Its a Great Feeling (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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WARNER Bros’ ALL-HAPpiInEss MusicaL DENNIS DORIS JACK MORGAN DAY CARSON ve vio wr vk A se oe oe xe WARNER BROS: All-Happiness Musical M0 OR : : . THE HE HiT Wir nA, STUDIOFUL OF GUEST STARS! A Li TH ESE GU EST STA Rs/ GARY COOPER * JOAN CRAWFORD GARY COOPER :: JOAN CRAWFORD -: ERROL FLYNN ERROL FLYNN-+ SYDNEY GREENSTREET SYDNEY GREENSTREET®.PATRICIA NEAL*ELEANOR PARKER Rin PERE Eco RONALD REAGAN *: EDWARD G.ROBINSON JANE WYMAN RONALD REAGAN * EDW. G. ROBINSON JANE WYMAN * piRecteD By & DAV | DIRECTED BY DAVID BUTLER Screen Bahasa oo elson * From a Story by 1. A. L. Diamond Screen Lei ty 8 Vib BUTLER” Music by Jule Styne + Lyrics by Sammy Cahn n by Ray Heindort Muse by Jule Se “Lyt cs by Sammy Cahn usical Direction by Ray Heindor Mat 301—3 cols. x 6% inches (258 line) Sat V4 j ines This ad also in 2-column size. See page 6. ee NOE pala Mites ee es WARNER BROS ALLHAPPINESS MUSICAL! “pif nel DORIS N DAY = The Billing WARNER BROS. 50% Pictures Presents 5% DENNIS MORGAN 100% DORIS DAY 100% JACK CARSON 100% in “IT’S A GREAT FEELING” 100% Color by 15% TECHNICOLOR 30% Sereen Play by Jack Rose and Me! Shavelson 10% From a Story by I. A. L. Diamond 5% Music by Jule Styne 10% Lyrics by Sammy Cahn 10% Musical Number Staged and Directed by LeRoy Prinz 3% Musical Direction by Ray Heindorf 3% Directed by David Butler 25% DIRECTED BY DAV 5 LER an a ee he Uny rn ae so Do cec Play by Jack Rose and Mel Shavelson * From a Story by I. A. noete d ae 72 7/0 First National Picture Music by Jule Styne * Lyrics by Sammy Cahn « Musical Direction by Ray Heindorf Mat 203—2 cols. x 6% inches (188 lines)