Land Beyond the Law (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“LAND BEYOND THE LAW” EXPLOITATION EXPLOITATION & HERALD COWBOY RIDES PONY Send a real or pseudo cowboy around town on a horse ballying the show. Good spot for him to concentrate on would be school playgrounds around recess hour. Would be even more effective to dress a kid up in a real Western fashion, with all the trappings and gadgets cowboys use, mount him on a pony and let him do his stuff. Supply him with toy pistol and holster which he can brandish as he rides along. If he can sing a few songs, or do some roping, it’ll round out stunt nicely. Even better if you can use both man and boy. Don’t forget, grown-ups like this as much as the children do. LOCAL STORE TIE-UPS Grocery Store: Suggest a “prairie” food display, featuring griddle cakes, bacon, coffee, etc. Set-up a campfire scene and spot stills with special blow-up. Sporting Goods Store: Approach them with “He-Man” angle that Western pic tures furnish. Suggest a camping display in window with tents, fishing equipment, camp utensils, etc. Department Store: Cowboy suits for children are a natural and the window trimmer can readily make a prairie scene. GUN CLUB Gun clubs are always anxious to have something to shoot for. Why not offer them a “Dick Foran” prize for the best marksman in the group. Let the winner receive his victory spoils on your stage during the run of the picture. Should bring you a “newspaper” break in the bargain. Could plant blow-up picture of winner in lobby. SPOT HERALDS Don’t fail to plant heralds in magazines devoted to Western stories. Be sure to see your local distributor and arrange for placement. Their readers are sure ticket buyers. SURE-FIRE TRAILER The romance, two-fisted action and exciting adventure is brought forth in a compelling presentation in the trailer. In a few minutes you can sell your audience on those thrilling bygone days of long ago when only bullets ruled in the “Land Beyond the Law.” This trailer is packed with a punch that can’t fail to sell ducats —and plenty of them! CONTRAST OLD & NEW Dealers should be interested in a “Times Have Changed” display. Offer them lobby space and suggest window tie-up. Methods of cooking, plumbing, and washing are only a few that immediately come to mind. Plenty of stills and western cowboy equipment, guns, saddles, etc., will help sell the picture. FORAN CLUB Revive interest in your “Dick Foran Club.” If you’ve failed to start this club, now is the time to organize one. For details write to Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. He faid down the law and they had to fike if... in a tfand where bullets spoke louder than words ... and more often! NEW TYPE MIDGET HERALD Marring Warner Bros. new type of midget herald is ideal for Westerns. Size—314” x 514”. Printed in bright red. The cost is cheap, $1 and $1.25. ‘FORAN’ BREAKFAST Restaurants may serve a “Dick Foran” breakfast, playing up “prairie” food with flapjacks, bacon, coffee, etc. If there is a window flapjack cook, have him dressed in a cowboy suit and let him display his showmanship. Window cards and stills plug the picture. HOLD COMMUNITY SING Let your audience have a ‘Community Sing’ with hand-out of catchy western songs. If you can get hold of a guitar player and a fiddler let them lead off. Local station might spot western ditties on ‘Community’ Program, plugging picture. SNIPE RIDING SCHOOLS This film offers the riding enthusiasts plenty of fine pointers on form and posture. Let ’em know about the picture at the riding schools and academies with heralds and posters. If you know where they ride, it might be a good idea to snipe the route, making sure that they’re well impressed with this one. Make certai that you catch their interest with a poster that includes good-old riding action. WAGON BALLY If you can get hold of a covered wagon, it would make swell street bally with a couple of cowboys who are handy on the guitar and can let go on a few notes. Let ’em drive around town doing their stuff with a pretty girl or two aboard to’ Keep up the: interest. Hand out heralds and make the street-goers conscious of your show. WHISTLERS VIE Give the local whistlers a chance to let go in a contest; most original or unusual “cowboy” whistles win prizes. Let audience join choruses. Several thousand distributed in schools or otherwise put into YMCA DISPLAY Your local YMCA and boys’ club should be glad to let you feature a display with the “keep-fit” idea. Might interest them in a “Dick Poran Field’ Day” with promoted prizes to club’s best all-around ath the hands of your younger patrons will many times repay the investment made. If you have never given out heralds on a Western picture of this type, try the experiment with LAND BEYOND THE LAW. Invest the small amount necessary and be sure you get them into the hands of the younger people. Then watch the results! ROPE CONTEST If you can find a chap who is handy with a rope, let him teach the kids a few tricks and offer a prize to the kids. Might have “lariateer”’ perform in lobby, showing the ticket b i h ee PRICES: $1.00 PER IM $4.25 PER [YJ ix oe sen in Tete. = For 5M or over For 1 to 5M Rogers” style. Page Three