Juke Girl (Warner Bros.) (1942)

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[First Day] MOVIE-OF-THE-WEEK Danny (Richard Whorf) and Steve (Ronald Reagan) hop off a freight in Cat Tail, Florida, and soon meet up with two itinerant juke girls, Lola, (Ann Sheridan) and "Murph" (Fay Emerson). The four talk of the prospect of jobs, the boys as crop-pickers, the girls as dancers in one of the juke joints. [Second Day] STORY THUS FAR Danny (Richard Whorf) and his buddy, Steve (Ronald Reagan) arrive in Cat Tail, Florida, looking for jobs as crop-pickers. Lola (Ann Sheridan) and her friend "Murph" (Faye Emerson) drive into town at the same time, looking for a job as dancers in one of the juke joints. They find the town run by Madden (Gene Lockhart), who terrorizes and underpays the farmers. That is, all but Nick Garcos (George Tobias) who refuses to sell to Madden. Danny joins forces with Madden —but Steve picks Garcos. In a fight, Nick's truck and. load of tomatoes are ruined. Angered at the treatment Nick has received and determined to break Madden's hold on the Cat Tail farmers, Steve teams up with Nick to grow a new crop for marketing. They have Lola's backing. Now go on with the story ————__—_—_»> [Third Day] STORY THUS FAR On their first day in Cat Tail, Florida, Steve (Ronald Reagan) and his pal Danny (Richard Whorf) part company when Steve joins Nick Garcos (George Tobias), a vegetable farmer, in his fight against Madden (Gene Lockhart), wealthy packer and Danny's new boss. In town also is Lola (Ann Sheridan), a juke girl at Muckeye's. Danny makes a play for Lola, but she's falling for twofisted Steve. One night Nick refuses to sell his crop to Madden, so. Madden's henchmen wreck Nick's truck and load. After weeks of work, Nick and Steve, get another load ready for market, but again the strong-arm squad led by Cully (Howard da Silva), Madden's brutal foreman, intercepts their delivery to market and destroys the entire load of produce. Now go on with the story, ———_—_—_—__________»> [Fourth Day] STORY THUS FAR Steve (Ronald Reagan) and his friend Danny (Richard Whorf) hop off a freight in Cat Tail, Florida, looking for jobs as croppickers. Also arriving, in a jalopy, is-Lola (Ann Sheridan), a juke girl. Steve joins with an honest farmer, Nick (George Tobias) in his fight against a wealthy packer, Madden (Gene Lockhart), Danny's new boss. After several attempts to beat off Madden's strong-arm men Nick, Steve and Lola finally get a crop through to Atlanta. Feeling she isn't good enough for Steve, Lola leaves. "I've got to keep changing places," she explains to Steve. "'It's the juke blood in my veins." Back in town, however Nick. tries to make peace with Madden. In a fight Madden kills Nick, hides the body, and accuses Steve of the murder. Now go on with the steey 4 At Muckeye's there is a_ nightly Madden and stud poker game. his boys—with Danny one of them now—gloat over Nick's misfortune, but Steve warns them that the fight has just begun. Steve and Nick, now partners, grow a new bumper crop and with the help of other honest farmers, deliver it in tired triMadden tries to prevent their selling the produce—but fails. Nick disposes of his crop for a large sum of money. All three are very happy—especially Nick, umph to Atlanta. as they leave the market place. Madden instigates Steve's arrest for Nick's murder. In the meantime, Lola goes to General Delivery in Atlanta for a letter from Steve and is picked up as his accomplice when she receives a letter from Cat Tail with Nick's $4,000 in it. Lola is brought back to Cat Tail and put in prison with Steve to await trial for murder. Lola and Murph get jobs in It's a raucous, rough-and-tumble place. But to the girls it's a living. While Steve hunts for work, Danny dances—with Lola. Muckeye's. “JUKE GIRL” «aw A WARNER BROS. PICTURE Steve discovers that Henry Madden (Gene Lockhart) is Cat Tail itself. His vegetable packing plant gives him control over farmers and prices. But Nick Garcos (George Tobias) refuses to sell his tomatoes at Madden's prices and Steve backs him up. PICK UP HEADING FROM FIRST DAY Danny, cockier than ever, continues making his play for Lola. But it's no go. Lola and Steve have fallen in love and also side with Nick in the battle to break Madden's hold on Cat Tail. "You're a sucker to buck Madden," says Danny. "And so is Steve. You'll never get anywhere." In no uncertain terms, Lola tells Danny off, asking what the farmers will live on if Madden takes everything. ‘They're dopes,' Danny tells her. Lola slaps him. PICK UP HEADING FROM FIRST DAY In Atlanta, after the crop is sold, Lola drops her bombshell. She is going to remain there. "I've got to keep changing places, Steve. veins,'' she tells him. Steve leaves. Lola feels it's better that way—for Steve. seat It's the juke blood in my PICK UP HEADING FROM FIRST DAY Fearful of letting Steve and Lola go to trial, Madden sends his men to mob the jail and lynch the accused. Danny suspects Madden. He corners the town tyrant in his office and extracts a confession in time to save his real friends—Steve and Lola. Starring ANN SHERIDAN and RONALD REAGAN Opens Friday at the Strand Theatre That night Nick and Steve start with a load of tomatoes for another town. Madden's henchmen—and Danny with them—start a fight and demolish the load of tomatoes. But before it's over, Steve ruins one tomato on Madden. Steve joins with Nick to grow a new crop. With a new crop ready for market and no truck, Nick "borrows" one of Madden's. But once again Henry Madden's strong-arm squad wrecks his haul. Back in Cat Tail, Nick celebrates at Muckeye's. Steve takes him home and puts him to bed. But good-hearted Nick steals out and goes to Madden to make peace. They wind up in a fight. Madden kills Nick and hides the body in a swamp. The next day Steve and Lola try to thank Danny. They want him to stay on Nick's farm, which now belongs to Steve, but he's on his way. ‘He just can't stay in one place," declares Steve. "I can," says Lola. (THE END)