Lights of New York (Warner Bros.) (1928)

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Warner Bros. Present “LIGHTS OF NEW YORK” — First All-Talking Piciane Use Red Over-Print On Your Local Paper TIE-UPS NEWSPAPERS — Get permission from local paper to have sheet made using their masthead —and with the words shown in illustration above splashed in red across at: SONORA PHONOGRAPH—Sonora phonograph is shown in scenes in the picture, stills may be had for display, and descriptive window card, to be used by Sonora dealer. MUSIC STORE—Spendid scenes of jazz orchestra in action in night club are to be had for use in window display of jazz instruments and songs. There are also stills of the “Dancing Pirate Revue,” Earl Burnett’s Biltmore Hotel Orchestra, and Larry Ceballos noted ensemble and dance creator, doing song with chorus and orchestra. BOOK STORE—Display of noted detective stories will go well with stills of the great rum-running mystery Vitaphone romance. The display will be made more interesting by using small figures masked and dressed as hoodlums. These jointed dolls may be had at any toy or variety store. UNDERWORLD LINGO Newspaper Contest Print in local paper or on throwaway a short glossary of underworld terms and meaning, such as: Make a sneak............ce-Escape Dies oer Police Buitip of oe ee Kill PIGOMOE eos a es Sunk BG 2.3-ste aa ee Gun Offer prizes of tickets or money to the ten people sending in lists of other terms used in the underworld —winners to be decided by length of lists submitted. WANT A THRILL? Print the above words in red on plain envelopes to be distributed in house-to-house canvas. Inside envelope is a card with the words: “Come to the .... Theatre to see “Lights of New York,” the first full-length all-Vitaphone mystery melodrama and get ten thousand thrills! Most novel entertainment in the world today! Thrills! Heart Throbs! Thrills!” ae BE SURE TO PLANT The Six Big Crime Stories signed by Your Chief of Police. Pages 5-6. | USE POLICE HAND BILLS AS THROWAWAYS $1000 REWARD Age 38—Height 5 ft. 9 inches—Weight 160 Ibs. Eyes black—Hair dark brown. $1000 Reward for the capture, dead or alive, of ‘“Hawk’’ Miller who shot policeman Tom Kerwin in rum-running raid night of April 25th. For the Thrill of Your Life See and Hear “LIGHTS OF NEW YORK,” Now at the Strand, Warners’ First All-Vitaphone Film (Your local printer will make up bill after manner of that above. The cut of Hawk Miller, shown above, may be had from your exchange. ) Production No. 11—Cut or Mat SPECIAL TWENTY-FOUR SHEET FREE With the One Stipulation That You Post and Keep Alive for One Consecutive Month Orders for above 24-sheet and newspaper slug below should be sent ee to C. C. Ryan, care Warner Bros., 321 West 44th Street, New or. Exhibitors can post their own date slip with 24-sheet—reading “Blank Theatre, now playing, etc.” Newspaper slug, for use in all newspaper and program ads, comes in one, two, three and four-column mats. “DANCING PIRATE” PROLOGUE Since part of the thrilling melodrama is a night club scene in which a bevy of beautiful girls, carrying rifles and in fantastic costumes, dance to the jazz strains of the orchestra—it would be well to copy the idea—-stills are to be had on request. Local orchestras could compete for prizes with the same chance given to local dancers. | Use “Blind Ads’’ in Personal Column the all-talking . movie— Kitty. WANTED “TO. BUY—Barber Shop in NewYork. Send ail replies to the ‘Strand. Theatre where the all-Vitaphone night Nfg picture is. showing. ton’ Stes “Hobok ters frivatel DISPLAYS WINDOWS—Display of fire-arms, crime paraphernalia, hand-cuffs, brass knuckles, etc., with stills from picture will draw crowds as few other exhibitions will. LOBBY—Borrow from police firearms and articles having to do with crime and its detection for display. Full-sized figure dressed as thug with mask—downed by another dressed as policeman. TITLE SEARCH — Tie up with some local dealer to make a window display of stills with poster cut-outs as background and leave out all billing on picture. Offer prizes to persons who submit the best title to display, stating that window decorations represent a certain popular film soon to appear in the city. The strength of the idea lies in the fact that spectators will search for title through newspapers and advance theatre ballyhoo. “WARNING” SIGNS Especially good for mystery or criminal pictures, such as the one in hand. Post sticks after dark in advantageous positions in front yards of residences. On the sticks is a card with the word “Warning” in bold type. Beneath in smaller letters is the suggestion not to miss the talking picture. SHOW WITHIN SHOW It would be worth while to make a special lobby card mentioning the fact that Earl Burnett’s Biltmore Hotel Orchestra plays during the night club scenes of “Lights of New York,” and that the famous Larry Ceballos, ensemble and dance creator, is also shown with his beauty revue in “The Dancing Pirate.” STILLS Stills are to be had direct from Miss Ruth Weisberg, c.o. Warner Bros., 821 West 44th Street, New York City, at ten cents each. Simply state the use you wish to make of them and careful selection will be made. Stills of play and players in stock. WARNER BROS. FREE FICTION SERIAL SERVICE Supply Your Local Paper With Serial Novels! Free! Used by Over 600 Papers HOW TO GET WARNER BRS. FREE FICTION SERIAL SERVICE 1. Check the serial novels you want on the list below, tear out and mail to A. P. Waxman, General Representative Warner Bros., F. F. S. S., 821 West 44th Street, New York City. 2. Complete proofs will be sent well in advance of the release date. These proofs show complete twocolumn free mat service. 3. With each nroof will be sent promotion sheet setting forth editorial, circulation and advertising aids especially prepared for each serial novel. 4. Each installment includes in the mat a line drawing for illus-_ tration. 5. No expense will be spared to satisfying every department of your newspaper with Warner Bros. Free Fiction Serial Service. 1. “When a Man Loves,” a romantic novel of the greatest love story ever told ... Release July 15; 1927. II. “The First Auto,” the romance of the last horse and the first horseless carriage ... Release September 1, 1927. III. “Old San Francisco,” <A brilliant tale of Frisco, city of more of mystery, of adventure. . Release April 15, 1927. IV. “Beware of Married Men,” a gay comedy of gayer society, an up-to-the-minute tale of swift-mov ing todays ... Release December Let 92%: V. “The Jazz Singer,” a grip ping story of self-sacrifice with its scenes: laid in New York’s East Side, and “back stage” in Broadway’s theatrical life . . . Release January 15, 1928. VI. “Powder My Back,” exciting story of a musical comedy star who falls in love with a small-town business man... Release March 1, 1928. VII. “Tenderloin,” thrilling love story of the underworld .. .. .. Release April 15, 1928. VIII. “Glorious Betsy,” glamor ous romance crowded with breathtaking action, based on Rida Johnson Young’s immortal stage success ... Release June 1, 1928. WARNER HITS NOW IN BOOK FORM Grosset and Dunlap publish in attractive 75¢c edition (boi ‘s, bright colored jacket) the fo—_wing: WHEN A MAN LOVES THE JAZZ SINGER OLD SAN FRANCISCO TENDERLOIN GLORIOUS BETSY LION AND MOUSE. The publishers are notified by Warner Bros. of all bookings and in due time before the coming of any of the six to your theatre, book dealers in your town will have laid in a supply. : So PR SN Coming! “NOAH’S ARK’— Made to Top Any Picture Ever Made!