANSWERS SWIVEL GROVEL FOREMAN CLOSEUP TRACED ap wnd RHYMING ANAGRAM Plant this anagram in program or paper a week before the name of the picture is announced, offering prizes for the first ten to discover the title. My 4) isin dns cities ee ges ste ose eae Ween e ae ee (1) But not in eat; Myla sith legge oii Ae ook Ne stain aca ea meaere lena eae ee ee (L) But not in feet; My23 is: lnidighty ence ise eis ee eee acorn eee Ptah (L) But not In dark; My 44is ‘In:ciwaltns oc segs ahs oie ase scat aaa oe eee eT (1) But not in Mark; My+5i la line Come) i625 o2iceck osc au als ene oe a ee (C) But not in go; My 6 is In ride, But not In row; My 7 le inceoaty ioc ss ahs oo a ee (T) But not In pants; My ALL comes soon, As a thrill-romance! What is the title of the Warner Bros. picture which comes’ fo\ thes. Se Theatre within the next th? | POST CARD OVER MAILING LIST e E Because of the unusual treatment of a subject now causing much discussion and comment and because the featured player, '3arbara Stanwyck is a person of such amazing charm it is well worth while to send post cards to an enlarged list of patrons: DEAR FRIEND:— I take this means of informing you that “lIllicit,” featuring the Broadway stage favorite Barbara Stanwyck— will, be: the: attraction. atche 22. Sxsies Theatre for 5 days,-beginning =. os rext. Because “Tllicit” treats so entertainingly and with such intelligence, a subject of vital interest to everyone, I hope to welcome you to an early performance. Very sincerely yours,