Journal of a Crime (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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b uhe thrilled you with the strength of women's wanscen: RUTH loco ek wee hee Hee oy a Serene Made mainly from the “art”? on the 3-sheet, the ns nozzle of the revolver is placed over one hole, from which a smoke effect is created. Other holes are for spot lights to illuminate the display. Figures are blow-ups from stills JC No. 77 and JC Pub C. This one, plays up Chatterton in her greatest role. The art panel is a combination cut-out from the 24-sheet and blow-ups from still JC No. 8. Can be built to any desired size. TLAMING PAGES | nae RIPPED: FROM A ge WOMANS GUILTY . SOUL! ~ MAKES A DESPERATE p, This giant diary This covers the sen‘oorat\\™ Srounbiue sag, Ll idea is very easy to sational angle. Also carry out. The art illustrated, another is cut out from the use of the 24-sheet 24-sheet and can be for an effective dis( ie made to move up play. The “splash” jehted her ne Whe oo |. and down behind should be a flaming Se eee the book ee oe RTD Gay Gace) Wonakel« Overhead banner for advance and front display. Background is a composite of still blow-ups. Head of Chatterton is cut out from 24-sheet. Nozzle of revolver extends from slot and moves from left to right as an attention getter. Punch out the title and star’s name in flittered letters. Page Sixteen