Ive Got Your Number (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Contest for Hello Girl With the Sweetest Voice Recently in New York, a contest was conducted to find the telephone operator who had the sweetest voice. The winner was appointed as the “time” announcer on a local radio station. A contest along similar lines can be conducted locally among all phone operators in the exchange, offices and hotels. Have your local newspaper print a daily coupon to be used by readers in voting for their choice of the sweetest-voiced operators. Your local radio station can offer the winner a week’s work as special announcer as the New York station did to give time announcements or other short talks. In deciding the winner, pick the girls who score the highest amount of votes to appear on your stage the opening night of the picture. Hook up a microphone and let each contestant take a voice test. The audience decides the winner. (Suggested Announcement ) Hello-Girls, Hello! Have You a Personality Voice? Listen, you telephone belles—anybody ever tell you your voice sounds pretty sweet over the wire? Then you got a pretty sweet chance of being seen for a change—and making some extra cash for yourself as well. What’s more—it’s just possible that this is the “break” you’ve been waiting for. Here’s the dope. The News and the Strand Theatre are looking for the telephone operator with the most personality in her voice. It doesn’t matter if you work at the central exchange, at a hotel switchboard or in any business office. All you do is to tell your friends you’re in the contest and get them to vote for you on the blank printed below and send them in to the Contest Editor of the Daily News. The five who get the most votes will appear at the Strand Theatre on the opening night of “I’ve Got Your Number!” and will be given Daily a chance to talk to the audience through a radio mike. The winner of these five will be chosen as guest announcer at radio station XYZ for one week at $25.00. All votes must be in by Saturday night, so you’d better start right now by telling the world you’re in the run and out to win. “l’ve Got Your Number!” is a top-speed comedy-drama _ with much to do about just such girls as yourself. Joan Blondell, and Pat O’Brien have the wise-cracking leads, supported by Glenda Farrell and Allen Jenkins. C’mon over for the opening at the Strand next Wednesday night! THIS TEASER HAS IT Interest the crowds by use of a small red envelope “ve got your number!— on which are the words: Look Inside.” Insert a card bearing the following inscription: 6,587,643 REASONS WHY YOU'LL ENJOY SEEING JOAN BLONDELL IN "I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER," WITH PAT O'BRIEN, GLENDA FARRELL, ALLEN JENKINS. STARTS FRIDAY AT THE STRAND THEATRE Your printer can get this up at little cost. Distribute in autos, door-to-door, offices, bus stations and other advantageous points on busy streets. Page Four COP’S NUMBERS Pick some policeman and get his number. Then through your newspaper start a contest in which the first one to find that policeman is awarded a prize. All you need is the number. Stunt is also adaptable to street car motormen, firemen, or any other class of. uniformed employees who have numbers. Contestants walk up to the policeman and say, “I’ve Got Your Number.” SHOWING FOR HELLO GIRLS Invite a small group of employees from the telephone company to a special showing of “I’ve Got Your Number.” Tie up with local restaurant for coffee and cakes to be served for the group. Include switchboard operators in hotels, offices, ete. They'll all talk about it and spread the news to their friends. TELEPHONE SHOW Arrange with your local telephone manager for a display of devices used in the telephone. Put it in your lobby for an advance and current flash. Label it with appropriate signs showing how the phone company’s new automatic devices “Get Your Number.” Stunt To Stop ’em Post daily in front of theatre, a page picked at random from the telephone directory. Circle five of the numbers with red pencil. Award prizes to the owners of the num bers. Play up this stunt by displaying a 3-sheet easel frame in front of your theatre. See sketch, use this copy in place marked sr. KS Blondell says, ‘I’ve Got Your Num “Joan ber.’ Has she got your’s? See this board every day. If your number is posted, there’s a prize in it for you.” Heads Up for This Gag! Illustration shows the gen eral idea of this crowd-getting street stunt. After man mounts Your the pole and tampers around Number NOW PLAYING long enough to attract attenSTRAND tion, he drops a large canvas sign plugging the picture. Gag can be repeated in different localities in your town. FLASH FROM THE ROXY,N.Y. Morris Kinzler, of the huge Roxy, N. Y., is planning his campaign now. He had this one! He’s putting an extension of the P-A-X System, used in his theatre in the outer lobby with a sign reading, ““There’s an important message waiting for you if you dial 77.” When the patron dials the number, the plant on the other end says, “Don’t forget, Joan Blondell and Pat O’Brien will be here next week in “lve Got Your Number.” Theatres which do not have an internal communicating system can pull the same stunt by placing an extension phone in the lobby. If there isn’t any dial you can have the patron say, **What’s the message?” when the phone is raised.