Janie (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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3. j } t i i; t + ; = é g 2 i ; AALD ROUSE CONLOUNS WAME — Bette Davis OCCUPATION — Actress EMPLOYER — Warner Bros. Helping employer jable record for ¢' d citizenship.”* WATURE OF DUTIES env king with £00 to maintain “an ombining good picture-ma REMARKS — We've been proud of Bette Davis, of her magnificent artistry and er since she © work with us asy it looks on the screen, owt) enormous talent, eV ame to (And no matter how © the word is “work"—with a very large of Bette as since never been sO proud MR. SKEFFINGTON But we've © icture, completion of our new P! “TON is the story of a very rich tiful woman, and of their vy? We think that on’t be suret MR. SKEFFING man and a very beau! life together. A love stor even after seeing it, you W But you will be sure that MR. SKEFFINGTON icture to rank among the finest ever _and that Bette Davis er among screen artists. isap made . + has no pe You'll be sure, too that the company which produced MR. SKEFFINGTON intends to keep that “enviable record” enviable! *The New York Times Bu cE DA ‘ eReaT AS ONLY sHs AR « GEORGE COULOURIS MARU hoy br Jvlive PG. EPSTEIN * Sor" RD WARING wy JULIUS J. & PHIL _ALAUDE RAINS" pa Other Current Wormer Bree Productions: oa et HET HN HEIRS SHOne Wa NARYEST MODI MRS ORIE RIORDAN 2. & Pritip @. Rpetele From passate To MARSHTUE.BF UK TINE Directed by VINCE! Story by “Biixabeth” LIFE AMERICA PARENTS MAG eae My enh AZINE NEWSWEEK CLICK AMERICAN MAGAZINE -NARPERS Asics MAGAZINE HARPERS ANEROGAN LESION MAGAZINE. FOREIGN See GION MAGAZINE FOREIGN SERV KEFFINGTON’ NT SHERMAN + bvtic by Frant Woemen pesTinarion TORY, WATCH O ‘Tee eed